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Feat: Add Cloud Interop and Robust Secrets Management #143

Closed aaronsteers closed 2 months ago

aaronsteers commented 3 months ago

Resolves: Resolves: Resolves: #54

What's new in the secrets module

  1. New, refactored secrets module. The previous secrets code is moved from a single file, to submodules per topic/retriever. Most of the core code is unchanged, except...
  2. Renamed SecretSource to SecretSourceEnum, to better distinguish from the new SecretManager classes.
  3. New foundational classes:
    1. SecretString - inherits from str, but adds some security measures:
      • Calls to repr() will be masked. This includes printing a class or a dict that may contain secret properties.
      • parse_json() implementation streamlines cast to dict (a frequent user case), and ensures the exceptions don't inadvertently print the value.
    2. SecretManager - Has the get_secret(<name>) method.
    3. CustomSecretManager - Abstract base class for custom implementations. Custom secret managers have the additional behavior to register themselves into the list of secrets sources that are automatically checked when ab.get_secret() is called.
    4. SecretHandle - A pointer to a (not-yet-retrieved) secret. Allow streamlined iteration over a list of secrets and secret names without the cost/risk of retrieving locally.
  4. New GoogleGSMSecretManager class.
    • This replaces a dependency on ci_credentials. It inherits from SecretManager and also adds fetch_secrets, fetch_secrets_by_label and fetch_connector_secrets.
    • The fetch_connector_secrets code is what we use in integration tests to replace ci_credentials dependency`. This can now also be used at runtime to test any source, without requiring an import of any external libraries.

The above changes are performed in a backwards compatible way, so that ab.get_secret() still works just as before.

What's new in the exceptions module

All existing exceptions are the same except that AirbyteLib prefix is replaced by PyAirbyte and more care has been placed to ensure a distinction between Airbyte* exceptions (protocol) and PyAirbyte* exceptions (Python-specific). A group of new AirbyteCloud exceptions (from Cloud) have also been added with their own prefix.


Reviewing Docs

I would highly recommend reviewing the autogenerated docs for both the secrest module and the cloud module. Those can be found from Actions here in github, as a downloadable artifact from the docs-generate job.

Here is a recent copy:

To use, simply download the zip, double-click to decompress, then double-click to open the included "index.html" file.

Pre-Merge TODO

  1. [x] Review my own self-review action items, below in this PR thread.
  2. [x] Consider classes for removal or downgrade to experimental status if we don't need them - specifically the Cloud* classes.
  3. [x] Consider removing or hiding the deployment and management capabilities for Cloud - specifically the deploy*() and delete*() methods.
  4. [x] Perform a full review of the auto-generated docs - checking for any surface area that should remain non-public for now.
  5. [ ] Docs: Explain which secret names (or env-var names) are needed for reading from which destinations.
  6. [x] Optionally merge the airbyte-api rename in the other repo - or else Pin to a specific commit instead of a branch ref.
  7. [x] Check the API responses for additional properties we want to expose on SyncResult, CloudConnection classes.
aaronsteers commented 3 months ago

Quick update. I've added create+delete tests for a source and destination. Both tests are passing. πŸŽ‰

This isn't the final API, but you can see how it works in the below excerpt:

aaronsteers commented 3 months ago


PR auto-fix job started... Check job output.

βœ… Changes applied successfully.

aaronsteers commented 3 months ago

@bindipankhudi - FYI, I just cleaned up the docs a bit more and put a link to a recent docs snapshot in the PR description.

I found it very helpful to review the docs and you might find so also (especially the secrets and cloud submodules):