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Add an option not to create schema for SnowflakeCache #279

Open nakamichiworks opened 1 week ago

nakamichiworks commented 1 week ago

When I use SnowflakeCache, pyairbyte always tries to create schema if not exists ... in SqlProcessorBase._ensure_schema_exists().

This behavior is, however, not desirable if the target schema already exists and I don't want the snowflake user to have privileges to create or update the schema. (In such situations, _ensure_schema_exists() throws an error like "Insufficient privileges to operate on database 'your_database'" even if the schema already exists.)

Could you add an option to avoid this error?

Currently, my workaround is to define a wrapper class like this:

from airbyte._processors.sql.snowflake import SnowflakeSqlProcessor
from airbyte.caches import SnowflakeCache
from pydantic import PrivateAttr

class PatchedSnowflakeSqlProcessor(SnowflakeSqlProcessor):
    def _ensure_schema_exists(self) -> None:
        return None

class PatchedSnowflakeCache(SnowflakeCache):
    _sql_processor_class = PrivateAttr(default=PatchedSnowflakeSqlProcessor)
aaronsteers commented 3 days ago

@nakamichiworks - Thanks for reporting this! Can you clarify for me if the "Insufficient privileges" failure is fatal (failing execution)? (I think "yes", but just want to confirm.)

If so, I can suggest that we add this specific error message as ignored, similar to how we ignore "already exists" error in that code path today.

Another option is just to always ignore this error, since presumably a subsequent failure will occur when tables are attempted to be created.

A third option would be to use the native Snowflake library to check for schema existence, which would be faster than the SQLAlchemy-based implementation. In the snowflake SQL processor class, there's a method called "get_vendor_client()" which returns a native client for the Snowflake python library.

Very open to ideas here and we'd be happy to accept a PR if you have time to contribute.

nakamichiworks commented 2 days ago

Can you clarify for me if the "Insufficient privileges" failure is fatal (failing execution)?

Yes, create schema if not exists ... fails to execute for a snowflake user with the insufficient schema privilege even if the schema already exists.

Among proposed options, the second option (always-ignore-error strategy) is simple and acceptable for my use case.

The first option (ignoring specific error messages) seems fragile. I think we will end up adding more error messages whenever adding new types of caches.

On the third option (vendor specific schema existence check), I don't think we can check schema existence much faster even if we use the native snowflake library. AFAIK, snowflake-sqlalchemy already use show schemas to get the list of existing schemas, which I think the only reliable way to check schema existence (

aaronsteers commented 1 day ago

@nakamichiworks - Second option sounds good to me! I've added the accepting pull requests label. Would welcome a contribution PR if you have time. Thanks! 🙏