airbnb / epoxy

Epoxy is an Android library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView
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PagingDataEpoxyController never calls addModels() when PagingData is empty #1291

Open abdul-hasib opened 2 years ago

abdul-hasib commented 2 years ago

PagingDataEpoxyController is easy to set up and works great however I am facing some issues in displaying a model when the PagingData is empty. I have tried to override the addModels() method but seems it never gets triggered when data is empty. Not sure if I am missing something here.

PS: I am new to Kotlin and Android

Paging model

class PagingModel : ViewModel() {
    var repository = PagingRepository()
    fun query(query: Query): Flow<PagingData<DocumentSnapshot>> =

Paging Repository

class PagingRepository {

    fun query(query: Query): Flow<PagingData<DocumentSnapshot>> {
        return Pager(
            config = PagingConfig(
                pageSize = NETWORK_PAGE_SIZE,
                prefetchDistance = 1,
                enablePlaceholders = false
            pagingSourceFactory = {
                FirestorePagingSource(query, Source.DEFAULT)

    companion object {
        const val NETWORK_PAGE_SIZE = 30

I am loading data from onCreateView() of fragment

lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated {
      pagingModel.query(query).collectLatest {
          Timber.d("before submit data")
          Timber.d("after submit data")  // ==============> THIS IS NEVER PRINTED

My Controller class

inner class Controller : PagingDataEpoxyController<DocumentSnapshot>() {

        override fun addModels(models: List<EpoxyModel<*>>) {
            add(photo()) // =============> THIS NEVER GETS CALLED WHEN DATA IS EMPTY

        override fun buildItemModel(
            currentPosition: Int,
            item: DocumentSnapshot?
        ): EpoxyModel<*> {
              // my model here