aio-libs / aiohttp

Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python
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Too many websocket client disconnect, memory not release #6325

Closed stolenzc closed 11 months ago

stolenzc commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

I have a aiohttp server, it supply a router for websoccket, when I use 10000 client to connect the server. and disconnect after 5 seconds, the server will not release the memory.

server handler

async def websocket_handler(request):
    ws = web.WebSocketResponse()
    await ws.prepare(request)
        await ws.send_str('hi')
        async for msg in ws:
            if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:
                if == 'close':
                await ws.send_str(msg)
    except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
        logging.warning(f'websocket connection closed: {str(e)}')
        await ws.close()
    return ws

client script

async def connect_ws(id):
    url = f'ws://localhost:8000/websocket'
    ws = create_connection(url)
    response = ws.recv()
    print(str(id) + response)
    await asyncio.sleep(5)

async def run():
    for i in range(10000):
    await asyncio.sleep(1000)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

before run script: image

after finish run script: image

after I use gc.collectI(): ![Uploading image.png…]()

To Reproduce

  1. start the server
  2. start the client script
  3. watching the memory used

Expected behavior

memory will be released,


not error info, but run script will reshow this problem

Python Version

$ python --version
Python 3.8.10
Python 3.7.8

aiohttp Version

$ python -m pip show aiohttp
Version: 3.8.1
Version: 3.6.2

multidict Version

$ python -m pip show multidict
Version: 4.7.6

yarl Version

$ python -m pip show yarl
Version: 1.6.3


Windows 10 21H1 19043.1348

Related component


Additional context

No response

Code of Conduct

stolenzc commented 3 years ago

add the memory used after run gc.collect() image

asvetlov commented 3 years ago

Your scripts are not full, unable to reproduce.

stolenzc commented 3 years ago

this is full script

import asyncio
from websocket import create_connection
import requests
# pip install websocket 
# pip install websocket-client

async def connect_ws(id):
    url = f'ws://localhost:8000/land/websocket-tunnel'
    ws = create_connection(url)
    response = ws.recv()
    print(str(id) + response)
    await asyncio.sleep(5)

async def run():
    for i in range(10000):
    await asyncio.sleep(1000)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
import asyncio
from websocket import create_connection
import requests
asvetlov commented 3 years ago

You forgot the server. Please save my time.

stolenzc commented 3 years ago

I am so sorry, this is a simple full code server, you can start server by this python file, then run the script, you can watch your memory used, after scirpt can request to http://localhost:8000/land/gc to collection the memory. this problem will reproduce.

note: you may change the max client connect use ulimit -n 11000, on my ubuntu server, default is 1024. server will raise error after 1016 clients connect successd.

import asyncio
import gc

import aiohttp
from aiohttp import web

async def websocket_handler(request):

    ws = web.WebSocketResponse()
    await ws.prepare(request)
        await ws.send_str('hi')
        async for msg in ws:
            if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:
                if == 'close':
                await ws.send_str(msg)
    except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError) as e:
        await ws.close(code=aiohttp.WSCloseCode.GOING_AWAY)
    return ws

async def gc_handler(request):
    return web.json_response({'status': 'ok'})

app = web.Application(client_max_size=1024 ** 10)
app.add_routes([web.get('/land/websocket-tunnel', websocket_handler),
                web.get('/land/gc', gc_handler)])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    web.run_app(app, host='', port=8000)
stolenzc commented 3 years ago

Do you reproduce this issue? and have some way to reslove or temporary solution,this is very serious in my server. hope your reply.

You forgot the server. Please save my time.

wiryonolau commented 1 year ago

Any update on this ? I also have similar problem, my code is a bit huge. Need to tidy up before I can post it here Currently I only check using tracemalloc during runtime

app start at 100MB memory and grow to 200MB after 1 day, I need to restart every 2 weeks. It can grow more then 2GB This is 24hour biggest 5 tracemalloc

lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/ size=166 MiB, count=4552, average=37.4 KiB         
lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydantic/ size=36.1 MiB, count=142116, average=266 B
lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/ size=6262 KiB, count=165790, average=39 B
lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/ size=3545 KiB, count=47172, average=77 B
lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/ size=1633 KiB, count=9952, average=168 B

App is running using docker with python:3.10.13-slim, with only 2-3 ws client connected

Dreamsorcerer commented 1 year ago

I can reproduce with the above code:

It's necessary to set ulimit -n 11000 and then the memory usage climbs when running the client script. After calling the gc endpoint, the memory usage drops noticeably (but less than half of the total amount it increased by).

I'm struggling to make any sense of tracemalloc output, it's not clear what is happening currently. Maybe there's a better tool to use? I don't think I have time at the moment to look into it.

Dreamsorcerer commented 1 year ago

@bdraco I suspect this may affect homeassistant, so might be worth digging into if you have time.

bdraco commented 1 year ago

I'll take a look this weekend if I can find some free cycles. I may have already fixed this problem in HA and need to upstream the fix. (Or it's a different leak)

bdraco commented 1 year ago

It does looks like something is leaking python objects

[('coroutine', 67462, 17136),
 ('method', 42210, 10711),
 ('deque', 25303, 6429),
 ('dict', 28606, 6427),
 ('Context', 25309, 6427),
 ('list', 17727, 4285),
 ('ReferenceType', 18536, 4284),
 ('builtin_function_or_method', 17950, 4284),
 ('CIMultiDict', 16867, 4284),
 ('Task', 16867, 4284),
 ('Future', 16865, 4284),
 ('FutureIter', 16866, 4284),
 ('socket', 8437, 2143),
 ('Handle', 8439, 2143),
 ('RequestHandler', 8434, 2143),
 ('HttpRequestParser', 8434, 2143),
 ('HeadersParser', 8434, 2143),
 ('AccessLoggerWrapper', 8434, 2143),
 ('_SelectorSocketTransport', 8434, 2143),
 ('KeyedRef', 8434, 2143),
 ('AccessLogger', 8434, 2143),
 ('TransportSocket', 8434, 2143),
 ('WebSocketReader', 8433, 2143),
 ('FlowControlDataQueue', 8433, 2143),
 ('set', 8637, 2142),
 ('SplitResult', 8440, 2142),
 ('HttpVersion', 8435, 2142),
 ('URL', 8438, 2142),
 ('RawRequestMessage', 8434, 2142),
 ('SimpleCookie', 8434, 2142),
 ('SelectorKey', 8435, 2142),
 ('Request', 8433, 2142),
 ('UrlMappingMatchInfo', 8433, 2142),
 ('CIMultiDictProxy', 8433, 2142),
 ('StreamWriter', 8433, 2142),
 ('WebSocketResponse', 8432, 2142),
 ('WebSocketWriter', 8432, 2142),
 ('Timeout', 8432, 2142),
 ('tuple', 13318, 2138)]

These seem to be growing over time

bdraco commented 1 year ago

Also it doesn't looks like the problem I was seeing in HA

bdraco commented 1 year ago

If I don't create the WebSocketResponse it doesn't leak

bdraco commented 1 year ago

Creating ws = web.WebSocketResponse(heartbeat=5) doesn't leak

bdraco commented 1 year ago
async def websocket_handler(request):
    mem = process.memory_info().rss
    ws = web.WebSocketResponse(heartbeat=5)
    await ws.prepare(request)
    await ws.close(code=aiohttp.WSCloseCode.GOING_AWAY)
    return ws

This doesn't appear to leak either

bdraco commented 1 year ago
async def websocket_handler(request):
    mem = process.memory_info().rss
    ws = web.WebSocketResponse(heartbeat=5)
    await ws.prepare(request)
    await ws.send_str("hi")
    await ws.close(code=aiohttp.WSCloseCode.GOING_AWAY)

It leaks as soon as the send_str is added so much smaller reproducer

bdraco commented 1 year ago

leaks with compress=False as well

bdraco commented 1 year ago

leak seems to be the transport. It goes away with

diff --git a/aiohttp/ b/aiohttp/
index 475b1f78..25907c62 100644
--- a/aiohttp/
+++ b/aiohttp/
@@ -729,3 +729,7 @@ class WebSocketWriter:
             self._closing = True
+            self.transport.close()
+            self.transport = None
+            self.protocol = None
bdraco commented 1 year ago
            self.transport = None
            self.protocol = None

This isn't enough. without the .close() it leaks.. but connection_lost is being called

bdraco commented 1 year ago

I can reduce the leak with

@@ -324,14 +329,17 @@ class RequestHandler(BaseProtocol):

         if self._keepalive_handle is not None:
+            self._keepalive_handle = None

         if self._current_request is not None:
             if exc is None:
                 exc = ConnectionResetError("Connection lost")
+            self._current_request = None

         if self._waiter is not None:
+            self._waiter = None

         if handler_cancellation and self._task_handler is not None:
@@ -342,6 +350,14 @@ class RequestHandler(BaseProtocol):

But I haven't been able to find what is holding the reference

Dreamsorcerer commented 1 year ago

leak seems to be the transport. It goes away with

We do this in client_proto, so maybe it's just an oversight that it's not being done in the websockets?

Dreamsorcerer commented 1 year ago

Or, as we have that protocol handy already, maybe we just need to do self.protocol.close()?

As for what's holding the reference, my suspicion is that until the transport is closed, it has either a callback method: Or some writer object of ours:

So, there's probably a circular reference of some kind there, which is also referenced in the loop, until the close() method is called.

Though, that also suggests that if the user doesn't call .close(), then we'll still have the same leak. It should get closed when the connection is lost...

bdraco commented 1 year ago

I dug for a bit more on this but didn't find it.

Out of time for today but will dig more this weekend

bdraco commented 1 year ago

Closing the transport there only solves whatever is leaking in the send path. As soon as I add back the receive it look like it keeps holding the reference forever and never gets GCed

We also can't close the transport there because it means anything in the buffer will not get sent before it's closed

bdraco commented 1 year ago
{"status": "ok", "mem": 144556032, "WebSocketResponse": 0, "WebSocketWriter": 0, "TimerHandle": 2, "FlowControlDataQueue": 0, "CIMultiDict": 3, "deque": 4}

It looks like CIMultiDict and deque (probably from the underlying transport in py3.12+) get leaked, but only sometimes

async def gc_handler(request):
    return web.json_response(
            "status": "ok",
            "mem": process.memory_info().rss,
            "WebSocketResponse": len(objgraph.by_type("WebSocketResponse")),
            "WebSocketWriter": len(objgraph.by_type("WebSocketWriter")),
            "TimerHandle": len(objgraph.by_type("TimerHandle")),
            "FlowControlDataQueue": len(objgraph.by_type("FlowControlDataQueue")),
            "CIMultiDict": len(objgraph.by_type("CIMultiDict")),
            "deque": len(objgraph.by_type("deque")),
bdraco commented 1 year ago

But if I wait long though they do get cleaned up.. hmm

bdraco commented 1 year ago
{"status": "ok", "mem": 151601152, "WebSocketResponse": 0, "WebSocketWriter": 0, "Transport": 0, "TimerHandle": 2, "FlowControlDataQueue": 0, "CIMultiDict": 3, "deque": 4, "common": [["function", 7339], ["tuple", 4882], ["dict", 3309], ["ReferenceType", 1672], ["wrapper_descriptor", 1495], ["cell", 1144], ["builtin_function_or_method", 1086], ["method_descriptor", 1073], ["type", 1073], ["getset_descriptor", 1041], ["list", 862], ["property", 739], ["member_descriptor", 666], ["module", 316], ["ModuleSpec", 312], ["frozenset", 258], ["_tuplegetter", 250], ["SourceFileLoader", 237], ["set", 205], ["classmethod", 200], ["_GenericAlias", 189], ["staticmethod", 183], ["_abc_data", 163], ["_UnionGenericAlias", 156], ["ABCMeta", 150], ["Pattern", 93], ["_NamedIntConstant", 76], ["Field", 74], ["HTTPStatus", 62], ["classmethod_descriptor", 52], ["EnumType", 52], ["method", 49], ["ForwardRef", 45], ["IPv6Address", 43], ["reify", 38], ["_SpecialGenericAlias", 37], ["_TLSAlertType", 34], ["ExtensionFileLoader", 33], ["Signals", 31], ["Negsignal", 31], ["IPv4Address", 30], ["_DataclassParams", 29], ["_lru_cache_wrapper", 28], ["IPv6Network", 28], ["FileFinder", 27], ["AlertDescription", 27], ["_CallableGenericAlias", 24], ["cached_property", 24], ["_TLSMessageType", 22], ["TypeVar", 22], ["IPv4Network", 19], ["CType", 19], ["_Precedence", 18], ["SimpleNamespace", 17], ["BufferFlags", 17], ["Logger", 16], ["RegexFlag", 15], ["Options", 15], ["_SpecialForm", 14], ["cython_function_or_method", 14], ["builtin_method", 13], ["WSCloseCode", 13], ["scputimes", 13], ["Month", 12], ["Context", 12], ["AddressFamily", 10], ["MsgFlag", 10], ["AddressInfo", 10], ["_ProtocolMeta", 10], ["partial", 10], ["_Feature", 10], ["SSLErrorNumber", 9], ["GenericAlias", 9], ["HTTPMethod", 9], ["WSMsgType", 9], ["defaultdict", 8], ["_State", 8], ["SplitResult", 8], ["lock", 7], ["VerifyFlags", 7], ["TLSVersion", 7], ["Day", 7], ["Struct", 7], ["KeyMethod", 7], ["_SSLMethod", 6], ["_TLSContentType", 6], ["URL", 6], ["ResourceRoute", 6], ["coroutine", 6], ["Handle", 6], ["WeakSet", 5], ["SocketKind", 5], ["_ABC", 5], ["_ParameterKind", 5], ["SSLProtocolState", 5], ["ChunkState", 5], ["FlagBoundary", 4], ["method-wrapper", 4], ["RLock", 4], ["deque", 4], ["PlaceHolder", 4], ["AppProtocolState", 4], ["_BarrierState", 4], ["ParseState", 4], ["WSParserState", 4], ["UUID", 4], ["Signal", 4], ["socket", 4], ["TextIOWrapper", 3], ["FileIO", 3], ["_Printer", 3], ["EnumCheck", 3], ["count", 3], ["Sigmasks", 3], ["VerifyMode", 3], ["_SendfileMode", 3], ["_FIELD_BASE", 3], ["_Unquoter", 3], ["HttpVersion", 3], ["_LiteralGenericAlias", 3], ["Order", 3], ["SafeUUID", 3], ["ContentCoding", 3], ["CIMultiDict", 3], ["NicDuplex", 3], ["PlainResource", 3], ["Task", 3], ["SelectorKey", 3], ["IncrementalEncoder", 2], ["BufferedWriter", 2], ["_Environ", 2], ["Quitter", 2], ["Formatter", 2], ["WeakValueDictionary", 2], ["Handlers", 2], ["Purpose", 2], ["_ASN1Object", 2], ["_TypedDictMeta", 2], ["_DeprecatedType", 2], ["mappingproxy", 2], ["Random", 2], ["UnionType", 2], ["slice", 2], ["PosixPath", 2], ["_TypingMeta", 2], ["Charset", 2], ["_localized_day", 2], ["_localized_month", 2], ["WSMessage", 2], ["RawRequestMessage", 2], ["SimpleCookie", 2], ["BatteryTime", 2], ["Process", 2], ["Server", 2], ["FutureIter", 2], ["TimerHandle", 2], ["_WeakValueDictionary", 1], ["IncrementalDecoder", 1], ["CodecInfo", 1], ["BufferedReader", 1], ["_DeprecateByteStringMeta", 1], ["DistutilsMetaFinder", 1], ["_Helper", 1], ["Repr", 1], ["_auto_null", 1], ["_Sentinel", 1], ["_MainThread", 1], ["Event", 1], ["Condition", 1], ["PercentStyle", 1], ["_StderrHandler", 1], ["RootLogger", 1], ["Manager", 1], ["Load", 1], ["Store", 1], ["Del", 1], ["And", 1], ["Or", 1], ["Add", 1], ["Sub", 1], ["Mult", 1], ["MatMult", 1], ["Div", 1], ["Mod", 1], ["Pow", 1], ["LShift", 1], ["RShift", 1], ["BitOr", 1], ["BitXor", 1], ["BitAnd", 1], ["FloorDiv", 1], ["Invert", 1], ["Not", 1], ["UAdd", 1], ["USub", 1], ["Eq", 1], ["NotEq", 1], ["Lt", 1], ["LtE", 1], ["Gt", 1], ["GtE", 1], ["Is", 1], ["IsNot", 1], ["In", 1], ["NotIn", 1], ["_Unknown", 1], ["_RunningLoop", 1], ["_AnyMeta", 1], ["_LiteralSpecialForm", 1], ["_CallableType", 1], ["_DeprecatedGenericAlias", 1], ["_TupleType", 1], ["NamedTupleMeta", 1], ["TypeAliasType", 1], ["uname_result", 1], ["_HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS", 1], ["_MISSING_TYPE", 1], ["_KW_ONLY_TYPE", 1], ["JSONEncoder", 1], ["JSONDecoder", 1], ["Scanner", 1], ["UCD", 1], ["TextCalendar", 1], ["Compat32", 1], ["_QByteMap", 1], ["_SENTINEL", 1], ["EmptyStreamReader", 1], ["PayloadRegistry", 1], ["ClientWSTimeout", 1], ["Lib", 1], ["ClientTimeout", 1], ["HTTPNotFound", 1], ["_WrapNumbers", 1], ["Application", 1], ["UrlDispatcher", 1], ["FrozenList", 1], ["CleanupContext", 1], ["_UnixDefaultEventLoopPolicy", 1], ["_Local", 1], ["_UnixSelectorEventLoop", 1], ["KqueueSelector", 1], ["_SelectorMapping", 1], ["AppRunner", 1], ["Future", 1], ["TCPSite", 1], ["RequestHandler", 1], ["HttpRequestParser", 1], ["HeadersParser", 1], ["AccessLoggerWrapper", 1], ["_SelectorSocketTransport", 1], ["KeyedRef", 1], ["AccessLogger", 1], ["TransportSocket", 1], ["Response", 1], ["StreamWriter", 1], ["Request", 1], ["UrlMappingMatchInfo", 1], ["CIMultiDictProxy", 1], ["TaskStepMethWrapper", 1]]}

That is what is in memory after everything disconnects.. Although RSS keeps increasing, I don't see a leak of objects actually happening

bdraco commented 1 year ago

Going to try building without extensions to see if that changes anything

bdraco commented 1 year ago

async def gc_handler(request):
    return web.json_response(
            "status": "ok",
            "mem": process.memory_info().rss,
            "WebSocketResponse": len(objgraph.by_type("WebSocketResponse")),
            "WebSocketWriter": len(objgraph.by_type("WebSocketWriter")),
            "Transport": len(objgraph.by_type("Transport")),
            "TimerHandle": len(objgraph.by_type("TimerHandle")),
            "FlowControlDataQueue": len(objgraph.by_type("FlowControlDataQueue")),
            "CIMultiDict": len(objgraph.by_type("CIMultiDict")),
            "deque": len(objgraph.by_type("deque")),
            "common": objgraph.most_common_types(limit=500),

Even with no extensions I still see rss increasing each cycle, but I don't see any python objects actually leaking

bdraco commented 1 year ago

modified app that shows objects in memory

import asyncio
import gc
import objgraph

import aiohttp
from aiohttp import web
import psutil
import pprint

process = psutil.Process()

async def websocket_handler(request):
    mem = process.memory_info().rss
    ws = web.WebSocketResponse(heartbeat=5, compress=False)
    await ws.prepare(request)
    await ws.send_str("hi")
        await ws.send_str("hi")
        async for msg in ws:
            if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:
                if == "close":
                await ws.send_str(msg)
    except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError):
        await ws.close(code=aiohttp.WSCloseCode.GOING_AWAY)
    return ws

async def gc_handler(request):
    return web.json_response(
            "status": "ok",
            "mem": process.memory_info().rss,
            "WebSocketResponse": len(objgraph.by_type("WebSocketResponse")),
            "WebSocketWriter": len(objgraph.by_type("WebSocketWriter")),
            "Transport": len(objgraph.by_type("Transport")),
            "TimerHandle": len(objgraph.by_type("TimerHandle")),
            "FlowControlDataQueue": len(objgraph.by_type("FlowControlDataQueue")),
            "CIMultiDict": len(objgraph.by_type("CIMultiDict")),
            "deque": len(objgraph.by_type("deque")),
            "common": objgraph.most_common_types(limit=500),

async def objects_handler(request):
    return web.json_response({"status": "ok", "mem": process.memory_info().rss, "objects": objgraph.growth(limit=1000)})

app = web.Application(client_max_size=1024**10)
        web.get("/land/websocket-tunnel", websocket_handler),
        web.get("/land/gc", gc_handler),
        web.get("/land/objects", objects_handler),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    web.run_app(app, host="", port=8000)
bdraco commented 1 year ago

If we adjust the app to do

async def websocket_handler(request):
    mem = process.memory_info().rss
    ws = web.WebSocketResponse(heartbeat=5, compress=False)
    await ws.prepare(request)
    await ws.send_str("hi")
    await ws.close(code=aiohttp.WSCloseCode.GOING_AWAY)


index 475b1f78..77185dd1 100644
--- a/aiohttp/
+++ b/aiohttp/
@@ -729,3 +729,6 @@ class WebSocketWriter:
             self._closing = True
+            self.transport.close()
+            self.transport = None
+            self.protocol = None

It doesn't leak

But as soon as we start recving it does leak

bdraco commented 1 year ago

Probably need to try this on a different OS to see if the results are similar

bdraco commented 1 year ago

After waiting 30 minutes, it still holding the memory.

Need to get something more minimal to reproduce. That's going to be hard as its not clear yet how it gets triggered. Will need some more work on this when I have some more free cycles

bdraco commented 1 year ago

On a side note we probably use more memory than needed since it inherits from StreamResponse but doesn't use most of it

wiryonolau commented 12 months ago

Hi, is there anything we can do in our code at the moment ?

bdraco commented 12 months ago

Not yet. The source of the leak has not been identified yet

wiryonolau commented 11 months ago

On a side note we probably use more memory than needed since it inherits from StreamResponse but doesn't use most of it

For info I'm moving to sse for now ( aiohttp-sse ) which also extends StreamResponse, doesn't show any leak after 2days. memory remain constant

bdraco commented 11 months ago

Still haven't had any luck finding the leak

bdraco commented 11 months ago

I think I'm going to have to go line by line

bdraco commented 11 months ago

There is a race on closing but I don't thin its the leak ?

Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-35907' coro=< done, defined at /Users/bdraco/aiohttp/aiohttp/> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_closing'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/bdraco/aiohttp/aiohttp/", line 706, in ping
    await self._send_frame(message, WSMsgType.PING)
  File "/Users/bdraco/aiohttp/aiohttp/", line 673, in _send_frame
    self._write(header + message)
  File "/Users/bdraco/aiohttp/aiohttp/", line 692, in _write
    if self.transport.is_closing():
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'is_closing'
bdraco commented 11 months ago
frame                       25254
traceback                   14721
dict                        7367

might be something holding the exception

bdraco commented 11 months ago
frame                       48575
traceback                   28329
dict                        11255
deque                       8098
bdraco commented 11 months ago

killing the test client in the middle of the script makes the leak worse

ConnectionResetError        4312
FlowControlDataQueue        4312
WebSocketResponse           4312
WebSocketWriter             4312
wrapper_descriptor          1515
bdraco commented 11 months ago

the fire and forget ping task might be getting gced prematurely

bdraco commented 11 months ago

@stolenzc @wiryonolau

Can you try ?

wiryonolau commented 11 months ago

Ok, I'll try it this week.