Open ap-- opened 2 months ago
Hey, not sure if this is what you are struggling with, but I was and I want to leave the solution somewhere:
So in my case aim told me: aimrocks.errors.RocksIOError: b'IO error: While lock file: <path>/<id>/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable'
when trying to resume a run. As you say aim runs close <id>
did not work, and --force
is not implemented. So the solution I came up with is: aim runs cp <id> --destination .
assuming the aim directory is located in the current working directory. This command copies the run from the current aim repository and places it in the same repository (in my case) releasing the locks.
🐛 Bug
We're currently debugging why we can't resume a run. And we noticed that while the code here:
recommends to use
aim runs close --force
, the option does not existsTo reproduce
aim runs close --force <somerunid>
Thanks, Andreas :smiley:
fyi: @jorenretel