airbnb / epoxy

Epoxy is an Android library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView
Apache License 2.0
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I use ModelGroup to make expand and collapse animation, but it brings performance problem when I set layoutParams to the rootView in bind method #1318

Open nanfengkkkkkkk opened 1 year ago

nanfengkkkkkkk commented 1 year ago

abstract class VerticalExpandAnimModelGroup : GroupModel(R.layout.layout_vertical_expand_anim_model_group) {                               
    override fun bind(holder: ModelGroupHolder) {                                                                                  
            val rootView = holder.rootView                                              
            if (!isExpand) {                                                  
                rootView.layoutParams.apply {                               
                    height = 0                                      
            } else {                                                   