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Chore: Add Poe task support and code coverage reporting #231

Closed aaronsteers closed 1 month ago

aaronsteers commented 1 month ago

Poe Task Runner Support

This adds support for the following Poe tasks:

poe test

poe coverage
poe coverage-report
poe coverage-html

poe check

poe fix
poe fix-and-check
poe fix-unsafe

All of the above can be run via poetry run poe if you don't have the poetry environment activated and/or if you don't want to pre-install Poe.

The recommendation is to install poe on your local workstation like this:

pipx install poe

and then you will always be able to just write poe ... without having to type poetry run.

Coverage Reporting

As noted above, you can quickly see coverate reports by running the following locally:

poe coverage-html

You can also find coverage reports uploaded as artifacts on each CI test run.

Coverage reports are under the Summary tab:


Personal Usage

FWIW, I find I'm most-often using poe fix-and-check as a way to quick fix everything that can be fixed lint-wise and format-wise, and then point me to any remaining issues in the same step.