Open shanecarey17 opened 6 years ago
We have not had time to correct the documentation. can you help us by make PR?
But you can use transactions example:
import asyncio
import aiopg
from aiopg.transaction import Transaction, IsolationLevel
dsn = 'dbname=aiopg user=aiopg password=passwd host='
async def transaction(cur, isolation_level,
readonly=False, deferrable=False):
async with Transaction(cur, isolation_level,
readonly, deferrable) as transaction:
await cur.execute('insert into tbl values (1)')
async with transaction.point():
await cur.execute('insert into tbl values (3)')
await cur.execute('insert into tbl values (4)')
async def main():
async with aiopg.create_pool(dsn) as pool:
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor() as cur:
await cur.execute('CREATE TABLE tbl (id int)')
await transaction(cur, IsolationLevel.repeatable_read)
await transaction(cur, IsolationLevel.read_committed)
await transaction(cur, IsolationLevel.serializable)
await cur.execute('select * from tbl')
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
IIRC the issue is:
provides connection.set_isolation_level()
setter for changing the connection state.
The setter doesn't work in async mode. When I tried it last time 4 years ago an exception was thrown.
Maybe the fresh psycopg2 allows it now, I didn't check.
I believe changing isolation level by sending SQL command works fine, e.g. conn.execute('SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE')
The same for set_session()
You can totally implement a set_session()
in aiopg which doesn't use psycopg. What psycopg does is only to use the right parameters after BEGIN
according to the chosen session parameter: you already do some of that having different IsolationCompiler
The default choice of READ COMMITTED
as default isolation level is a broken one: see #699.
I find in the documentation here
The only value allowed in asynchronous mode value is psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED (READ COMMITTED).
However, I am not able to find in the psycopg2 documentation where this is stated.
With asynchronous connections it is also not possible to use set_client_encoding(), executemany(), large objects, named cursors.
Additionally the docs state
Similarly set_session() can’t be used but it is still possible to invoke the SET command with the proper default_transaction_... parameter.
to be called on the connection object with any value and does not check for 'READ_COMMITTED' explicitly, but this "warning" still exists in the source and documentation.Why is this? Can the documentation link to the relevant section of the psycopg2 docs?