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Python framework for automated time series classification, regression and forecasting
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Sweep: DataLoader refactoring #154

Closed technocreep closed 1 week ago

technocreep commented 3 weeks ago


We need to refactor DataLoader class located in directory. There are two almost similar methods that need to be merged into single one:

Some of the DataLoader class methods looks too huge so we need to shorted them by applying refactoring.


No response

sweep-ai[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

💎 Sweep Pro: You have unlimited Sweep issues


Step 1: 🔎 Searching

(Click to expand) Here are the code search results. I'm now analyzing these search results to write the PR.

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

I'm going to follow the following steps to help you solve the GitHub issue:

  1. Merge the load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe method from sktime.datasets and the _load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe method in the DataLoader class into a single method.
  2. Refactor the read_train_test_files method in the DataLoader class to extract the code for reading different file formats (.tsv, .txt, .ts, .arff) into separate methods.
  3. Refactor the load_data method in the DataLoader class to extract the code for downloading and extracting data into a separate method.

Here are the changes we decided to make. I'm done making edits and now I'm just validating the changes using a linter to catch any mistakes like syntax errors or undefined variables:


Remove the `_load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe` method from the `DataLoader` class since it is a duplicate of the `load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe` method from `sktime.datasets`. Update
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-    def _load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-            self,
-            full_file_path_and_name,
-            return_separate_X_and_y=True,
-            replace_missing_vals_with='NaN'):
-        """Loads data from a .ts file into a Pandas DataFrame.
-        Taken from
-        Args:
-            full_file_path_and_name: The full pathname of the .ts file to read. return_separate_X_and_y: true if X
-                                     and Y values should be returned as separate Data Frames (X) and a numpy array (y),
-                                     false otherwise.
-            replace_missing_vals_with: The value that missing values in the text file should be replaced with prior to
-                                       parsing.
-        Returns:
-            If ``return_separate_X_and_y`` then a tuple containing a DataFrame and a numpy array containing the
-            relevant time-series and corresponding class values. If not ``return_separate_X_and_y`` then a single
-            DataFrame containing all time-series and (if relevant) a column ``class_vals`` the associated class values.
-        """
-        # Initialize flags and variables used when parsing the file
-        metadata_started = False
-        data_started = False
-        has_problem_name_tag = False
-        has_timestamps_tag = False
-        has_univariate_tag = False
-        has_class_labels_tag = False
-        has_target_labels_tag = False
-        has_data_tag = False
-        previous_timestamp_was_float = None
-        previous_timestamp_was_int = None
-        previous_timestamp_was_timestamp = None
-        num_dimensions = None
-        is_first_case = True
-        instance_list = []
-        class_val_list = []
-        line_num = 0
-        TsFileParseException = Exception
-        encoding = self.predict_encoding(full_file_path_and_name)
-        with open(full_file_path_and_name, 'r', encoding=encoding) as file:
-            dataset_name = os.path.basename(full_file_path_and_name)
-            for line in tqdm(
-                    file.readlines(),
-                    desc='Loading data',
-                    leave=False,
-                    postfix=dataset_name,
-                    unit='lines'):
-                line = line.strip().lower()
-                if line:
-                    if line.startswith("@problemname"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len == 1:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "problemname tag requires an associated value")
-                        has_problem_name_tag = True
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@timestamps"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len != 2:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "timestamps tag requires an associated Boolean value")
-                        elif tokens[1] == "true":
-                            timestamps = True
-                        elif tokens[1] == "false":
-                            timestamps = False
-                        else:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "invalid timestamps value")
-                        has_timestamps_tag = True
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@univariate"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len != 2:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "univariate tag requires an associated Boolean value")
-                        elif tokens[1] == "true":
-                            pass
-                        elif tokens[1] == "false":
-                            pass
-                        else:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "invalid univariate value")
-                        has_univariate_tag = True
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@classlabel"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len == 1:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "classlabel tag requires an associated Boolean value")
-                        if tokens[1] == "true":
-                            class_labels = True
-                        elif tokens[1] == "false":
-                            class_labels = False
-                        else:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "invalid classLabel value")
-                        if token_len == 2 and class_labels:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "if the classlabel tag is true then class values must be supplied")
-                        has_class_labels_tag = True
-                        class_label_list = [token.strip()
-                                            for token in tokens[2:]]
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@targetlabel"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len == 1:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "targetlabel tag requires an associated Boolean value")
-                        if tokens[1] == "true":
-                            target_labels = True
-                        elif tokens[1] == "false":
-                            target_labels = False
-                        else:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "invalid targetLabel value")
-                        has_target_labels_tag = True
-                        class_val_list = []
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@data"):
-                        if line != "@data":
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "data tag should not have an associated value")
-                        if data_started and not metadata_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        else:
-                            has_data_tag = True
-                            data_started = True
-                    elif data_started:
-                        incomplete_regression_meta_data = not has_problem_name_tag or not has_timestamps_tag or \
-                            not has_univariate_tag or not has_target_labels_tag or \
-                            not has_data_tag
-                        incomplete_classification_meta_data = \
-                            not has_problem_name_tag or not has_timestamps_tag \
-                            or not has_univariate_tag or not has_class_labels_tag \
-                            or not has_data_tag
-                        if incomplete_regression_meta_data and incomplete_classification_meta_data:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "a full set of metadata has not been provided before the data")
-                        line = line.replace("?", replace_missing_vals_with)
-                        if timestamps:
-                            has_another_value = False
-                            has_another_dimension = False
-                            timestamps_for_dimension = []
-                            values_for_dimension = []
-                            this_line_num_dimensions = 0
-                            line_len = len(line)
-                            char_num = 0
-                            while char_num < line_len:
-                                while char_num < line_len and str.isspace(
-                                        line[char_num]):
-                                    char_num += 1
-                                if char_num < line_len:
-                                    if line[char_num] == ":":
-                                        if len(instance_list) < (
-                                                this_line_num_dimensions + 1):
-                                            instance_list.append([])
-                                        instance_list[this_line_num_dimensions].append(
-                                            pd.Series())
-                                        this_line_num_dimensions += 1
-                                        has_another_value = False
-                                        has_another_dimension = True
-                                        timestamps_for_dimension = []
-                                        values_for_dimension = []
-                                        char_num += 1
-                                    else:
-                                        if line[char_num] != "(" and target_labels:
-                                            class_val = line[char_num:].strip()
-                                            class_val_list.append(
-                                                float(class_val))
-                                            char_num = line_len
-                                            has_another_value = False
-                                            has_another_dimension = False
-                                            timestamps_for_dimension = []
-                                            values_for_dimension = []
-                                        else:
-                                            if line[char_num] != "(" and not target_labels:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) + " does not start with a '('")
-                                            char_num += 1
-                                            tuple_data = ""
-                                            while char_num < line_len and line[char_num] != ")":
-                                                tuple_data += line[char_num]
-                                                char_num += 1
-                                            if char_num >= line_len or line[char_num] != ")":
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) + " does not end with a ')'")
-                                            char_num += 1
-                                            while char_num < line_len and str.isspace(
-                                                    line[char_num]):
-                                                char_num += 1
-                                            if char_num >= line_len:
-                                                has_another_value = False
-                                                has_another_dimension = False
-                                            elif line[char_num] == ",":
-                                                has_another_value = True
-                                                has_another_dimension = False
-                                            elif line[char_num] == ":":
-                                                has_another_value = False
-                                                has_another_dimension = True
-                                            char_num += 1
-                                            last_comma_index = tuple_data.rfind(
-                                                ',')
-                                            if last_comma_index == -1:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1)
-                                                    + " contains a tuple that has no comma inside of it")
-                                            try:
-                                                value = tuple_data[last_comma_index + 1:]
-                                                value = float(value)
-                                            except ValueError:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1)
-                                                    + " contains a tuple that does not have a valid numeric value")
-                                            timestamp = tuple_data[0: last_comma_index]
-                                            try:
-                                                timestamp = int(timestamp)
-                                                timestamp_is_int = True
-                                                timestamp_is_timestamp = False
-                                            except ValueError:
-                                                timestamp_is_int = False
-                                            if not timestamp_is_int:
-                                                try:
-                                                    timestamp = float(
-                                                        timestamp)
-                                                    timestamp_is_float = True
-                                                    timestamp_is_timestamp = False
-                                                except ValueError:
-                                                    timestamp_is_float = False
-                                            if not timestamp_is_int and not timestamp_is_float:
-                                                try:
-                                                    timestamp = timestamp.strip()
-                                                    timestamp_is_timestamp = True
-                                                except ValueError:
-                                                    timestamp_is_timestamp = False
-                                            if not timestamp_is_timestamp and not timestamp_is_int \
-                                                    and not timestamp_is_float:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) +
-                                                    " contains a tuple that has an invalid timestamp '"
-                                                    + timestamp + "'")
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_float is not None \
-                                                    and previous_timestamp_was_float and not timestamp_is_float:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) +
-                                                    " contains tuples where the timestamp format is inconsistent")
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_int is not \
-                                                    None and previous_timestamp_was_int and not timestamp_is_int:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) +
-                                                    " contains tuples where the timestamp format is inconsistent")
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_timestamp is not None \
-                                                    and previous_timestamp_was_timestamp and not timestamp_is_timestamp:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) +
-                                                    " contains tuples where the timestamp format is inconsistent")
-                                            timestamps_for_dimension += [
-                                                timestamp]
-                                            values_for_dimension += [value]
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_timestamp is None and timestamp_is_timestamp:
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_timestamp = True
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_int = False
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_float = False
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_int is None and timestamp_is_int:
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_timestamp = False
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_int = True
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_float = False
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_float is None and timestamp_is_float:
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_timestamp = False
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_int = False
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_float = True
-                                            if not has_another_value:
-                                                if len(instance_list) < (
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1):
-                                                    instance_list.append([])
-                                                if timestamp_is_timestamp:
-                                                    timestamps_for_dimension = pd.DatetimeIndex(
-                                                        timestamps_for_dimension)
-                                                instance_list[this_line_num_dimensions].append(
-                                                    pd.Series(index=timestamps_for_dimension,
-                                                              data=values_for_dimension))
-                                                this_line_num_dimensions += 1
-                                                timestamps_for_dimension = []
-                                                values_for_dimension = []
-                                elif has_another_value:
-                                    raise TsFileParseException(
-                                        "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                            line_num + 1) + " ends with a ',' that is not followed by another tuple")
-                                elif has_another_dimension and target_labels:
-                                    raise TsFileParseException(
-                                        "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                            line_num + 1) + " ends with a ':' while it should list a class value")
-                                elif has_another_dimension and not target_labels:
-                                    if len(instance_list) < (
-                                            this_line_num_dimensions + 1):
-                                        instance_list.append([])
-                                    instance_list[this_line_num_dimensions].append(
-                                        pd.Series(dtype=np.float32))
-                                    this_line_num_dimensions += 1
-                                    num_dimensions = this_line_num_dimensions
-                                if not has_another_value and not has_another_dimension:
-                                    if num_dimensions is None:
-                                        num_dimensions = this_line_num_dimensions
-                                    if num_dimensions != this_line_num_dimensions:
-                                        raise TsFileParseException(
-                                            "line " +
-                                            str(
-                                                line_num +
-                                                1) +
-                                            " does not have the same number of dimensions as the previous line of data")
-                            if has_another_value:
-                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                    "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                        line_num + 1) + " ends with a ',' that is not followed by another tuple")
-                            elif has_another_dimension and target_labels:
-                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                    "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                        line_num + 1) + " ends with a ':' while it should list a class value")
-                            elif has_another_dimension and not target_labels:
-                                if len(instance_list) < (
-                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1):
-                                    instance_list.append([])
-                                instance_list[this_line_num_dimensions].append(
-                                    pd.Series())
-                                this_line_num_dimensions += 1
-                                num_dimensions = this_line_num_dimensions
-                            if not has_another_value and num_dimensions != this_line_num_dimensions:
-                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                    "line " +
-                                    str(
-                                        line_num +
-                                        1) +
-                                    "does not have the same number of dimensions as the "
-                                    "previous line of data")
-                            if target_labels and len(class_val_list) == 0:
-                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                    "the cases have no associated class values")
-                        else:
-                            dimensions = line.split(":")
-                            if is_first_case:
-                                num_dimensions = len(dimensions)
-                                if target_labels:
-                                    num_dimensions -= 1
-                                for dim in range(0, num_dimensions):
-                                    instance_list.append([])
-                                is_first_case = False
-                            this_line_num_dimensions = len(dimensions)
-                            if target_labels:
-                                this_line_num_dimensions -= 1
-                            if this_line_num_dimensions != num_dimensions:
-                                print(
-                                    "inconsistent number of dimensions. Expecting " +
-                                    str(num_dimensions) +
-                                    " but have read " +
-                                    str(this_line_num_dimensions))
-                            for dim in range(0, num_dimensions):
-                                try:
-                                    dimension = dimensions[dim].strip()
-                                    if dimension:
-                                        data_series = dimension.split(",")
-                                        data_series = [float(i)
-                                                       for i in data_series]
-                                        instance_list[dim].append(
-                                            pd.Series(data_series))
-                                    else:
-                                        instance_list[dim].append(pd.Series())
-                                except Exception:
-                                    _ = 1
-                            if target_labels:
-                                try:
-                                    class_val_list.append(
-                                        float(dimensions[num_dimensions].strip()))
-                                except Exception:
-                                    _ = 1
-                line_num += 1
-        if line_num:
-            complete_regression_meta_data = has_problem_name_tag and has_timestamps_tag and has_univariate_tag \
-                and has_target_labels_tag and has_data_tag
-            complete_classification_meta_data = \
-                has_problem_name_tag and has_timestamps_tag \
-                and has_univariate_tag and has_class_labels_tag and has_data_tag
-            if metadata_started and not complete_regression_meta_data and not complete_classification_meta_data:
-                raise TsFileParseException("metadata incomplete")
-            elif metadata_started and not data_started:
-                raise TsFileParseException(
-                    "file contained metadata but no data")
-            elif metadata_started and data_started and len(instance_list) == 0:
-                raise TsFileParseException(
-                    "file contained metadata but no data")
-            data = pd.DataFrame(dtype=np.float32)
-            for dim in range(0, num_dimensions):
-                data['dim_' + str(dim)] = instance_list[dim]
-            if target_labels:
-                if return_separate_X_and_y:
-                    return data, np.asarray(class_val_list)
-                else:
-                    data['class_vals'] = pd.Series(class_val_list)
-                    return data
-            else:
-                return data
-        else:
-            raise TsFileParseException("empty file")


2. In the `read_ts_files` method of the `DataLoader` class, remove the `try`/`except` block that falls back to using `_load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe`, and just use `load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe` directly.
@@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
     def read_ts_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
-        try:
-            x_test, y_test = load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-                data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TEST.ts', return_separate_X_and_y=True)
-            x_train, y_train = load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-                data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN.ts',
-                return_separate_X_and_y=True)
-            return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
-        except Exception:
-            x_test, y_test = self._load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-                data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TEST.ts',
-                return_separate_X_and_y=True)
-            x_train, y_train = self._load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-                data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN.ts',
-                return_separate_X_and_y=True)
-            return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
+        x_test, y_test = load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
+            data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TEST.ts', return_separate_X_and_y=True)
+        x_train, y_train = load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
+            data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN.ts',
+            return_separate_X_and_y=True)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test


3. Extract the code for reading `.tsv` files from `read_train_test_files` into a new method called `_read_tsv_files`.
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
+    def _read_tsv_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, False
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):


Rewritten instructions to resolve the error. Update the original_code and new_code blocks as required, ensuring that the
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
+    def _read_tsv_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, False
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):


Rewritten instructions to resolve the error. Update the original_code and new_code blocks as required, ensuring that the
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
+    def _read_txt_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_txt_files(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, False
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_txt_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_txt_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .ts file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.ts'):


Rewritten instructions to resolve the error. Update the original_code and new_code blocks as required, ensuring that the
@@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
+    def _read_ts_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_ts_files(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, True
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_txt_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_txt_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .ts file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.ts'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_ts_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = True
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_ts_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .arff file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.arff'):


Rewritten instructions to resolve the error. Update the original_code and new_code blocks as required, ensuring that the
@@ -1,37 +1,28 @@
+    def _read_arff_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_arff_files(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, True
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_txt_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_txt_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .ts file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.ts'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_ts_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = True
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_ts_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .arff file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.arff'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_arff_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = True
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_arff_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.csv'):


8. Extract the code for downloading and extracting data from `load_data` into a new method called `_download_and_extract_data`.
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+    def _download_and_extract_data(self, dataset_name):
+        # Create temporary folder for downloaded data
+        cache_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'temp_cache/')
+        download_path = cache_path + 'downloads/'
+        temp_data_path = cache_path + 'temp_data/'
+        filename = 'temp_data_{}'.format(dataset_name)
+        for _ in (download_path, temp_data_path):
+            os.makedirs(_, exist_ok=True)
+        url = f"{dataset_name}.zip"
+        request.urlretrieve(url, download_path + filename)
+        try:
+            zipfile.ZipFile(
+                download_path +
+                filename).extractall(
+                temp_data_path +
+                dataset_name)
+        except zipfile.BadZipFile:
+            raise FileNotFoundError(
+                f'Cannot extract data: {dataset_name} dataset not found in UCR archive')
+'{dataset_name} data downloaded. Unpacking...')
+        train_data, test_data = self.extract_data(
+            dataset_name, temp_data_path)
+        shutil.rmtree(cache_path)
+        return train_data, test_data
     def load_data(self, shuffle=True) -> tuple:
         """Load data for classification experiment locally or externally from UCR archive.

@@ -15,37 +46,8 @@
             dataset_name=dataset_name, data_path=data_path, shuffle=shuffle)

         if train_data is None:
-  'Downloading...')
+            train_data, test_data = self._download_and_extract_data(dataset_name)

-            # Create temporary folder for downloaded data
-            cache_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'temp_cache/')
-            download_path = cache_path + 'downloads/'
-            temp_data_path = cache_path + 'temp_data/'
-            filename = 'temp_data_{}'.format(dataset_name)
-            for _ in (download_path, temp_data_path):
-                os.makedirs(_, exist_ok=True)
-            url = f"{dataset_name}.zip"
-            request.urlretrieve(url, download_path + filename)
-            try:
-                zipfile.ZipFile(
-                    download_path +
-                    filename).extractall(
-                    temp_data_path +
-                    dataset_name)
-            except zipfile.BadZipFile:
-                raise FileNotFoundError(
-                    f'Cannot extract data: {dataset_name} dataset not found in UCR archive')
-  '{dataset_name} data downloaded. Unpacking...')
-            train_data, test_data = self.extract_data(
-                dataset_name, temp_data_path)
-            shutil.rmtree(cache_path)
-            # if type(train_data[0])
-            # return train_data, test_data'Data read successfully from local folder')

         if isinstance(train_data[0].iloc[0, 0], pd.Series):

Step 3: 🔄️ Validating

I'm currently validating your changes using parsers and linters to check for mistakes like syntax errors or undefined variables. If I see any of these errors, I will automatically fix them.

[!TIP] To recreate the pull request, edit the issue title or description.

This is an automated message generated by Sweep AI.

sweep-ai[bot] commented 3 weeks ago




Remove the `_load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe` method from the `DataLoader` class since it is a duplicate of the `load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe` method from `sktime.datasets`. Update
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-    def _load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-            self,
-            full_file_path_and_name,
-            return_separate_X_and_y=True,
-            replace_missing_vals_with='NaN'):
-        """Loads data from a .ts file into a Pandas DataFrame.
-        Taken from
-        Args:
-            full_file_path_and_name: The full pathname of the .ts file to read. return_separate_X_and_y: true if X
-                                     and Y values should be returned as separate Data Frames (X) and a numpy array (y),
-                                     false otherwise.
-            replace_missing_vals_with: The value that missing values in the text file should be replaced with prior to
-                                       parsing.
-        Returns:
-            If ``return_separate_X_and_y`` then a tuple containing a DataFrame and a numpy array containing the
-            relevant time-series and corresponding class values. If not ``return_separate_X_and_y`` then a single
-            DataFrame containing all time-series and (if relevant) a column ``class_vals`` the associated class values.
-        """
-        # Initialize flags and variables used when parsing the file
-        metadata_started = False
-        data_started = False
-        has_problem_name_tag = False
-        has_timestamps_tag = False
-        has_univariate_tag = False
-        has_class_labels_tag = False
-        has_target_labels_tag = False
-        has_data_tag = False
-        previous_timestamp_was_float = None
-        previous_timestamp_was_int = None
-        previous_timestamp_was_timestamp = None
-        num_dimensions = None
-        is_first_case = True
-        instance_list = []
-        class_val_list = []
-        line_num = 0
-        TsFileParseException = Exception
-        encoding = self.predict_encoding(full_file_path_and_name)
-        with open(full_file_path_and_name, 'r', encoding=encoding) as file:
-            dataset_name = os.path.basename(full_file_path_and_name)
-            for line in tqdm(
-                    file.readlines(),
-                    desc='Loading data',
-                    leave=False,
-                    postfix=dataset_name,
-                    unit='lines'):
-                line = line.strip().lower()
-                if line:
-                    if line.startswith("@problemname"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len == 1:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "problemname tag requires an associated value")
-                        has_problem_name_tag = True
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@timestamps"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len != 2:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "timestamps tag requires an associated Boolean value")
-                        elif tokens[1] == "true":
-                            timestamps = True
-                        elif tokens[1] == "false":
-                            timestamps = False
-                        else:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "invalid timestamps value")
-                        has_timestamps_tag = True
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@univariate"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len != 2:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "univariate tag requires an associated Boolean value")
-                        elif tokens[1] == "true":
-                            pass
-                        elif tokens[1] == "false":
-                            pass
-                        else:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "invalid univariate value")
-                        has_univariate_tag = True
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@classlabel"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len == 1:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "classlabel tag requires an associated Boolean value")
-                        if tokens[1] == "true":
-                            class_labels = True
-                        elif tokens[1] == "false":
-                            class_labels = False
-                        else:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "invalid classLabel value")
-                        if token_len == 2 and class_labels:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "if the classlabel tag is true then class values must be supplied")
-                        has_class_labels_tag = True
-                        class_label_list = [token.strip()
-                                            for token in tokens[2:]]
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@targetlabel"):
-                        if data_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        tokens = line.split(' ')
-                        token_len = len(tokens)
-                        if token_len == 1:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "targetlabel tag requires an associated Boolean value")
-                        if tokens[1] == "true":
-                            target_labels = True
-                        elif tokens[1] == "false":
-                            target_labels = False
-                        else:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "invalid targetLabel value")
-                        has_target_labels_tag = True
-                        class_val_list = []
-                        metadata_started = True
-                    elif line.startswith("@data"):
-                        if line != "@data":
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "data tag should not have an associated value")
-                        if data_started and not metadata_started:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "metadata must come before data")
-                        else:
-                            has_data_tag = True
-                            data_started = True
-                    elif data_started:
-                        incomplete_regression_meta_data = not has_problem_name_tag or not has_timestamps_tag or \
-                            not has_univariate_tag or not has_target_labels_tag or \
-                            not has_data_tag
-                        incomplete_classification_meta_data = \
-                            not has_problem_name_tag or not has_timestamps_tag \
-                            or not has_univariate_tag or not has_class_labels_tag \
-                            or not has_data_tag
-                        if incomplete_regression_meta_data and incomplete_classification_meta_data:
-                            raise TsFileParseException(
-                                "a full set of metadata has not been provided before the data")
-                        line = line.replace("?", replace_missing_vals_with)
-                        if timestamps:
-                            has_another_value = False
-                            has_another_dimension = False
-                            timestamps_for_dimension = []
-                            values_for_dimension = []
-                            this_line_num_dimensions = 0
-                            line_len = len(line)
-                            char_num = 0
-                            while char_num < line_len:
-                                while char_num < line_len and str.isspace(
-                                        line[char_num]):
-                                    char_num += 1
-                                if char_num < line_len:
-                                    if line[char_num] == ":":
-                                        if len(instance_list) < (
-                                                this_line_num_dimensions + 1):
-                                            instance_list.append([])
-                                        instance_list[this_line_num_dimensions].append(
-                                            pd.Series())
-                                        this_line_num_dimensions += 1
-                                        has_another_value = False
-                                        has_another_dimension = True
-                                        timestamps_for_dimension = []
-                                        values_for_dimension = []
-                                        char_num += 1
-                                    else:
-                                        if line[char_num] != "(" and target_labels:
-                                            class_val = line[char_num:].strip()
-                                            class_val_list.append(
-                                                float(class_val))
-                                            char_num = line_len
-                                            has_another_value = False
-                                            has_another_dimension = False
-                                            timestamps_for_dimension = []
-                                            values_for_dimension = []
-                                        else:
-                                            if line[char_num] != "(" and not target_labels:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) + " does not start with a '('")
-                                            char_num += 1
-                                            tuple_data = ""
-                                            while char_num < line_len and line[char_num] != ")":
-                                                tuple_data += line[char_num]
-                                                char_num += 1
-                                            if char_num >= line_len or line[char_num] != ")":
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) + " does not end with a ')'")
-                                            char_num += 1
-                                            while char_num < line_len and str.isspace(
-                                                    line[char_num]):
-                                                char_num += 1
-                                            if char_num >= line_len:
-                                                has_another_value = False
-                                                has_another_dimension = False
-                                            elif line[char_num] == ",":
-                                                has_another_value = True
-                                                has_another_dimension = False
-                                            elif line[char_num] == ":":
-                                                has_another_value = False
-                                                has_another_dimension = True
-                                            char_num += 1
-                                            last_comma_index = tuple_data.rfind(
-                                                ',')
-                                            if last_comma_index == -1:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1)
-                                                    + " contains a tuple that has no comma inside of it")
-                                            try:
-                                                value = tuple_data[last_comma_index + 1:]
-                                                value = float(value)
-                                            except ValueError:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1)
-                                                    + " contains a tuple that does not have a valid numeric value")
-                                            timestamp = tuple_data[0: last_comma_index]
-                                            try:
-                                                timestamp = int(timestamp)
-                                                timestamp_is_int = True
-                                                timestamp_is_timestamp = False
-                                            except ValueError:
-                                                timestamp_is_int = False
-                                            if not timestamp_is_int:
-                                                try:
-                                                    timestamp = float(
-                                                        timestamp)
-                                                    timestamp_is_float = True
-                                                    timestamp_is_timestamp = False
-                                                except ValueError:
-                                                    timestamp_is_float = False
-                                            if not timestamp_is_int and not timestamp_is_float:
-                                                try:
-                                                    timestamp = timestamp.strip()
-                                                    timestamp_is_timestamp = True
-                                                except ValueError:
-                                                    timestamp_is_timestamp = False
-                                            if not timestamp_is_timestamp and not timestamp_is_int \
-                                                    and not timestamp_is_float:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) +
-                                                    " contains a tuple that has an invalid timestamp '"
-                                                    + timestamp + "'")
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_float is not None \
-                                                    and previous_timestamp_was_float and not timestamp_is_float:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) +
-                                                    " contains tuples where the timestamp format is inconsistent")
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_int is not \
-                                                    None and previous_timestamp_was_int and not timestamp_is_int:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) +
-                                                    " contains tuples where the timestamp format is inconsistent")
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_timestamp is not None \
-                                                    and previous_timestamp_was_timestamp and not timestamp_is_timestamp:
-                                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                                    "dimension " + str(
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                                        line_num + 1) +
-                                                    " contains tuples where the timestamp format is inconsistent")
-                                            timestamps_for_dimension += [
-                                                timestamp]
-                                            values_for_dimension += [value]
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_timestamp is None and timestamp_is_timestamp:
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_timestamp = True
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_int = False
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_float = False
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_int is None and timestamp_is_int:
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_timestamp = False
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_int = True
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_float = False
-                                            if previous_timestamp_was_float is None and timestamp_is_float:
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_timestamp = False
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_int = False
-                                                previous_timestamp_was_float = True
-                                            if not has_another_value:
-                                                if len(instance_list) < (
-                                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1):
-                                                    instance_list.append([])
-                                                if timestamp_is_timestamp:
-                                                    timestamps_for_dimension = pd.DatetimeIndex(
-                                                        timestamps_for_dimension)
-                                                instance_list[this_line_num_dimensions].append(
-                                                    pd.Series(index=timestamps_for_dimension,
-                                                              data=values_for_dimension))
-                                                this_line_num_dimensions += 1
-                                                timestamps_for_dimension = []
-                                                values_for_dimension = []
-                                elif has_another_value:
-                                    raise TsFileParseException(
-                                        "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                            line_num + 1) + " ends with a ',' that is not followed by another tuple")
-                                elif has_another_dimension and target_labels:
-                                    raise TsFileParseException(
-                                        "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                            line_num + 1) + " ends with a ':' while it should list a class value")
-                                elif has_another_dimension and not target_labels:
-                                    if len(instance_list) < (
-                                            this_line_num_dimensions + 1):
-                                        instance_list.append([])
-                                    instance_list[this_line_num_dimensions].append(
-                                        pd.Series(dtype=np.float32))
-                                    this_line_num_dimensions += 1
-                                    num_dimensions = this_line_num_dimensions
-                                if not has_another_value and not has_another_dimension:
-                                    if num_dimensions is None:
-                                        num_dimensions = this_line_num_dimensions
-                                    if num_dimensions != this_line_num_dimensions:
-                                        raise TsFileParseException(
-                                            "line " +
-                                            str(
-                                                line_num +
-                                                1) +
-                                            " does not have the same number of dimensions as the previous line of data")
-                            if has_another_value:
-                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                    "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                        line_num + 1) + " ends with a ',' that is not followed by another tuple")
-                            elif has_another_dimension and target_labels:
-                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                    "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dimensions + 1) + " on line " + str(
-                                        line_num + 1) + " ends with a ':' while it should list a class value")
-                            elif has_another_dimension and not target_labels:
-                                if len(instance_list) < (
-                                        this_line_num_dimensions + 1):
-                                    instance_list.append([])
-                                instance_list[this_line_num_dimensions].append(
-                                    pd.Series())
-                                this_line_num_dimensions += 1
-                                num_dimensions = this_line_num_dimensions
-                            if not has_another_value and num_dimensions != this_line_num_dimensions:
-                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                    "line " +
-                                    str(
-                                        line_num +
-                                        1) +
-                                    "does not have the same number of dimensions as the "
-                                    "previous line of data")
-                            if target_labels and len(class_val_list) == 0:
-                                raise TsFileParseException(
-                                    "the cases have no associated class values")
-                        else:
-                            dimensions = line.split(":")
-                            if is_first_case:
-                                num_dimensions = len(dimensions)
-                                if target_labels:
-                                    num_dimensions -= 1
-                                for dim in range(0, num_dimensions):
-                                    instance_list.append([])
-                                is_first_case = False
-                            this_line_num_dimensions = len(dimensions)
-                            if target_labels:
-                                this_line_num_dimensions -= 1
-                            if this_line_num_dimensions != num_dimensions:
-                                print(
-                                    "inconsistent number of dimensions. Expecting " +
-                                    str(num_dimensions) +
-                                    " but have read " +
-                                    str(this_line_num_dimensions))
-                            for dim in range(0, num_dimensions):
-                                try:
-                                    dimension = dimensions[dim].strip()
-                                    if dimension:
-                                        data_series = dimension.split(",")
-                                        data_series = [float(i)
-                                                       for i in data_series]
-                                        instance_list[dim].append(
-                                            pd.Series(data_series))
-                                    else:
-                                        instance_list[dim].append(pd.Series())
-                                except Exception:
-                                    _ = 1
-                            if target_labels:
-                                try:
-                                    class_val_list.append(
-                                        float(dimensions[num_dimensions].strip()))
-                                except Exception:
-                                    _ = 1
-                line_num += 1
-        if line_num:
-            complete_regression_meta_data = has_problem_name_tag and has_timestamps_tag and has_univariate_tag \
-                and has_target_labels_tag and has_data_tag
-            complete_classification_meta_data = \
-                has_problem_name_tag and has_timestamps_tag \
-                and has_univariate_tag and has_class_labels_tag and has_data_tag
-            if metadata_started and not complete_regression_meta_data and not complete_classification_meta_data:
-                raise TsFileParseException("metadata incomplete")
-            elif metadata_started and not data_started:
-                raise TsFileParseException(
-                    "file contained metadata but no data")
-            elif metadata_started and data_started and len(instance_list) == 0:
-                raise TsFileParseException(
-                    "file contained metadata but no data")
-            data = pd.DataFrame(dtype=np.float32)
-            for dim in range(0, num_dimensions):
-                data['dim_' + str(dim)] = instance_list[dim]
-            if target_labels:
-                if return_separate_X_and_y:
-                    return data, np.asarray(class_val_list)
-                else:
-                    data['class_vals'] = pd.Series(class_val_list)
-                    return data
-            else:
-                return data
-        else:
-            raise TsFileParseException("empty file")


2. In the `read_ts_files` method of the `DataLoader` class, remove the `try`/`except` block that falls back to using `_load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe`, and just use `load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe` directly.
@@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
     def read_ts_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
-        try:
-            x_test, y_test = load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-                data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TEST.ts', return_separate_X_and_y=True)
-            x_train, y_train = load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-                data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN.ts',
-                return_separate_X_and_y=True)
-            return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
-        except Exception:
-            x_test, y_test = self._load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-                data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TEST.ts',
-                return_separate_X_and_y=True)
-            x_train, y_train = self._load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
-                data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN.ts',
-                return_separate_X_and_y=True)
-            return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
+        x_test, y_test = load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
+            data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TEST.ts', return_separate_X_and_y=True)
+        x_train, y_train = load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe(
+            data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN.ts',
+            return_separate_X_and_y=True)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test


3. Extract the code for reading `.tsv` files from `read_train_test_files` into a new method called `_read_tsv_files`.
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
+    def _read_tsv_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, False
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):


Rewritten instructions to resolve the error. Update the original_code and new_code blocks as required, ensuring that the
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
+    def _read_tsv_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, False
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):


Rewritten instructions to resolve the error. Update the original_code and new_code blocks as required, ensuring that the
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
+    def _read_txt_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_txt_files(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, False
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_txt_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_txt_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .ts file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.ts'):


Rewritten instructions to resolve the error. Update the original_code and new_code blocks as required, ensuring that the
@@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
+    def _read_ts_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_ts_files(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, True
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_txt_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_txt_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .ts file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.ts'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_ts_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = True
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_ts_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .arff file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.arff'):


Rewritten instructions to resolve the error. Update the original_code and new_code blocks as required, ensuring that the
@@ -1,37 +1,28 @@
+    def _read_arff_files(self, dataset_name, data_path):
+            f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
+        x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_arff_files(
+            dataset_name, data_path)
+        return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, True
     def read_train_test_files(self, data_path, dataset_name, shuffle=True):

         file_path = data_path + '/' + dataset_name + f'/{dataset_name}_TRAIN'
         # If data unpacked as .tsv file
         if os.path.isfile(file_path + '.tsv'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_tsv(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_tsv_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .txt file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.txt'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_txt_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = False
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_txt_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .ts file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.ts'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_ts_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = True
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_ts_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         # If data unpacked as .arff file
         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.arff'):
-                f'Reading data from {data_path + "/" + dataset_name}')
-            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = self.read_arff_files(
-                dataset_name, data_path)
-            is_multi = True
+            x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, is_multi = self._read_arff_files(dataset_name, data_path)

         elif os.path.isfile(file_path + '.csv'):


8. Extract the code for downloading and extracting data from `load_data` into a new method called `_download_and_extract_data`.
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+    def _download_and_extract_data(self, dataset_name):
+        # Create temporary folder for downloaded data
+        cache_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'temp_cache/')
+        download_path = cache_path + 'downloads/'
+        temp_data_path = cache_path + 'temp_data/'
+        filename = 'temp_data_{}'.format(dataset_name)
+        for _ in (download_path, temp_data_path):
+            os.makedirs(_, exist_ok=True)
+        url = f"{dataset_name}.zip"
+        request.urlretrieve(url, download_path + filename)
+        try:
+            zipfile.ZipFile(
+                download_path +
+                filename).extractall(
+                temp_data_path +
+                dataset_name)
+        except zipfile.BadZipFile:
+            raise FileNotFoundError(
+                f'Cannot extract data: {dataset_name} dataset not found in UCR archive')
+'{dataset_name} data downloaded. Unpacking...')
+        train_data, test_data = self.extract_data(
+            dataset_name, temp_data_path)
+        shutil.rmtree(cache_path)
+        return train_data, test_data
     def load_data(self, shuffle=True) -> tuple:
         """Load data for classification experiment locally or externally from UCR archive.

@@ -15,37 +46,8 @@
             dataset_name=dataset_name, data_path=data_path, shuffle=shuffle)

         if train_data is None:
-  'Downloading...')
+            train_data, test_data = self._download_and_extract_data(dataset_name)

-            # Create temporary folder for downloaded data
-            cache_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'temp_cache/')
-            download_path = cache_path + 'downloads/'
-            temp_data_path = cache_path + 'temp_data/'
-            filename = 'temp_data_{}'.format(dataset_name)
-            for _ in (download_path, temp_data_path):
-                os.makedirs(_, exist_ok=True)
-            url = f"{dataset_name}.zip"
-            request.urlretrieve(url, download_path + filename)
-            try:
-                zipfile.ZipFile(
-                    download_path +
-                    filename).extractall(
-                    temp_data_path +
-                    dataset_name)
-            except zipfile.BadZipFile:
-                raise FileNotFoundError(
-                    f'Cannot extract data: {dataset_name} dataset not found in UCR archive')
-  '{dataset_name} data downloaded. Unpacking...')
-            train_data, test_data = self.extract_data(
-                dataset_name, temp_data_path)
-            shutil.rmtree(cache_path)
-            # if type(train_data[0])
-            # return train_data, test_data'Data read successfully from local folder')

         if isinstance(train_data[0].iloc[0, 0], pd.Series):

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