aim-rsf / browseMetadata

An R package to help a researcher browse metadata for health datasets and categorise variables based on research domains
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Making the Package Public #22

Closed BatoolMM closed 8 months ago

BatoolMM commented 8 months ago

This PR aims to address issue #1

Heads-up, I am not expecting this PR to be merged at all (just realised after I finished it) and it doesn't address some of the issue. My intention is to share questions/points from an external user's perspective, highlighting potential challenges in using or contributing to the package, and suggesting changes for user-friendliness. I also wanted to verify certain design choices in the package structure to ensure that my modifications align well with your original vision.

What I am trying to do?

W  checking dependencies in R code ...
   'library' or 'require' calls not declared from:
     ‘grid’ ‘gridExtra’ ‘insight’ ‘rjson’
   'library' or 'require' calls in package code:
     ‘grid’ ‘gridExtra’ ‘insight’ ‘rjson’
     Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
     See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions

N  checking R code for possible problems (4.7s)
   domain_mapping: no visible global function definition for ‘data’
   domain_mapping: no visible binding for global variable ‘json_metdata’
   domain_mapping: no visible binding for global variable ‘domains_list’
   domain_mapping: no visible global function definition for ‘fromJSON’
   domain_mapping: no visible global function definition for ‘read.csv’
   domain_mapping: no visible global function definition for ‘’
   domain_mapping: no visible global function definition for ‘grid.table’
   domain_mapping: no visible global function definition for
   domain_mapping: no visible global function definition for ‘write.csv’
   Undefined global functions or variables:
     data domains_list fromJSON grid.table json_metdata
     print_colour read.csv write.csv
   Consider adding
     importFrom("graphics", "")
     importFrom("utils", "data", "read.csv", "write.csv")
   to your NAMESPACE file.

W  checking for missing documentation entries ...
   Undocumented code objects:
     ‘domains_list’ ‘json_metdata’
   Undocumented data sets:
     ‘domains_list’ ‘json_metdata’
   All user-level objects in a package should have documentation entries.
   See chapter ‘Writing R documentation files’ in the ‘Writing R
   Extensions’ manual.    

I was going to go through them but I thought I would ask you first if there is a specific reason why you would prefer to keep any of them. If not, I am happy to go and address them.

Increasing Package Visibility:

Finally, I believe this package has great potential for wider use and recognition. Submitting it to rOpenSci and featuring it in the RWeekly newsletter once it's public could be beneficial, providing that you're comfortable with that. Maybe we can discuss it offline or in another GH issue.

VERY sorry for the lengthy message and late PR. I'm happy to close it based on your feedback and clarifications.

BatoolMM commented 8 months ago

Also, if there is anything I missed and you wanted me to focus on, give me a shout!

RayStick commented 8 months ago

Thanks @BatoolMM - this is all helpful. Just to double check for my own understanding - did you manage to successfully run the function _domainmapping?

BatoolMM commented 8 months ago

Just to double check for my own understanding - did you manage to successfully run the function _domainmapping?

No, this one didn't work!

RayStick commented 8 months ago

No, this one didn't work!

Ah, interesting. I think Mahwish got it to work when testing it It would be good for me to understand why - before implementing some of these larger changes. Could we have a share-screen call sometime? That would be the easiest way to troubleshoot and see how it looks different on your computer versus mine I think!

RayStick commented 8 months ago

First step

Can you put in a new PR in for Reviewing the DESCRIPTION File and License Addition - these are simple steps that we could get merged in soon. I could cherry-pick your commits for these changes, but a new PR may be simpler?

Also, I am more familiar with MIT license - can you remind me of the differences between MIT and GPL? Then we can make a final decision on what license to include.

Next steps

RayStick commented 8 months ago

Thanks for all your work on this =D Please see my two comments above!

BatoolMM commented 8 months ago

Of course, I will add a new PR for Reviewing the DESCRIPTION File and License Addition - no need to cherry-pick.

In terms of the license:

The major difference between the two is that GPL means that anything built on the top of this code should also be open so it make it tricky to commercialise a product that one of it's dependencies use a code licensed with GPL. This is like how Linux is licensed or how I was taught.

RayStick commented 8 months ago

Thanks for clarifying! Happy with GPL. Can we change it later if there was a reason to?

BatoolMM commented 8 months ago

Thanks for clarifying! Happy with GPL. Can we change it later if there was a reason to?

I am not a lawyer but I don’t think we are encouraged to change license midway. Maybe let's use MIT to make things easier for research consortia.

BatoolMM commented 8 months ago

First step

Can you put in a new PR in for Reviewing the DESCRIPTION File and License Addition - these are simple steps that we could get merged in soon. I could cherry-pick your commits for these changes, but a new PR may be simpler?

Also, I am more familiar with MIT license - can you remind me of the differences between MIT and GPL? Then we can make a final decision on what license to include.

Next steps

  • I'd like to understand more about the details of this check - Package Review and CMD Check:. But first it would be good to see if we can get the function working together on your computer via a share screen.
  • Making the Package Citable: Happy with adding license file and 'how to cite' info to the README for now, and keep the other suggestions for later. Maybe group the remaining suggestions with the points under 'Increasing Package Visibility:' and make an Issue about this once the repo is public?
  • Make documentation easier to navigate by adding a vignette and pkgdown website: Great ideas. I think I see this as 'extras' and so we could work on this after package is public? Thanks for the examples, I will take a look.
  • Make installation of the package easier: I am not sure I fully follow so would be good to discuss in more detail. The repo name is 'browse-SAIL' and the package folder name is 'browseSAIL' so I think that is a bit confusing! On reflection, I might want to come up with some better names for the repo and package and function.
  • Adding renv to the package: Yeah I think we leave this for now, and return to it later as an enhancement.

Just a heads-up, I will open issues for each of these steps so we can close this PR and fix each issue separately.

BatoolMM commented 8 months ago

I think this PR can be closed - new issues were created #26 #34 #33 #35 to address all points you mentioned!

RayStick commented 8 months ago

I think this PR can be closed - new issues were created to address all points you mentioned!

Sounds good to me