aiorazabala / qmethod

R package to analyse Q methodology data
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make visualizations out of factor arrays #14

Closed maxheld83 closed 9 years ago

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

It seems to be customary to either a) represent factors by a list of item z-scores or b) re-create a hypothetical, ideal-typical q-sort from the position of that factor (see Watts & Stenner 2012).

There are several types of information that we should get out of this results view:

  1. the significance of items on factors
  2. the "loadings" of items on factors
  3. the scores (ideally as continuous, z-scored data, not reduced to ordinal)
  4. the "holistic" big picture in a form similar to the original q-sorts, and a form that makes sure we always understand the individual items in the context of, and relative to all other items.

I was thinking of accomplishing / summarizing all of this in a wordle-type visualization, where

That might give a pretty good overview.

I'll into how this might be done with existing wordle etc. packages on R.

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

Susan Ramlo had a similar idea in 2011, though the implementation seems to use a subset of items only, and/or an actual word count of words within items, as opposed to item shorthandles.

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

On further thought, there are more problems/challenges/revisions:

  1. item short handle font size should maybe not vary, because
    • surface of words grows quadratically whereas scores do not - > overstates magnitudes of differences
    • short handles for items will probably be of different length, thereby distorting any visualization relying on font size
    • so maybe just rely on color and/or transparency
  2. x-axis positioning should be meaningful (agree/disagree obviously) (which is not the case in traditional wordles)
  3. y-axis will remain meaningless (see this criticism of meaningless spatial positioning in worldles
maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

this is the next thing I'll be working on. I feel like I really need a better way to visually inspect my results.

aiorazabala commented 9 years ago

Did you check the plot() for an object of class "Qmethodres" ? See pp 8 in

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

yes I did! I am working with that all the time already! Thanks so much for including that! :bouquet:

I was thinking more of a visualization that basically reproduces the way data is entered, so an ideal-typical qsort for each factor, maybe in different colors, maybe with added info layers for consensus/distinguishing or something (see above). I obviously haven't thought this out.

I am working with my (diss) q study that has 77 items, so I really need a way to – as some q methodologists would stress – interpret the factors holistically.

Ps.: Have also downloaded that paper of yours, still have to read that.

aiorazabala commented 9 years ago

Ah, I see sorry. How about the _plot.table()_ function? Create a table where the statements are 'in the correct cell', and where there are also empty cells (to get the 'pyramid' effect), and then plot it (i.e., perhaps a function specific to Q data which is based on plot.table() )

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

here's a very early draft, qdc is still missing. The transparency of the tiles corresponds to the standard deviation of items for flagged q sorts.

Helps my kind of factor interpretation a lot, because I can read full items, and I can see how closely actual sorts fell around the mean.

What do you think @aiorazabala ?


VerenaHeld commented 9 years ago

@maxheld83 Transparency for standard deviation seems to be a good (new?) idea (and probably better than font size). It helps to keep in mind that the item positions of the "flagged/individual" q-sorts could be very different and hence more/less relevant for the interpretation...
I'm curious to know how the qdc-visualization works... maybe with little boxes (left, right or middle) at the bottom of each item (colored like the other factors)?

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

thanks @VerenaKasztantowicz ! Yeah; I'll have to be careful not to produce an illegibly overloaded graph ...

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

ok, here we go, now with (some amount of) qdc.R statements. Lines show the relative position of items on the significantly different other factor (3 factors in total). So, if a yellow line is slightly to the right of center of a card, it means that that item scored significantly more positive on the "yellow" factor. I've also fixed the layout a little bit.

There's also different fonts, but that's a different story (specific to my study).

I think this information overload, so I'll probably just make it digital, and add a little colored corner if some item is significantly more to the left or the right.

What do you think @aiorazabala and @VerenaKasztantowicz


aiorazabala commented 9 years ago


maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

@aiorazabala I'll add these as functions soon; they are essentially ggplot2 wrappers, but there's some data preparation and layouting necessary that people might appreciate to have ready-made.

maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

ok this is pretty much the final version for now. Colors automatically cycle through a color space.

Now comes documentation, testing, input validation.


maxheld83 commented 9 years ago

we're almost there.