airbnb / babel-plugin-inline-react-svg

A babel plugin that optimizes and inlines SVGs for your React Components.
MIT License
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'undefined is not a function' when using the new JSX transform #91

Open kripod opened 3 years ago

kripod commented 3 years ago

When importing an SVG, the new JSX transform doesn't work seamlessly along with React 17. The resulting component with inlined SVG data looks as follows:

var TextAroundImageEditor_IconFlip = function IconFlip(props) {
  return /*#__PURE__*/undefined("svg", TextAroundImageEditor_objectSpread(TextAroundImageEditor_objectSpread({}, props), {}, {
    children: [/*#__PURE__*/Object(jsx_runtime_["jsx"])("path", {
      fillRule: "evenodd",
      d: "M8 3L2 19H11V3H8ZM4.886 17L9 6.02934V17H4.886Z"
    }), /*#__PURE__*/Object(jsx_runtime_["jsx"])("path", {
      fillRule: "evenodd",
      d: "M16 3L22 19H13V3H16ZM19.114 17L15 6.02934V17H19.114Z"

TextAroundImageEditor_IconFlip.defaultProps = {
  fill: "currentColor",
  viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
  width: "24",
  height: "24",
  xmlns: ""

Instead of something similar to:

var TextAroundImageEditor_IconFlip = function IconFlip(props) {
+  return /*#__PURE__*/Object(jsx_runtime_["jsx"])("svg", TextAroundImageEditor_objectSpread(TextAroundImageEditor_objectSpread({}, props), {}, {
-  return /*#__PURE__*/undefined("svg", TextAroundImageEditor_objectSpread(TextAroundImageEditor_objectSpread({}, props), {}, {
    children: [/*#__PURE__*/Object(jsx_runtime_["jsx"])("path", {
kripod commented 3 years ago

Downgrading to React 16.14 has fixed the issue for now. I'm not sure whether an issue should be filed towards Babel or React, too.

ljharb commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure either - but this plugin very explicitly adds an import of React if none exists, so I think this (and many other ecosystem transforms) can't likely work transparently with the new jsx transform.

paleite commented 3 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue.

0x54321 commented 3 years ago

Same problem here. There should at least be a warning somewhere that this is currently incompatible with the new jsx transform.

ljharb commented 3 years ago

Every jsx-related transform is incompatible with it.

paleite commented 3 years ago

Not really a solution for this issue, but for those of you who use Next.js v10, you can try next/image as a workaround until this package gets fixed.

kripod commented 3 years ago

For Next.js 10, I'm currently using the following workaround:

/* .babelrc */
  "presets": [
        // TODO: Remove when airbnb/babel-plugin-inline-react-svg#91 gets fixed
        "preset-react": { "runtime": "classic", "pragma": "__jsx" }
  "plugins": [
      // TODO: Remove when airbnb/babel-plugin-inline-react-svg#91 gets fixed
      // Source:
        "module": "react",
        "importAs": "React",
        "pragma": "__jsx",
        "property": "createElement"

Also, I've opened an issue to support simplifying the config given above:

/* .babelrc */
  "presets": [
      { "preset-react": { "runtime": "classic" } }
  "plugins": ["babel-plugin-inline-react-svg"]
longxuanho commented 3 years ago

Please fix the bug for react v17 / NextJS.

kripod commented 3 years ago

Please fix the bug for react v17 / NextJS.

Please be patient and consider supporting the developers of this project. That’s an example how you could help besides contributing code.

macalinao commented 3 years ago

Hey fellas, I wrote a fix for this in my fork.

You can test this today using yarn add -D @simplyianm/babel-plugin-inline-react-svg.

Here's my config which uses next and emotion:

  "env": {
    "production": {
      "plugins": ["@emotion"]
  "presets": [
        "preset-react": {
          "runtime": "automatic",
          "importSource": "@emotion/react"
  "plugins": [
        "noReactAutoImport": true,
        "svgo": {
          "plugins": [
              "cleanupIDs": {
                "minify": false


kripod commented 3 years ago

@macalinao Great job, thank you! I would love to see that being merged into this project.

longxuanho commented 3 years ago

any update?

ochmanski commented 3 years ago


ljharb commented 3 years ago

@ochmanski #94 isn't ready to land yet, so nope.