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Project 4 - Case Study Distributed System: Apache Airavata Custos - https://airavata.apache.org/custos/ #84
RutujaJadhav19 opened 2 years ago
Case Study Distributed System: Apache Airavata Custos - https://airavata.apache.org/custos/
-> Deploy Custos on Jetstream 2 cloud. Code is at GitHub Repo - https://github.com/apache/airavata-custos and Instructions at - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CUSTOS/Custos+Deployment+Architecture+and+Installation+Guide -> Configure the Python client and demonstrate Custos functioning - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CUSTOS/Use+Custos+Python+SDK -> Describe your testing strategy discussed in the Lectures https://courses.airavata.org/slides/spring2022/Spring2022-SGACourse-TestingPart1.pdf and https://courses.airavata.org/slides/spring2022/Spring2022-SGACourse-TestingPart2.pdf -> Publish your testing strategy and test results to your project github Wiki and include the link in the report.