Open motions96 opened 3 years ago
Hi, lottie-files doesn't expose all supported properties, that's probably why it doesn't work there. But if you see it correctly in the preview, you should be fine. If it doesn't, you might need to adjust these properties.
Hi @motions96
I had worked with drop shadow using them as an image. So I add it in a new comp, mark "only shadow" and export one frame as png sequence. After it I import the shadow png and place in the animation. Just take care with the size of the final comp because you can have problems when scale it.
When I make the lottieweb exportation I mark to have the image inside the json instead in a folder
@motions96 I thought Lottie doesn't support effects/plugins. I'm trying to find a workaround for rendering Drop shadows with a new project
Hi guys,
Loving Lottie but having trouble with drop shadows. I'm unsure if they are supported or not? When I upload my json to preview, the drop shadow is like a grey box -
However, in the preview and on Webflow, drop shadows seem to be working.
Just wondering why this would be? Is the drop shadow going to work when I hand my JSON over to a dev or not?
Here's my setup: