air4children / site

:globe_with_meridians: Website of air4children
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Unable to connect to http://localhost:8000/ in Ubuntu1804x64 #4

Closed mxochicale closed 2 years ago

mxochicale commented 4 years ago

Successful installation of npm and dependencies in Ubuntu1804x64

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install nodejs-dev node-gyp libssl1.0-dev
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
sudo npm install npm@latest
sudo npm install npm -g #
sudo npm install --global cross-env #

then i got this

$ npm run develop

> libre-robotics-gatsby@0.0.1 develop /home/air4children/Desktop/github/site
> cross-env GATSBY_GRAPHQL_IDE=playground gatsby develop

success open and validate gatsby-configs - 0.023s
success load plugins - 0.648s
success onPreInit - 0.003s
success initialize cache - 0.010s
success copy gatsby files - 0.042s
success onPreBootstrap - 0.014s
success createSchemaCustomization - 0.005s
success source and transform nodes - 0.189s
success building schema - 0.386s
success createPages - 0.028s
success createPagesStatefully - 0.237s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.002s
success update schema - 0.044s
success extract queries from components - 0.359s
success write out requires - 0.039s
success write out redirect data - 0.009s
success onPostBootstrap - 0.003s
info bootstrap finished - 4.238 s
success run queries - 0.070s - 9/9 127.84/s
You can now view libre-robotics-gatsby in the browser.
View the GraphQL Playground, an in-browser IDE, to explore your site's data and schema
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use gatsby build
success Building development bundle - 3.206s

10 pages                                                             Success                                                            libre-robotics-gatsby

but when trying this

firefox  http://localhost:8000/

I got this: Unable to connect

Any ideas?

mxochicale commented 4 years ago

Installing Gatsby plugins

sudo npm install --global gatsby-cli #
sudo npm i gatsby-transformer-sharp gatsby-plugin-sharp gatsby-background-image
sudo npm i gatsby-image
sudo npm i gatsby-remark-images
sudo npm i gatsby-plugin-webpack-bundle-analyzer


found 627 vulnerabilities (622 low, 4 moderate, 1 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
mxochicale commented 4 years ago

Perhaps it is not an appropriate practice but using the following lines the site seems to work!

sudo npm run develop
google-chrome http://localhost:8000/
mxochicale commented 2 years ago

closed as it is outdated