aim-uofa / AdelaiDepth

This repo contains the projects: 'Virtual Normal', 'DiverseDepth', and '3D Scene Shape'. They aim to solve the monocular depth estimation, 3D scene reconstruction from single image problems.
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Question about the multi-scale gradient loss #15

Closed ewrfcas closed 3 years ago

ewrfcas commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the good work! I have some questions about the multi-scale gradient loss used in the paper. Here is the code of MegaDepth [24], but I think it is different from the grad_loss used in this method.

def GradientLoss(self, log_prediction_d, mask, log_gt):
        N = torch.sum(mask)
        log_d_diff = log_prediction_d - log_gt
        log_d_diff = torch.mul(log_d_diff, mask)

        v_gradient = torch.abs(log_d_diff[0:-2, :] - log_d_diff[2:, :])
        v_mask = torch.mul(mask[0:-2, :], mask[2:, :])
        v_gradient = torch.mul(v_gradient, v_mask)

        h_gradient = torch.abs(log_d_diff[:, 0:-2] - log_d_diff[:, 2:])
        h_mask = torch.mul(mask[:, 0:-2], mask[:, 2:])
        h_gradient = torch.mul(h_gradient, h_mask)

        gradient_loss = torch.sum(h_gradient) + torch.sum(v_gradient)
        gradient_loss = gradient_loss / N

        return gradient_loss

Should I use depth with 'log' without any constraint to make 'prediction_d'>0?

YvanYin commented 3 years ago
class MSGIL_NORM_Loss(nn.Module):
    Our proposed GT normalized Multi-scale Gradient Loss Fuction.
    def __init__(self, scale=4, valid_threshold=-1e-8, max_threshold=1e8):
        super(MSGIL_NORM_Loss, self).__init__()
        self.scales_num = scale
        self.valid_threshold = valid_threshold
        self.max_threshold = max_threshold
        self.EPSILON = 1e-6

    def one_scale_gradient_loss(self, pred_scale, gt, mask):
        mask_float =, device=pred_scale.device)

        d_diff = pred_scale - gt

        v_mask = torch.mul(mask_float[:, :, :-2, :], mask_float[:, :, 2:, :])
        v_gradient = torch.abs(d_diff[:, :, :-2, :] - d_diff[:, :, 2:, :])
        v_gradient = torch.mul(v_gradient, v_mask)

        h_gradient = torch.abs(d_diff[:, :, :, :-2] - d_diff[:, :, :, 2:])
        h_mask = torch.mul(mask_float[:, :, :, :-2], mask_float[:, :, :, 2:])
        h_gradient = torch.mul(h_gradient, h_mask)

        valid_num = torch.sum(h_mask) + torch.sum(v_mask)

        gradient_loss = torch.sum(h_gradient) + torch.sum(v_gradient)
        gradient_loss = gradient_loss / (valid_num + 1e-8)

        return gradient_loss

    def forward(self, pred, gt, minmax_meanstd):
        mask = gt > self.valid_threshold
        grad_term = 0.0
        gt_mean = minmax_meanstd[:, 2]
        gt_std = minmax_meanstd[:, 3]
        gt_trans = (gt - gt_mean[:, None, None, None]) / (gt_std[:, None, None, None] + 1e-8)
        for i in range(self.scales_num):
            d_gt = gt_trans[:, :, ::2, ::2]
            d_pred = pred[:, :, ::2, ::2]
            d_mask = mask[:, :, ::2, ::2]
            grad_term += self.one_scale_gradient_loss(d_pred, d_gt, d_mask)
        return grad_term

This is the multi-scale gradient loss that I used. I have revised the original formulation.

frischzenger commented 3 years ago
def forward(self, pred, gt, minmax_meanstd):
    mask = gt > self.valid_threshold
    grad_term = 0.0
    gt_mean = minmax_meanstd[:, 2]
    gt_std = minmax_meanstd[:, 3]
    gt_trans = (gt - gt_mean[:, None, None, None]) / (gt_std[:, None, None, None] + 1e-8)
    for i in range(self.scales_num):
        d_gt = gt_trans[:, :, ::2, ::2]#this value not change during for loop
        d_pred = pred[:, :, ::2, ::2] #this value not change during for loop
        d_mask = mask[:, :, ::2, ::2]#this value not change during for loop
        grad_term += self.one_scale_gradient_loss(d_pred, d_gt, d_mask)
    return grad_term

since d_gt, d_pred, d_mask is not change during for loop, the what's the meaning of repeat compute the one_scale_gradient_loss ? they all have same behavier

phamdat09 commented 2 years ago

Same question

YvanYin commented 2 years ago

Hi sorry for late response. @frischzenger you are right. It should be in your posted codes. This is a bug in my code.

phamdat09 commented 2 years ago

@YvanYin This bug is still on your release code.