aio-libs / aiosmtpd

A reimplementation of the Python stdlib based on asyncio.
Apache License 2.0
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assert_smtp_socket fails with Python 3.13.0a3 #403

Open hroncok opened 7 months ago

hroncok commented 7 months ago

Hello. In Fedora, we are trying to test our packages early with pre-releases of Python 3.13 to be prepared to upgrade to it in the development version of Fedora Linux 41. aiosmtpd fails a test.

To reproduce, I did this:

diff --git a/pytest.ini b/pytest.ini
index f2b9850..a681fff 100644
--- a/pytest.ini
+++ b/pytest.ini
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ addopts =
     # show values of the local vars in errors:
-    # coverage reports
-    --cov=aiosmtpd/ --cov-report term
-asyncio_mode = auto
 filterwarnings =
     # TODO: Replace pkg_resources
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 8282343..5e81227 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 minversion = 3.9.0
-envlist = qa, static, docs, py{38,39,310,311,312,py3}-{nocov,cov,diffcov}
+envlist = qa, static, docs, py{38,39,310,311,312,313,py3}-{nocov,cov,diffcov}
 skip_missing_interpreters = True

@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ deps =
     pytest >= 6.0  # Require >= 6.0 for pyproject.toml support (PEP 517)
-    pytest-profiling
     py # needed for pytest-sugar as it doesn't declare dependency on it.
+    setuptools
     !nocov: coverage>=7.0.1
     !nocov: coverage[toml]
     !nocov: coverage-conditional-plugin

The changes were necessary to even run the tests with Python 3.13. pytest-profiling is not ready for 3.13 and conftest imports pkg_resources.

Then I run:

$ tox -e py313-nocov

Or directly:

$ tox -e py313-nocov -- -k test_unixsocket

I got:

py313-nocov: commands[2]> pytest --verbose -p no:cov --tb=short -k test_unixsocket
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.13.0a3, pytest-8.0.0, pluggy-1.4.0 -- .../aiosmtpd/.tox/py313-nocov/bin/python
cachedir: .tox/py313-nocov/.pytest_cache
rootdir: .../aiosmtpd
configfile: pytest.ini
testpaths: aiosmtpd/tests/, aiosmtpd/qa/
plugins: sugar-1.0.0, print-1.0.0, mock-3.12.0
collecting ... collected 565 items / 564 deselected / 1 selected

aiosmtpd/tests/ FAILED    [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
________________________ TestUnthreaded.test_unixsocket ________________________
aiosmtpd/tests/ in test_unixsocket
        autostop_loop = <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=True>
        cont       = <aiosmtpd.controller.UnixSocketUnthreadedController object at 0x7f91d041d220>
        runner     = <function TestUnthreaded.runner.<locals>.starter at 0x7f91d0602f20>
        safe_socket_dir = PosixPath('/tmp/tmpdoje2ko7')
        self       = <aiosmtpd.tests.test_server.TestUnthreaded object at 0x7f91d06500b0>
        sockfile   = PosixPath('/tmp/tmpdoje2ko7/smtp')
aiosmtpd/tests/ in assert_smtp_socket
    assert Path(controller.unix_socket).exists()
E   AssertionError: assert False
E    +  where False = <bound method PathBase.exists of PosixPath('/tmp/tmpdoje2ko7/smtp')>()
E    +    where <bound method PathBase.exists of PosixPath('/tmp/tmpdoje2ko7/smtp')> = PosixPath('/tmp/tmpdoje2ko7/smtp').exists
E    +      where PosixPath('/tmp/tmpdoje2ko7/smtp') = Path('/tmp/tmpdoje2ko7/smtp')
E    +        where '/tmp/tmpdoje2ko7/smtp' = <aiosmtpd.controller.UnixSocketUnthreadedController object at 0x7f91d041d220>.unix_socket
        controller = <aiosmtpd.controller.UnixSocketUnthreadedController object at 0x7f91d041d220>
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Available AUTH mechanisms: LOGIN(builtin) PLAIN(builtin)
INFO Peer: ''
INFO '' handling connection
DEBUG '' << b'220 carbon Python SMTP 1.4.4.post2'
DEBUG _handle_client readline: b'EHLO socket.test\r\n'
INFO '' >> b'EHLO socket.test'
DEBUG '' << b'250-carbon'
DEBUG '' << b'250-SIZE 33554432'
DEBUG '' << b'250-8BITMIME'
DEBUG '' << b'250-SMTPUTF8'
DEBUG '' << b'250 HELP'
DEBUG _handle_client readline: b'QUIT\r\n'
INFO '' >> b'QUIT'
DEBUG '' << b'221 Bye'
INFO '' connection lost
INFO '' Connection lost during _handle_client()
============================= slowest 10 durations =============================
3.31s call     aiosmtpd/tests/
0.00s setup    aiosmtpd/tests/
0.00s teardown aiosmtpd/tests/
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED aiosmtpd/tests/ - Asser...
====================== 1 failed, 564 deselected in 3.45s =======================
py313-nocov: exit 1 (3.70 seconds) .../aiosmtpd> pytest --verbose -p no:cov --tb=short -k test_unixsocket pid=856635
.pkg-cpython313: _exit> python /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True setuptools.build_meta
  py313-nocov: FAIL code 1 (5.21=setup[0.60]+cmd[0.04,0.88,3.70] seconds)
  evaluation failed :( (5.39 seconds)

This is with:

$ python3.13 --version
Python 3.13.0a3

$ .tox/py313-nocov/bin/pip list
Package        Version
-------------- -----------
aiosmtpd       1.4.4.post2
atpublic       4.0
attrs          23.2.0
bandit         1.7.7
colorama       0.4.6
iniconfig      2.0.0
markdown-it-py 3.0.0
mdurl          0.1.2
packaging      23.2
pbr            6.0.0
pip            23.2.1
pluggy         1.4.0
py             1.11.0
Pygments       2.17.2
pytest         8.0.0
pytest-mock    3.12.0
pytest-print   1.0.0
pytest-sugar   1.0.0
PyYAML         6.0.1
rich           13.7.0
setuptools     69.0.3
stevedore      5.1.0
termcolor      2.4.0
manisandro commented 3 months ago

Consequence of

asyncio.loop.create_unix_server() will now automatically remove the Unix socket when the server is closed. (Contributed by Pierre Ossman in


cont.end() will close the server which will now remove the socket. Perhaps the last part of the test should just be dropped?

diff -rupN aiosmtpd-1.4.4.post2/aiosmtpd/tests/ aiosmtpd-1.4.4.post2-new/aiosmtpd/tests/
--- aiosmtpd-1.4.4.post2/aiosmtpd/tests/  2023-01-19 10:37:59.000000000 +0100
+++ aiosmtpd-1.4.4.post2-new/aiosmtpd/tests/  2024-06-12 14:00:02.133043947 +0200
@@ -446,10 +446,6 @@ class TestUnthreaded:
         # Stop the task
-        # Now the listener has gone away
-        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
-        with pytest.raises((socket.timeout, ConnectionError)):
-            assert_smtp_socket(cont)
