aionnetwork / AVM

Enabling Java code to run in a blockchain environment
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[CLOSED] Reject or remove overlapping exception ranges #314

Closed aionbot closed 5 years ago

aionbot commented 5 years ago

Issue created by jeff-aion (on Tuesday Nov 20, 2018 at 20:35 GMT)

javac seems to compile finally blocks with a very strange exception handling pattern: the first 2 bytecodes are covered by the finally handler, looping back to themselves. A description of this pattern can be found here:

This seems as though it must be a bug since normal finally behaviour does not state that exceptions thrown in the finally block will result in the thread looping forever. Due to the mundane nature of the first 2 bytecodes of a finally block, however, this doesn't seem to matter, in practice.

In AVM, however, we can see this problem. Since we inject instrumentation to bill the block, at the beginning of a catch block, any attempt to throw an instrumentation-related exception will result in the theoretical infinite loop becoming reality.

Ideally, we would reject exception handlers which target their own range but this pattern seems common and there could be other cases of looping exception handlers which don't overlap themselves (2 which resolve to each other, for example). Hence, I think we should approach this, in the present (and we could relax this requirement later), as a rule (which we need to add to the specification - at least for this version) that we will strip out any exception handler entries where the target is not a strictly greater index than the range body.

This would strip out this case and would also break the other cases of looping handlers. While there are legitimate and safe ways to use such backward-target handlers, I suspect that they don't occur in common code and we can account for them, using a more complex algorithm (some sort of graph solver) when/if this issue comes up.

I will prototype this solution and see how it works out.

aionbot commented 5 years ago

Comment by jeff-aion (on Tuesday Nov 20, 2018 at 20:38 GMT)

Interestingly, section 4.9.5 of the class file spec seems to imply that they don't do this (more evidence that this is a bug):

The handler for an exception will never be inside the code that is being protected.