aim-uofa / AdelaiDepth

This repo contains the projects: 'Virtual Normal', 'DiverseDepth', and '3D Scene Shape'. They aim to solve the monocular depth estimation, 3D scene reconstruction from single image problems.
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Training loss #17

Closed phongnhhn92 closed 3 years ago

phongnhhn92 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I think your model is great. Can u provide the code for the 3 training losses(Pair-wise normal loss, Image-level normalized regression loss and the multi-scale gradient loss) you have used in your recent paper ?

YvanYin commented 3 years ago

Hi as there are some IP issues, I cannot release them all now. For the multi-scale gradient loss, you can check here: For the Image-level normalized regression loss, you can follow the paper to implement it. It is very straight forward. You can also post your code here, then I can add comments.

guangkaixu commented 2 years ago

@phongnhhn92 Hi, the training code of LeReS is released today.