aimerykong / Low-Rank-Bilinear-Pooling

CVPR2017 - an ultra-compact bilinear model for fine-grained classification
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What modified in folder named "caffe-20160312" #5

Closed jnulzl closed 6 years ago

jnulzl commented 6 years ago

Hello,@aimerykong ,you mentioned "The folder named "caffe-20160312" is a modified caffe toolbox by Yang Gao for his "compact bilinear pooling"" in I want to know where are you modified, Could you tell me please??

aimerykong commented 6 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your interest! I didn't modify the caffe toolbox, which is modified by Yang:-) I implement my method with matconvnet and merely use the modified caffe for fast demonstration (as caffe operates faster than matlab:-)

jnulzl commented 6 years ago

OK,Thank you!