airbus-cyber / graylog-plugin-alert-wizard

Alert Wizard plugin for Graylog to manage the alert rules
46 stars 7 forks source link

The release package/source code are missing #1

Closed dabi0ne closed 5 years ago

dabi0ne commented 5 years ago


Thanks for the great project, i want to try it but the repository doesn't contain any release or source code.

Is the project still maintained ?

dio99 commented 5 years ago

hard to build if no code is there :P

dlancelin commented 5 years ago


Source code will be available soon.

dio99 commented 5 years ago

great :)

dlancelin commented 5 years ago


Sorry for the delay. Source code is now available.

dio99 commented 5 years ago

great thanks im gonna test it.. maybe build it as a complete package with all deps ? since ti requires the 3 other plugins to work // Anders

dlancelin commented 5 years ago

Thank you dio99 for your great idea. However, it can work without the 3 other plugins. In fact, the 3 other plugins are only needed to get all the features of the wizard. So, depending on your needs, you can use the wizard with or without the other plugins, it's more flexible.

dio99 commented 5 years ago

yes i think so :) since the options to use the aggregations is handy its better to have all options from my point of view at start.. then rather to add it later when needed :) since the stuff we build is based on kubernetes and that creates some deployemnts with the jar files as binary in the config-map yml file :)

dio99 commented 5 years ago

im testing it on 2.5.1 now and get this error in gui from wizzard Could not create alert rule Creating alert rule failed with status: cannot PUT https://graylog1/api/plugins/com.airbus_cyber_security.graylog/alerts (400)

dlancelin commented 5 years ago

I will add compatibility with 2.5.1

dio99 commented 5 years ago

okie great :)

dlancelin commented 5 years ago

I have released a new version for Graylog 2.5