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The best way to implement forms with MvRx & Epoxy #115

Open qbait opened 5 years ago

qbait commented 5 years ago

Could you tell me how I could improve my pattern for creating forms with MvRx? What's the best way to fix EditText recycling ? Keeping all EditTexts in single view like in your ToDo sample solves the problem, but it's less scalable solution, isn't it?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<merge xmlns:android="">
            android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

My Model is below. setTextAndCursor is Extension fuction inspired by @elihart code onChange is Extension function wrapping TextWatcher

@ModelView(autoLayout = ModelView.Size.MATCH_WIDTH_WRAP_HEIGHT)
class Input @JvmOverloads constructor(
        context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : FrameLayout(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {

    init {
        inflate(context, R.layout.input, this)

    fun setText(email: CharSequence) {

    fun setOnChange(onChange: ((String) -> Unit)?) {
        editText.onChange { onChange?.invoke(it) }

    fun setError(error: String?) {
        inputLayout.error = error

Code in Fragment

    override fun epoxyController() = simpleController(viewModel) { state ->

        with(state.registerForm) {

            input {
                onChange { viewModel.onEmailChange(it) }

            input {
                onChange { viewModel.onFirstNameChange(it) }

Code in ViewModel

    fun onEmailChange(email: String) {
        setState { copy(registerForm = registerForm.copy(email = email, emailError = emailError(email))) }

    fun onFirstNameChange(firstName: String) {
        setState { copy(registerForm = registerForm.copy(firstName = firstName, firstNameError = firstNameError(firstName))) }

1) Could you tell me if my pattern is right? 2) What's the best way to solve the problem with recycling EditText

elihart commented 5 years ago

This pattern looks right to me, what's the problem with recycling exactly? what is it not recycling?

qbait commented 5 years ago

I had a problem with attaching TextWatcher to EditText and recycling.

I solved it by having WatcherAwareEditText

public class WatcherAwareEditText extends TextInputEditText
    private ArrayList<TextWatcher> mListeners = null;
    public WatcherAwareEditText(Context ctx)
    public WatcherAwareEditText(Context ctx, AttributeSet attrs)
        super(ctx, attrs);
    public WatcherAwareEditText(Context ctx, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)
        super(ctx, attrs, defStyle);
    public void addTextChangedListener(TextWatcher watcher)
        if (mListeners == null) 
            mListeners = new ArrayList<TextWatcher>();
    public void removeTextChangedListener(TextWatcher watcher)
        if (mListeners != null) 
            int i = mListeners.indexOf(watcher);
            if (i >= 0) 
    public void clearTextChangedListeners()
        if(mListeners != null)
            for(TextWatcher watcher : mListeners)
            mListeners = null;

and clearing all Watchers before setting new one in my Model

    fun setWatcher(watcher: TextWatcher?) {
        watcher?.let {

It works. However I'll be greatful for your feedback @elihart .

It's a pleasure to create forms with MvRx and Epoxy after setting up everything, but coming up with a good pattern isn't trivial. I could give my code as a sample. Let me know if I should create PR.

shakil807g commented 5 years ago

you can put some thing like this in your model

       public void clear(){

instead of your WatcherAwareEditText

elihart commented 5 years ago

@qbait your solution seems fine. alternatively the textwatcher can be stored as a property in the @ModelView class - whatever you prefer

if you prefer to use a more kotlin like approach and avoid needing to subclass edit text you can use extension functions instead

here's a small sample I just wrote up to illustrate (this is just scratch untested code, but should give you the right idea)

fun EditText.addTextChangedListener(watcher: TextWatcher) {

fun EditText.clearWatchers() {

private fun EditText.getWatchers(): MutableList<TextWatcher> {
    return getTag( ?: run {
        val newList = mutableListOf<TextWatcher>()
        setTag(, newList)

@shakil807g calling removeTextChangedListener(null) doesn't do anything, i wouldn't recommend that.

shakil807g commented 5 years ago

Yes sorry my bad , i am using my model this way is there anything that could go wrong with this approach ?

@EpoxyModelClass(layout = R.layout.item_text_field)
abstract class EditTextModel : EpoxyModelWithHolder<EditTextModel.EditTextHolder>() {

var text: String? = null

var errorText: String? = null

var hint : String? = null

var prefIcon: String? = null

var textWachter: TextWatcher? = null

override fun bind(holder: EditTextModel.EditTextHolder) {


     holder.editext.error = errorText



override fun unbind(holder: EditTextHolder) {
    holder.editext.error = null

  inner class EditTextHolder : EpoxyHolder() {
    lateinit var editext : EditText

    override fun bindView(itemView: View) {
        editext = itemView.editText

qbait commented 5 years ago

@elihart It was working great when I had 1 big scrolling form. Now I separated sections into separate fragments, but I left single shared ViewModel. Unfortunately with this approach I have problem with TextWatchers again. What's the best approach here? should I have ViewModel for every Fragment or I can leave single Shared ViewModel and additionally clear watchers somewhere in my View.

elihart commented 5 years ago

why do you have problems with separate fragments, what is the problem exactly? You've gotta give more details.

sharing a viewmodel should work theoretically, but it may not make the cleanest abstraction if the fragments are unrelated. clearing the watchers seems like it would always be a good idea

qbait commented 5 years ago

Ok, @elihart, the problem was in clearing Watchers, I was doing it like that:

    fun setWatcher(watcher: TextWatcher?) {
        watcher?.let {

I changed it to watch only when EditText has focus

        editText.setOnFocusChangeListener { _, hasFocus ->
            if(!hasFocus) {
            } else {
                watcher?.let {

I'm curious where you clear you watchers.

filipwiech commented 5 years ago

@qbait It would be great if you could share your code as a sample, either as a PR, gist, or otherwise. @elihart This topic seems to come up in both Epoxy and MvRx repos, and proper and clean way of handling this doesn't seem very obvious. Maybe an official sample/wiki page would be a good idea.

jQrgen commented 5 years ago

@qbait Can you please share the setTextAndCursor and onChange extension or a full example? Thanks

elihart commented 5 years ago

@qbait thanks for the update. It seems odd to me that you are needing to clear the watcher when focus changes - it seems like something else is going on here that isn't right. You should only need to clear the watcher when the view is unbound/recycled, which happens automatically with a callback prop

qbait commented 5 years ago

I'm planning to prepare a sample code and post on Medium when I have more time. Here is the extension

fun EditText.setTextAndCursor(text: CharSequence) {
    if(setText(this,text) ) {

private fun setText(textView: TextView, text: CharSequence): Boolean {
    if (!isTextDifferent(text, textView.text)) {
        return false

    textView.text = text

    return true

private fun isTextDifferent(str1: CharSequence?, str2: CharSequence?): Boolean {
    if (str1 === str2) {
        return false
    if (str1 == null || str2 == null) {
        return true
    val length = str1.length
    if (length != str2.length) {
        return true

    if (str1 is Spanned) {
        return str1 != str2

    for (i in 0 until length) {
        if (str1[i] != str2[i]) {
            return true
    return false

Instead of onChange, I'm passing normal TextWatcher. Need to polish it when I'm free.

qbait commented 5 years ago

@elihart my clear function was invoked ~2s after new fragment was created and meantime it was making a mess.

       public void clear(){

I can prepare a sample project tomorrow if you would have time to take a look.

laszlo-galosi commented 5 years ago

@elihart and @qbait I use similar solution with the approach of yours, but I ran into an issue, that for my custom EditField view, that has inputType, imeOptions, @ModelProp annotated properties, and using @AfterPropsSet to bind these properties all together to the EditText. The issue was, because setState on the text change event, and the soft keyboard is displaying, the imeAction, and inputType also changed when the bind is called resulting the changing of the soft keyboard switching keyboard action icons, and keyboard type (according to imeOptions and inputType). It seems if you use functions instead of properties this issue is solved. Or should I examine the equality of this properties, and only set them if they are different, just like the text in @qbait solution?

sandys commented 5 years ago

hi guys - does anyone have an example now ? especially with a text field and a photo field (where we click a photo through phone camera).

We are not able to figure this out properly

zsweigart commented 4 years ago

Yea I'm running into the same issue with multiple fragments. It seems the edittexts are being removed and the clear isn't called immediately so if I cycle between fragments quickly I can have text in an edittext in one fragment changing text in an edittext in a a different fragment