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Source Freshdesk: add `ticket_activities` stream #13827

Open jtalmi opened 2 years ago

jtalmi commented 2 years ago

Tell us about the problem you're trying to solve

Freshdesk has an endpoint for retrieving ticket activity history which is reported in this article but is not mentioned in their main API documentation.

We use this dataset to track state transitions for individual tickets. We get access to the full history of status transitions for this ticket, which allows to see when the ticket was opened, pending, finally resolved.

This is not possible to obtain from the existing freshdesk connector tables.

Describe the solution you’d like

Supporting the freshdesk ticket activities export as an independent stream.

Describe the alternative you’ve considered or used

We forked a community supported freshdesk singer tap and added this functionality here

Additional context

Are you willing to submit a PR?

Yes! We have already started work on this

misteryeo commented 2 years ago

Checking in here @jtalmi are you still working on the PR for this? Can you make sure to link the PR so it can auto-close when we the PR is deployed?

jtalmi commented 2 years ago

Hey @misteryeo I have started working on this. Where would you recommend I go for help with connector development?

misteryeo commented 2 years ago

Awesome @jtalmi! You can ask questions in our forum here:

YowanR commented 1 year ago

Hello @jtalmi! Just want to check-in and see if there's anything we can do to help