airblade / voom

A simplest-thing-that-works Vim plugin manager. Use with Vim 8 or Pathogen.
MIT License
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Changing a fork doesn't pick up new repo #1

Open airblade opened 9 years ago

airblade commented 9 years ago
  1. Declare a repo (which has a fork) in plugins and voom install.
  2. Update declaration in plugins to one of the fork(s) and voom install.
  3. Then
    • Expected: original repo is removed and new repo is installed.
    • Actual: original repo is left and new repo is not installed.
airblade commented 1 year ago

Plugins are currently installed under pack/voom/start/. The name voom is arbitrary: vim will find anything under pack/*/start/.

So instead of using voom as the namespace for all plugins, we could use something unique for a particular fork of a plugin. For example, the GitHub username. So a plugin declared as tpope/vim-fugitive would be installed to pack/tpope/vim-fugitive (instead of pack/voom/vim-fugitive).

Clearly not all plugins are installed from GitHub. However whether they are local (~/code/src/vim-gitgutter) or online, they all have some kind of path. We could just use the penultimate segment of the path.

eNV25 commented 1 year ago

We could also replace any / with a replacement character, e.g. with - airblade/voom would become airblade-voom. This would solve the namespacing issue, and there would be no need to stop using the voom plugin.

airblade commented 1 year ago

Yes, that would work too. It would also keep all the plugins in the same directory, which doesn't really matter but feels neater.

It would make it slightly harder to spot a particular plugin in that directory, if you wanted to for some reason. To improve that we could swap the names, e.g. voom-airblade or fugitive-tpope. Again, though, it doesn't really matter.