I made a mistake in training, the following is the error message.
File "/home/XX/detectron2-master/detectron2/data/transforms/augmentation.py", line 347, in apply_augmentations
return AugmentationList(augmentations)(self)
File "/home/XX/detectron2-master/detectron2/data/transforms/augmentation.py", line 264, in __call__
tfm = x(aug_input)
File "/home/XX/detectron2-master/detectron2/data/transforms/augmentation.py", line 165, in __call__
tfm = self.get_transform(*args)
File "/home/XX/DeepSolo_ori/adet/data/augmentation.py", line 110, in get_transform
return gen_crop_transform_with_instance(
File "/home/XX/DeepSolo_ori/adet/data/augmentation.py", line 53, in gen_crop_transform_with_instance
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Cannot finished cropping adjustment within 25 tries (#instances 637).
(DEEPSOLO) XX@XX:~/XX/DeepSolo$ /home/XX/anaconda2/envs/DEEPSOLO/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/resource_tracker.py:216: UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be 96 leaked semaphore objects to clean up at shutdown
warnings.warn('resource_tracker: There appear to be %d '
the source code in "adet/data/augmentation.py", line 53:
# if some instance is cropped extend the box
if not crop_box:
num_modifications = 0
modified = True
#convert crop_size to float
crop_size = crop_size.astype(np.float32)
while modified:
modified, x0, y0, crop_size = adjust_crop(x0, y0, crop_size, instances)
num_modifications += 1
if num_modifications > 25:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot finished cropping adjustment within 25 tries (#instances {}).".format(
return T.CropTransform(0, 0, image_size[1], image_size[0])
return T.CropTransform(*map(int, (x0, y0, crop_size[1], crop_size[0])))
I don't know why such a requirement num_modifications > 25, and how to settle this problem
I made a mistake in training, the following is the error message.
the source code in "adet/data/augmentation.py", line 53:
I don't know why such a requirement num_modifications > 25, and how to settle this problem