aimhubio / aim

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Graphviz Support #2879

Open JesseFarebro opened 1 year ago

JesseFarebro commented 1 year ago

🚀 Feature

It would be really nice to upload a Graphviz graph in the DOT language which would be rendered as an svg (or on a canvas) in Aim. Given Aim already makes use of D3 an existing library could be used like:


Some structured data would be very useful to visualize as a graph, in my use-case I want to use this for visualizing hyper-parameter configurations.

This feature would be especially nice as graphviz doesn't ship wheels with the appropriate binaries so you can't render graphs without additionally installing the graphviz binaries. If Aim supported this feature it would provide an out of the box experience for visualizing graphs (Aim is responsible for rendering, no need to install the graphviz binaries).


The pitch is either to have:

Then run.track would have the ability to accept a graphviz.Graph object which would upload the DOT representation to Aim and display it in an explorer.

vincrichard commented 2 months ago

+1, It would be great to be able to track a Graviz object, in my case torchviz output. Right now, I don't think there is a good way to visualise it in aim.