airbytehq / PyAirbyte

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Feat: Add experimental support for low-code source execution via manifest YAML #175

Closed aaronsteers closed 1 month ago

aaronsteers commented 3 months ago

This adds the ability to run (in theory) 130 declarative yaml sources in PyAirbyte, without any need for additional virtual environment isolation. The manifest.yml file content can be provided by the user or auto-downloaded from master branch of airbytehq/airbyte.

Thanks to @bnchrch and @lmossman for helping figure out the logic.

The get_source() implementation in airbyte.experimental includes a new source_manifest input argument.

The argument can be any of these types:

The Yaml-runnable connectors can be found using ab.get_available_connectors(install_type="yaml") or ab.get_available_connectors(InstallType.YAML)

This PR also adds hard-coded exclusions for connectors in three categories:

Usage example

See the 2 new scripts in the examples directory for more examples, but the simplest usage is just:

from airbyte.experimental import get_source

source = get_source(
        "pokemon_name": "ditto",

result =

In the above example, the source manifest.yml is automatically located from master branch of airbytehq/airbyte, and the only change from the user perspective is to add the arg source_manifest=True.


Included Connectors

This is the result of calling get_available_connectors("yaml"):


``` - source-activecampaign - source-aha - source-aircall - source-appfollow - source-apple-search-ads - source-ashby - source-auth0 - source-babelforce - source-breezometer - source-callrail - source-captain-data - source-chargify - source-chartmogul - source-clickup-api - source-clockify - source-coda - source-coin-api - source-coingecko-coins - source-coinmarketcap - source-configcat - source-confluence - source-convertkit - source-copper - source-datadog - source-datascope - source-delighted - source-dixa - source-dockerhub - source-dremio - source-drift - source-emailoctopus - source-exchange-rates - source-flexport - source-freshcaller - source-freshsales - source-freshservice - source-fullstory - source-gainsight-px - source-getlago - source-glassfrog - source-gocardless - source-gong - source-google-pagespeed-insights - source-google-webfonts - source-gutendex - source-harvest - source-hellobaton - source-hubplanner - source-insightly - source-intruder - source-ip2whois - source-k6-cloud - source-klarna - source-klaus-api - source-launchdarkly - source-lemlist - source-lever-hiring - source-lokalise - source-mailerlite - source-mailersend - source-mailgun - source-mailjet-mail - source-mailjet-sms - source-marketo - source-merge - source-metabase - source-microsoft-teams - source-n8n - source-nasa - source-news-api - source-newsdata - source-nytimes - source-omnisend - source-onesignal - source-open-exchange-rates - source-openweather - source-opsgenie - source-orbit - source-oura - source-pendo - source-persistiq - source-pexels-api - source-pivotal-tracker - source-plaid - source-plausible - source-pokeapi - source-polygon-stock-api - source-postmarkapp - source-primetric - source-punk-api - source-pypi - source-recreation - source-recruitee - source-reply-io - source-ringcentral - source-rocket-chat - source-sap-fieldglass - source-secoda - source-sendgrid - source-sendinblue - source-sentry - source-serpstat - source-smartengage - source-sonar-cloud - source-spacex-api - source-square - source-statuspage - source-strava - source-survey-sparrow - source-tempo - source-timely - source-tmdb - source-todoist - source-toggl - source-tvmaze-schedule - source-twilio-taskrouter - source-twitter - source-tyntec-sms - source-visma-economic - source-vitally - source-waiteraid - source-whisky-hunter - source-wikipedia-pageviews - source-workable - source-workramp - source-wrike - source-yahoo-finance-price - source-yotpo - source-zapier-supported-storage - source-zenefits ```

Hard-coded exclusions have been removed from this list, for instance, those low-code connectors that require one or more python code files.

Summary by CodeRabbit

aaronsteers commented 1 month ago

Some tests are failing because we had to remove source-faker as a dev dependency in order to get newer versions of the CDK to work. PR here bumps the CDK version in source-faker so we can bring it back as a dev dependency:

aaronsteers commented 1 month ago

@natikgadzhi, @erohmensing, @bindipankhudi, @alafanechere, @bnchrch - This is ready for your review.

Tests are all passing except Python 3.11 tests, which will be resolved soon via @natikgadzhi's CDK update here (just merged, pending release to PyPi):

aaronsteers commented 1 month ago


PR auto-fix job started... Check job output.

✅ Changes applied successfully.

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago


The recent updates to the Airbyte module introduce new entities and functionalities, enhance existing modules, and add support for declarative YAML source testing. Key changes include adding the records entity, importing snowflakecortex, and integrating a base module in the caches. The sources have been significantly updated with new classes and methods for handling declarative sources. Additionally, new example files and updated tests ensure robust handling of connectors and sources.


Files Change Summaries
airbyte/ Added records entity; replaced experimental with records.
airbyte/_processors/sql/ Added import statement for snowflakecortex.
airbyte/caches/ Added import statement for base module.
airbyte/sources/ Introduced classes DeclarativeExecutor and DeclarativeSource for YAML sources.
airbyte/sources/ Added imports, constants, Enums, attributes, and updated functions for connectors.
airbyte/sources/ Added imports, parameters, and logic for handling YAML manifest in _get_source.
examples/... Added and
pyproject.toml Updated dependency versions for airbyte-cdk and airbyte-source-faker.
tests/ Added imports, modified fixtures, and mocked registry behavior for testing.
tests/integration_tests/... Added and modified test functions for connectors and sources.
tests/unit_tests/... Added and modified test functions and fixtures for unit testing connectors.

Sequence Diagram(s) (Beta)

    participant User
    participant Airbyte
    participant DeclarativeExecutor
    participant Source

    User->>Airbyte: Run declarative manifest source
    Airbyte->>DeclarativeExecutor: Initialize with manifest
    DeclarativeExecutor->>Source: Execute source with manifest
    Source-->>DeclarativeExecutor: Return data
    DeclarativeExecutor-->>Airbyte: Processed data
    Airbyte-->>User: Display data


In the realm of Airbyte's code,
New records and sources showed,
YAML manifests now take flight,
Bringing data to the light.
With tests and imports all aligned,
A seamless flow you'll surely find.

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