air-verse / air

☁️ Live reload for Go apps
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Logs can be shown on the terminal, but not be written in the log file.Why? #68

Open snowdream opened 4 years ago

snowdream commented 4 years ago
# Config file for [Air]( in TOML format

# Working directory
# . or absolute path, please note that the directories following must be under root.
root = "."
tmp_dir = "tmp"

# Just plain old shell command. You could use `make` as well.
cmd = "go build -o ./tmp/main ."
# Binary file yields from `cmd`.
bin = "tmp/main"
# Customize binary.
full_bin = "APP_ENV=dev APP_USER=air ./tmp/main"
# Watch these filename extensions.
include_ext = ["go", "tpl", "tmpl", "html"]
# Ignore these filename extensions or directories.
exclude_dir = ["assets", "tmp", "vendor", "frontend/node_modules"]
# Watch these directories if you specified.
include_dir = []
# Exclude files.
exclude_file = []
# This log file places in your tmp_dir.
log = "air.log"
# It's not necessary to trigger build each time file changes if it's too frequent.
delay = 1000 # ms
# Stop running old binary when build errors occur.
stop_on_error = true
# Send Interrupt signal before killing process (windows does not support this feature)
send_interrupt = false
# Delay after sending Interrupt signal
kill_delay = 500 # ms

# Show log time
time = false

# Customize each part's color. If no color found, use the raw app log.
main = "magenta"
watcher = "cyan"
build = "yellow"
runner = "green"

# Delete tmp directory on exit
clean_on_exit = true
Dids commented 3 years ago

I've been seeing something similar, but my issue seems to be specifically related to how shutdown is handled.

It seems like Air is sometimes a bit too eager to shutdown after a file has changed, even when using send_interrupt, so a new build is started before the previous one got a chance to even exit.