aim42 / htmlSanityCheck

Standalone (batch- and command-line) and Gradle-plugin html sanity checker - detects missing images, dead links and cross-references, duplicate link targets (anchors) and the like.
Apache License 2.0
68 stars 42 forks source link

Drop Enterprise Architect #326

Open ascheman opened 1 month ago

ascheman commented 1 month ago

As a developer of HSC I would like to get rid of Enterprise Architect (EA) based diagrams and documentation as I do not have a licence of EA permanently available, neither do other contributors.

gernotstarke commented 3 weeks ago

Idea: replace either with diagrams (for static diagrams, like building-block view) or PlantUML (for dynamic diagrams, like sequence diagrams).

ascheman commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, and we could even use some LLM for the first conversions. ChatGPT created the following PlantUML




This is at least a start. Any recommendations, @rdmueller?

actor User
actor "Build System\n(e.g., Gradle, make)" as BuildSystem

rectangle "Html Sanity Check" as HtmlSanityCheck {

rectangle "Local Images" as LocalImages {

rectangle "Local HTML file(s)" as LocalHTML {

rectangle "External websites & resources" as ExternalResources {

User --> HtmlSanityCheck
BuildSystem --> HtmlSanityCheck

HtmlSanityCheck --> LocalImages : checks
HtmlSanityCheck --> LocalHTML : checks
LocalHTML --> LocalImages : references

HtmlSanityCheck --> ExternalResources : checks <<Risk>>
LocalHTML --> ExternalResources : references <<postponed>>

rdmueller commented 2 weeks ago

ChatGPT can create both, and plantUML diagrams. I can give you access to my frontend which is able to display plantUML directly via kroki and correct the code if it is broken. But you need an API key.