ainsey11 / octopusenergy-consumption-metrics

A utility written in nodejs to pull energy consumption from the Octopus Energy API for tracking usage in grafana.
22 stars 13 forks source link

Added gas KWH conversion to API and submission #2

Closed shaqb closed 2 years ago

shaqb commented 2 years ago

The current Octopus Energy API only provides data in cubic metres. However, for cost calculations, you need to use the kWh number instead. Octopus energy uses a standard formula for this: Units Consumed (Cubic Metres) x Volume Correction (for temperature & pressure) × Calorific Value (energy in each m3 of gas) / 3.6 (convert from joules) = Usage (in kWh)

ainsey11 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @shaqb - all looks good, approved and merged, I appreciate the help!