The current Octopus Energy API only provides data in cubic metres. However, for cost calculations, you need to use the kWh number instead.
Octopus energy uses a standard formula for this:
Units Consumed (Cubic Metres) x Volume Correction (for temperature & pressure) × Calorific Value (energy in each m3 of gas) / 3.6 (convert from joules) = Usage (in kWh)
The current Octopus Energy API only provides data in cubic metres. However, for cost calculations, you need to use the kWh number instead. Octopus energy uses a standard formula for this: Units Consumed (Cubic Metres) x Volume Correction (for temperature & pressure) × Calorific Value (energy in each m3 of gas) / 3.6 (convert from joules) = Usage (in kWh)