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Javascript visualization of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
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Project proposals - GSoC 2019 #174

Closed samuelgoto closed 5 years ago

samuelgoto commented 5 years ago

Hey all, here is the list of the open proposals for GSoC 2019 (proposals for 2018) that I'm going through in this format with these guidelines.

Please add yours here (create a comment on this thread with a link to your design doc / prototype).

I'll use this thread here as an opportunity for everybody to: (a) know what others are working on, (b) get inspiration from other's proposals and (c) see what patterns of comment/feedback occurs.

Importantly, I'll also use this list to organize myself and make sure no proposal falls through the cracks. Hopefully, this also makes @redblobgames 's life easier too to help steer the designs in the right direction :)

This list is sorted arbitrarily. The status bit shows on whose court the ball is.

Student Design Doc Prototype Status
@namanZelawat design doc ch13 Prototype on mentor
@vishal260700 design doc ch4 prototype on student
@ashwinvaidya17 design doc ch21 prototype on mentor
@savvysiddharth design doc ch4 prototype on mentor
@kareemalsawah design doc ch18 prototype on mentor
@KanakalathaVemuru design doc ch17,21 prototype on student
@jasmaa design doc ch24 prototype on mentor
user design doc prototype status

Ping this thread if/when you are ready to share your design docs with me or need me to review them again.

NamanZelawat commented 5 years ago

Sir, this is my proposal document for the chapter -13 Quantifying uncertainty and this is prototype, please suggest any add-ons and corrections for mistakes.

samuelgoto commented 5 years ago

@NamanZelawat that's a pretty awesome proposal, thanks for putting that together! I added that to the table and signaled that the action is on my side now. I'll take a look at your design doc and we can go from there.

NamanZelawat commented 5 years ago

Thank you, sir .

Vishal260700 commented 5 years ago

Hello Sam, this is my proposal document for NeuroEvolution Algorithm and the prototype. Please review it and suggest any add-ons to it.

ashwinvaidya17 commented 5 years ago

Hello @samuelgoto this is my proposal for part 5, reinforcement learning. Please review it and suggest any changes or corrections.

savvysiddharth commented 5 years ago

Hello @samuelgoto, please take a look at my proposal, and give me suggestions if possible. I've partially implemented a few diagrams for the prototype.

kareemalsawah commented 5 years ago

Hello @samuelgoto, this is my proposal for Chapter 18 "Learning from examples". This is my prototype for one of the demos (demo 5) in my proposal. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

KanakalathaVemuru commented 5 years ago

Hello @samuelgoto, this is my design document for chapter 17 & 21. Please review it and suggest any corrections or changes. Thanks in advance.

samuelgoto commented 5 years ago

Alright, I took an initial pass at all design docs / prototypes in this list. Ball on your side of court now.

samuelgoto commented 5 years ago

I just took another pass at these design docs, wherever progress was made.

savvysiddharth commented 5 years ago

@samuelgoto I made changes as you suggested earlier, I didn't get your comment this time, If possible can you take a look at my design doc?

jasmaa commented 5 years ago

Hello @samuelgoto. Here are my design doc and prototype. It would help me out if you could take a look at them. Thanks.

kareemalsawah commented 5 years ago

I have made changes to my design doc but they were not reviewed. I also changed my prototype to this to match my new design doc.