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Local saving of artifacts/dataframes #3139

Open u3Izx9ql7vW4 opened 2 months ago

u3Izx9ql7vW4 commented 2 months ago

🚀 Feature

Permit arbitrary artifacts associated with a run to be tracked/saved, not just in S3 but locally as well.


Dataframes associated with a run cannot be saved afaik, and it is useful to visually inspect them. These dataframes either do not fit into metrics, or the developer does not wish to couple the Aim library deeply into the program.


A DataFrame or Artifact object that can be saved similar to Image, and Figure. For dataframes, they would ideally be viewable on the aim UI with the option to download as CSV.

SGevorg commented 1 week ago

Hi @u3Izx9ql7vW4 this is not in the roadmap at the moment, unfortunately. would you be open to contributing this feature?

SGevorg commented 1 week ago

Ah, my bad, nevermind somehow I missed @gpascale 's PR. Thats already approved. Thank you so much for the contribution 🙏