airbnb / airpal

Web UI for PrestoDB.
Apache License 2.0
2.76k stars 458 forks source link

Need a suggestion #219

Closed akyekth closed 7 years ago

akyekth commented 7 years ago

HI guys, we are using airpal is UI to connect hive through PrestoDB, But we used JAX-RS REST framework with payara server(4.1.1). Airapl uses Airlift framework(REST framework). When iam using Airpal application have so many exceptions like below. The lifecycle method [stop] must not throw a checked exception. Related annotation information: annotation [@javax.annotation.PreDestroy()] on annotated element [public void io.airlift.http.server.HttpServer.stop() throws java.lang.Exception] of type [METHOD] The lifecycle method [stop] must not throw a checked exception. Related annotation information: annotation [@javax.annotation.PreDestroy()] on annotated element [public void io.airlift.http.server.HttpServer.stop() throws java.lang.Exception] of type [METHOD].

It means Airlift trying to start Jetty server.But already used PAYARA server. how can i use airpal through presto without Airlift to get data from hive through prestodb.

Please help me. I am pretty much new these topics. Guide me who are using airpal.

Thanks in Advance Aruna