airbnb / Showkase

🔦 Showkase is an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements
Apache License 2.0
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Compose 1.4.2+ support #382

Closed skylerreimer closed 5 months ago

skylerreimer commented 6 months ago

Hey there!

I'm working on a design system within Amazon that vends a Compose library. We love Showkase for helping us during development and with screenshot testing. Unfortunately we have some internal users who would like to use a higher version of Compose than 1.4.2.

What is the lift to bump the version? Our internal build system doesn't play well with external dependencies sometimes. Happy to possibly do the work if we can guarantee it gets released sooner rather than later.

vinaygaba commented 6 months ago

Have just put up a PR that show give you what you need!