aimacode / aima-javascript

Javascript visualization of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
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Project proposals - GSoC 2018 #158

Closed samuelgoto closed 6 years ago

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

Hey all, here is the list of the open proposals that I'm going through in this format with these guidelines.

Please add yours here (create a comment on this thread with a link to your design doc / prototype).

I'll use this thread here as an opportunity for everybody to: (a) know what others are working on, (b) get inspiration from other's proposals and (c) see what patterns of comment/feedback occurs.

Importantly, I'll also use this list to organize myself and make sure no proposal falls through the cracks. Hopefully, this also makes @redblobgames 's life easier too to help steer the designs in the right direction :)

This list is sorted arbitrarily. The status bit shows on whose court the ball is.

Student Sample Prototype Status
@regalhotpocket proposal prototype student
@kaushikgunda proposal student
@anisha1234 proposal prototype student
@Dragneel7 proposal prototype student
@simanw304 proposal student
@vishakha-lalll proposal prototype student
@sahibdhanjal proposal student
@souravinsights proposal prototype student
@kUSHAL0601 proposal prototype student
@a-y-u-s-h proposal student

Ping this thread if/when you are ready to share your design docs with me or need me to review them again.

anishaswain commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto the correct link to my updated design doc is this. Please update the link mentioned in the thread.

Dragneel7 commented 6 years ago

Hi @samuelgoto I have made another design doc for Chapter2 Logical agents. Please review it's narrative. proposal : here prototype : here @redblobgames I had implemented the changes you suggested earlier.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto the correct link to my updated design doc is this. Please update the link mentioned in the thread.


samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

Hi @samuelgoto I have made another design doc for Chapter2 Logical agents. Please review it's narrative.

Which one do you want me to look at (send link)? There is no point in me looking at more than one.

Dragneel7 commented 6 years ago

The proposal is for another visualization, that is the design doc , please review that, it is more beneficial to get the doc right.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

I'm only reviewing one design doc at a time per student. Not fair with others if I spend more time in multiple proposals from a single student, but most importantly also makes me lost. Most importantly, most of the comments I made in your first doc are applicable to your second doc, so no point in me reviewing it again and giving you the exact same feedback.

Pick your favorite design doc for me to review and send me the link (I'm going to assume I'm currently looking/reviewing the one that I have assigned next to your name - lmk if you want that changed).

anishaswain commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto You have added the design doc for the Wumpus World Problem but the prototype shows the 8 Queen problem. The design doc for the 8 queen problem is Here. If you will review only one doc at a time, then I request you to review the design doc for 8 queens first as I am more involved in that and have implemented it.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto You have added the design doc for the Wumpus World Problem but the prototype shows the 8 Queen problem. The design doc for the 8 queen problem is Here.

Done. Changed your link to chapter 6.

If you will review only one doc at a time, then I request you to review the design doc for 8 queens first as I am more involved in that and have implemented it.

There really is no point in me reviewing more than one design doc before you are all able to produce a really good one: all of my comments are going to be repeated and you'd rather get a good review in one doc than a shallow review in two docs.

So, pick your favorite, and send it over. Focus on that.

Like I said earlier, quality, not quantity: optimize for substance rather than volume.

vishakha-lall commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto I have made modifications to the design document. Please review it again. :) I got some suggestions about the design from @redblobgames and made modifications and noted alternatives too. Kindly provide feedback about that too. Also, my Github username is @vishakha-lall Please modify that in the table.

Dragneel7 commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto I have updated my design doc, please review.

simanw304 commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto I updated my design doc, please kindly review it. Thanks! Here is the link .

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

Done. I think I have reviewed most of your docs right now, lmk if I'm blocking you.

vishakha-lall commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto I have made modifications to the design document. Please review it :)

Dragneel7 commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto I have updated my design doc, kindly review it. Thanks.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto I messaged you on gitter. I would like some feedback when you get time.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

Hey all, apologies, I'm little behind my reviews. I'll try to get to them in the next couple days.

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:16 PM, regalhotpocket wrote:

@samuelgoto I messaged you on gitter. I would like some feedback when you get time.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

-- f u cn rd ths u cn b a gd prgmr !

simanw304 commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto I updated my design doc, please kindly review it. Thanks!

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

Hey all -- I'm a bit (ok, a lot) behind my reviews and I won't be able to get to all of them soon. I'd recommend moving to step 6 of my instructions and kick off an early prototype to give you the ability to have some code to show too.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to get to your design docs, but I would NOT block moving forward in the absence of my review.

a-y-u-s-h commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto Here's my proposal. Please add it to the list and kindly provide feedback. Thanks!

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@a-y-u-s-h give me comment access ( ?

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@a-y-u-s-h I looked at your doc. looks reasonable. you want to move on to this step.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@simanw304 done. you really want to focus on your introduction and the first 3-4 sentences.

Actually, just generally, across the board, I'm seeing a big challenge crafting a good introduction. I wrote some advice here in my doc, please read and factor that into your designs. Your readers will only give you a few sentences before they give up and smell a poorly polished narrative, so you want to really spend some time thinking how to start.

Talk about the problem, not the solution. Create a kick ass diagram to start with, something really splashy that will capture your reader's attention. Talk about why other approach don't work. Give a hint of the solution, but let your reader find their own way out.

First impressions. Spend time creating a good one.

@redblobgames fyi in case you have more advice on (a) the importance of a good start and (b) what makes a start a good start.

Dragneel7 commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto Please review my proposal. Link : here

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@Anisha1234 i took another pass at your doc. comments inline.

vishakha-lall commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto Please go through my design doc too :) Here

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@Dragneel7 i took a look at your doc. general feedback: I'm looking for substance/quality rather than volume/quantity. In your proposal, it seems like you go through a lot of proposals/projects/chapters/algorithms rather than a single really well thought out one. I'd recommend you pick fewer things to do but do them more deeply/substantially/thoughtfully.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

OK, i think now I have gone through everybody's proposal one more round. LMK if you need one more round by pinging this thread.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

Also, LMK if you have started building a prototype and I'll add that to the table/list above too of things that I am tracking.

Like I said earlier, I'm optimizing for finding good candidates with good design taste, but code is also part of the way we'll look through candidates.

Engagement / communication is also a consideration, but I'm taking my notes as we work with each other through the application process (e.g. do you know when to reach out? do you know when to work by yourself? are you able to make progress independently? are you able to digest feedback / directions?).

Further information here:

vishakha-lall commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto Have you reviewed my doc? I don't see any new comments. Also, I have worked on my prototype. It would be great if you have a look at it too. :) Design Document Prototype

anishaswain commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto Hope you are doing well. As per your review in my design doc, it seems that you thought I am trying to explain the Genetic Algorithm in brief. However, my doc is not about the genetic algorithm but it is about the backtracking DFS and Min-conflict algorithm. I had added the concepts of GA as per your previous suggestions in my prior design doc. So from the very beginning, I have built upon the concept for the same. I have tried to give the reader an introduction to Genetic Algorithms. But the design doc is not meant to explain that in brief. It is 90% about Backtracking and Min-Conflict. So let me know your view on this so that I can make further changes in the doc itself. Thanks in advance

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@Anisha1234 lets move that to the doc itself. no reason to loop everybody into the details of your doc here.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@vishakha-lall done. Moved the discussion to your doc.

a-y-u-s-h commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto Sorry about that, I just updated access to proposal doc. Please have a look at inline comments too! I'm not currently listed in the table so kindly place my entry into the submission table as well.

Also, I've followed instructions according to that step which says that if we have interactive projects already we should link them otherwise we should proceed to build a design doc and prototype. Is that right? Or should it be that everyone is required to make a design doc and prototype for one chapter before deadline?

kUSHAL0601 commented 6 years ago

Hello @samuelgoto I have made a proposal available here. I have also made a simple example of BFS in hurry. I will be updating my prototype soon. The prototype is available here. Also my resume carrying extra information is available here. Let me know if you want the prototype on a specific algorithm. I would love to provide you with the same. I will be updating my prototype by tomorrow! Sorry for the delay! Looking forward to work for you this summer!

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@kUSHAL0601 thanks, done, added to the list. I left some instructions here and you want to work on your design doc before coding anything up much further. Take a look and follow that.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

@a-y-u-s-h done. LMK if there is a link to a prototype that I'm missing. Otherwise, lets leave the comments specifically about your design to your design doc: no point in discussing it here in the larger group.

SouravInsights commented 6 years ago

Hi @samuelgoto thanks for reviewing my proposal and adding me to the list.. I've also designed a prototype. Can you update it in the list? Here is the link of the prototype.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago


kUSHAL0601 commented 6 years ago

Hie @samuelgoto . So following your advice on making a design document, I made a new animation for Markov Decision Process, following the guidelines and making a design doc. I found making design doc for submitted prototype useless as I should make design doc first. Please see the new animation and the design doc and let me know your feedback. I would love to here from you.

Design doc is available here and the live example of animation is available here. Let me know scopes of improvement and further steps to proceed. Let me know if you need me to design some particular animation on some topic!

kUSHAL0601 commented 6 years ago

Hie @samuelgoto any updates on design doc ?

a-y-u-s-h commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto I haven't recieved comments on my proposal yet as well, have a look please! (I have given public comment access). To show design skills, narration, and coding skills (prototype) I'm working on an interactive blog post (prototype post doesn't exist yet), I'll notify again when prototype is live & satisfactory!

a-y-u-s-h commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto Hello! My design doc is now included here in the proposal itself at the end.

Prototype is included in a (WIP) blog post. I have also linked and explained my work on protoype in the doc. Please have a look and please give some feedback!

Aditya21196 commented 6 years ago

@samuelgoto Hello sir, sorry to be this late. I have made a proposal and I want to work on implementation of genetic algorithms. My design doc is at the end of the proposal. The link to the current version of the implementation only has some basic functions which I will use to get to the final result. The link is here. I request you to add both the links to the table above and review them.

muzammilaz commented 6 years ago

Hello @samuelgoto, sorry for being so late. I've made a proposal to work on 10. Classical Planning and 18. Learning from Examples here. I've pointed to the my graphics and graphics programming work. Kindly review it. Thank you.

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

Friendly reminder that the submission of proposals end momentarily. Please use the official submission form and include all the data: about yourself, your plan for the summer and a sample of your best work (link to existing work, design docs and/or prototypes).

Good luck to you all, Sam

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

Also, chances are I won't be able to get to any of your docs/links before the end of the submission date (in europe at the moment for work), so I'd do my best to find information online and between other students and make as much progress on your own as you can. Good luck again, Sam

PS selection criteria at links I sent earlier. Optimize for those. Sam

joel-huang commented 6 years ago

Uh oh! I'd have wanted to share my prototype (hopeful link) for review after working with it for two days, but it seems I'm a little bit too late :/ I guess the official submission will have to do! Good luck everyone!

samuelgoto commented 6 years ago

Alright, closing this as I got all of your proposals (and surprisingly many others) at the submission form*, so will be using that now to coordinate rather than this thread.

Good luck you all, it was great seeing so many of your drafts and I hope you have learned something cool in the process (I know I have: Brett Victor's work is pretty awesome!!!).

Will report back once we make a decision on which proposal to carry forward.

PS I got all of the ones listed here with the exception of @simanw304. @simanw304 LMK if that wasn't deliberate, but otherwise will assume that you are not submitting anything this year.