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Worker process of Airbyte > v0.40.9 fails to start on custom S3 config #18016

Open marcosmarxm opened 1 year ago

marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

This Github issue is synchronized with Zendesk:

Ticket ID: #2668 Priority: normal Group: Community Assistance Engineer Assignee: Sunny

Original ticket description:

  • Is this your first time deploying Airbyte?: No
  • OS Version / Instance: EC2 AL2_x86_64 on EKS
  • Memory / Disk: you can use something like 4Gb per node
  • Deployment: EKS
  • Airbyte Version: v0.40.14
  • Source name/version: n/a
  • Destination name/version: n/a
  • Step: The issue is happening during upgrade to v0.40.14

We run Airbyte on EKS cluster. Airbyte is configured to use S3 bucket for logs as described in the guide

that is


This worked for us when running on Airbyte version 0.39.37

When attempting to upgrade to v0.40.9 (and v0.40.14) we encountered issue with airbyte-worker service and airbyte-cron

When configuring Airbyte deployment for v0.40.14, we kept the S3_* env settings as described above (and in the doc).

We also noticed that in v 0.40.9 (14) new env variables were introduced


Since we want to use S3 bucket for logs and state storage, we set the WORKER_* env vars to S3 (value found in the code)

Deploying Airbyte to the EKS cluster resulted in airbyte-worker service going into perpetual crash loop with the log

2022-10-07 23:19:43,718 main INFO Loading mask data from '/seed/specs_secrets_mask.yaml

___    _      __          __
/   |  (_)____/ /_  __  __/ /____
/ /| | / / ___/ __ \/ / / / __/ _ \
/ ___ |/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/  __/
/_/  |_/_/_/  /_.___/\__, /\__/\___/
: airbyte-workers :

Micronaut (v3.7.1)

2022-10-07 23:19:46 INFO i.m.c.e.DefaultEnvironment(<init>):159 - Established active environments: [k8s, cloud, ec2, control-plane]
2022-10-07 23:19:47 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(<init>):71 - HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2022-10-07 23:19:48 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(<init>):73 - HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2022-10-07 23:19:48 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(<init>):71 - HikariPool-2 - Starting...
2022-10-07 23:19:49 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(<init>):73 - HikariPool-2 - Start completed.
2022-10-07 23:19:49 INFO i.m.l.PropertiesLoggingLevelsConfigurer(configureLogLevelForPrefix):107 - Setting log level 'DEBUG' for logger: 'io.airbyte.bootloader'
2022-10-07 23:19:52 INFO i.a.w.c.DatabaseBeanFactory(configsDatabaseMigrationCheck):129 - Configs database configuration: 60000
2022-10-07 23:19:53 INFO i.a.c.t.TemporalUtils(getTemporalClientWhenConnected):221 - Waiting for temporal server...
2022-10-07 23:19:53 WARN i.a.c.t.TemporalUtils(getTemporalClientWhenConnected):232 - Waiting for namespace default to be initialized in temporal...
2022-10-07 23:19:56 INFO i.t.s.WorkflowServiceStubsImpl(<init>):188 - Created GRPC client for channel: ManagedChannelOrphanWrapper{delegate=ManagedChannelImpl{logId=1, target=airbyte-temporal-svc:7233}}
2022-10-07 23:20:01 INFO i.a.c.t.TemporalUtils(getTemporalClientWhenConnected):249 - Temporal namespace default initialized!
2022-10-07 23:20:01 WARN i.a.m.l.MetricClientFactory(getMetricClient):46 - MetricClient has not been initialized. Must call MetricClientFactory.CreateMetricClient before using MetricClient. Using a dummy client for now. Ignore this if Airbyte is configured to not publish any metrics.
2022-10-07 23:20:02 ERROR i.m.r.Micronaut(handleStartupException):338 - Error starting Micronaut server: Error instantiating bean of type  [io.airbyte.workers.temporal.sync.ReplicationActivityImpl]

Path Taken: new ApplicationInitializer() --> ApplicationInitializer.syncActivities --> List.syncActivities([ReplicationActivity replicationActivity],NormalizationActivity normalizationActivity,DbtTransformationActivity dbtTransformationActivity,PersistStateActivity persistStateActivity,NormalizationSummaryCheckActivity normalizationSummaryCheckActivity) --> new ReplicationActivityImpl([Optional containerOrchestratorConfig],ProcessFactory processFactory,SecretsHydrator secretsHydrator,Path workspaceRoot,WorkerEnvironment workerEnvironment,LogConfigs logConfigs,String airbyteVersion,FeatureFlags featureFlags,Integer serverPort,AirbyteConfigValidator airbyteConfigValidator,TemporalUtils temporalUtils,AirbyteApiClient airbyteApiClient)
io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanInstantiationException: Error instantiating bean of type  [io.airbyte.workers.temporal.sync.ReplicationActivityImpl]

Path Taken: new ApplicationInitializer() --> ApplicationInitializer.syncActivities --> List.syncActivities([ReplicationActivity replicationActivity],NormalizationActivity normalizationActivity,DbtTransformationActivity dbtTransformationActivity,PersistStateActivity persistStateActivity,NormalizationSummaryCheckActivity normalizationSummaryCheckActivity) --> new ReplicationActivityImpl([Optional containerOrchestratorConfig],ProcessFactory processFactory,SecretsHydrator secretsHydrator,Path workspaceRoot,WorkerEnvironment workerEnvironment,LogConfigs logConfigs,String airbyteVersion,FeatureFlags featureFlags,Integer serverPort,AirbyteConfigValidator airbyteConfigValidator,TemporalUtils temporalUtils,AirbyteApiClient airbyteApiClient)
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveByBeanFactory( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.doCreateBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.doCreateBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.createRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.SingletonScope.getOrCreate( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.findOrCreateSingletonBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.findBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.findBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.resolveOptionalBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.findBeanForConstructorArgument( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.airbyte.workers.temporal.sync.$ReplicationActivityImpl$ Source) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveByBeanFactory( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.doCreateBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.doCreateBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.createRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.SingletonScope.getOrCreate( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.findOrCreateSingletonBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.getBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.getBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.resolveBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.getBeanForConstructorArgument( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.airbyte.workers.config.$ActivityBeanFactory$SyncActivities4$ Source) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveByBeanFactory( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.doCreateBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.doCreateBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.createRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.SingletonScope.getOrCreate( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.findOrCreateSingletonBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.findBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.AbstractBeanResolutionContext.findBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.resolveOptionalBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.AbstractInitializableBeanDefinition.findBeanForField( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.airbyte.workers.$ApplicationInitializer$Definition.injectBean(Unknown Source) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.airbyte.workers.$ApplicationInitializer$ Source) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveByBeanFactory( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.doCreateBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.doCreateBean( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.createRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.SingletonScope.getOrCreate( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.findOrCreateSingletonBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveBeanRegistration( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.addCandidateToList( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveBeanRegistrations( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.getBeanRegistrations( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.getBeansOfType( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.getBeansOfType( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.getBeansOfType( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory$2.lambda$$0( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.core.util.SupplierUtil$2.initialize( ~[micronaut-core-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.core.util.SupplierUtil$2.get( ~[micronaut-core-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory$2.publishEvent( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.lambda$fireStartupEvents$15( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at java.util.Optional.ifPresent( ~[?:?]
at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.fireStartupEvents( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.start( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.start( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut.lambda$start$2( ~[micronaut-context-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at java.util.Optional.ifPresent( ~[?:?]
at io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut.start( ~[micronaut-context-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at ~[micronaut-context-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at ~[micronaut-context-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.airbyte.workers.Application.main( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
at ~[guava-31.1-jre.jar:?]
at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.40.14.jar:?]
at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.40.14.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.40.14.jar:?]
at ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.airbyte.workers.config.ContainerOrchestratorConfigBeanFactory.kubernetesContainerOrchestratorConfig( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.airbyte.workers.config.$ContainerOrchestratorConfigBeanFactory$KubernetesContainerOrchestratorConfig0$ Source) ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.micronaut.context.DefaultBeanContext.resolveByBeanFactory( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
... 68 more

Then we change value of the WORKER_ env vars to MINIO and that also resulted in the worker service to fail with a different error:

2022-10-08 05:29:48,548 main INFO Loading mask data from '/seed/specs_secrets_mask.yaml

___    _      __          __
/   |  (_)____/ /_  __  __/ /____
/ /| | / / ___/ __ \/ / / / __/ _ \
/ ___ |/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/  __/
/_/  |_/_/_/  /_.___/\__, /\__/\___/
: airbyte-workers :

Micronaut (v3.7.1)

2022-10-08 05:29:51 INFO i.m.c.e.DefaultEnvironment(<init>):159 - Established active environments: [k8s, cloud, ec2, control-plane]
2022-10-08 05:29:52 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(<init>):71 - HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2022-10-08 05:29:53 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(<init>):73 - HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2022-10-08 05:29:54 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(<init>):71 - HikariPool-2 - Starting...
2022-10-08 05:29:54 INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(<init>):73 - HikariPool-2 - Start completed.
2022-10-08 05:29:54 INFO i.m.l.PropertiesLoggingLevelsConfigurer(configureLogLevelForPrefix):107 - Setting log level 'DEBUG' for logger: 'io.airbyte.bootloader'
2022-10-08 05:29:57 INFO i.a.w.c.DatabaseBeanFactory(configsDatabaseMigrationCheck):129 - Configs database configuration: 60000
2022-10-08 05:29:58 INFO i.a.c.t.TemporalUtils(getTemporalClientWhenConnected):221 - Waiting for temporal server...
2022-10-08 05:29:58 WARN i.a.c.t.TemporalUtils(getTemporalClientWhenConnected):232 - Waiting for namespace default to be initialized in temporal...
2022-10-08 05:30:02 INFO i.t.s.WorkflowServiceStubsImpl(<init>):188 - Created GRPC client for channel: ManagedChannelOrphanWrapper{delegate=ManagedChannelImpl{logId=1, target=airbyte-temporal-svc:7233}}
2022-10-08 05:30:07 INFO i.a.c.t.TemporalUtils(getTemporalClientWhenConnected):249 - Temporal namespace default initialized!
2022-10-08 05:30:07 WARN i.a.m.l.MetricClientFactory(getMetricClient):46 - MetricClient has not been initialized. Must call MetricClientFactory.CreateMetricClient before using MetricClient. Using a dummy client for now. Ignore this if Airbyte is configured to not publish any metrics.
2022-10-08 05:30:09 INFO i.a.w.ApplicationInitializer(initializeCommonDependencies):157 - Initializing common worker dependencies.
2022-10-08 05:30:09 INFO i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):1091 - Using default value for environment variable METRIC_CLIENT: ''
2022-10-08 05:30:09 INFO i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):1091 - Using default value for environment variable METRIC_CLIENT: ''
2022-10-08 05:30:09 WARN i.a.m.l.MetricClientFactory(initialize):74 - MetricClient was not recognized or not provided. Accepted values are `datadog` or `otel`. 
2022-10-08 05:30:09 ERROR i.m.r.Micronaut(handleStartupException):338 - Error starting Micronaut server: null
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null
at ~[guava-31.1-jre.jar:?]
at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.40.14.jar:?]
at<init>( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.airbyte.config.helpers.CloudLogs.createCloudLogClient( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.airbyte.config.helpers.LogClientSingleton.createCloudClientIfNull( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.airbyte.config.helpers.LogClientSingleton.setWorkspaceMdc( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.airbyte.workers.ApplicationInitializer.initializeCommonDependencies( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.airbyte.workers.ApplicationInitializer.onApplicationEvent( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.airbyte.workers.ApplicationInitializer.onApplicationEvent( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]
at io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory.notifyEventListeners( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory.access$200( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory$2.publishEvent( ~[micronaut-inject-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.lambda$fireStartupEvents$15( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at java.util.Optional.ifPresent( ~[?:?]
at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.fireStartupEvents( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.start( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.start( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut.lambda$start$2( ~[micronaut-context-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at java.util.Optional.ifPresent( ~[?:?]
at io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut.start( ~[micronaut-context-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at ~[micronaut-context-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at ~[micronaut-context-3.7.1.jar:3.7.1]
at io.airbyte.workers.Application.main( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-workers-0.40.14.jar:?]

This second error can be explained as we configured our deployment to use custom S3 bucket and had to keep S3_MINIO_ENDPOINT empty. On the other hand, the error above is due to this check in the code which requires a non-empty MINIO endpoint.

Note that the new WORKER_* env vars and config were introduced since 0.40.6 version. In the versions before that, to store the state of the worker jobs MINIO was used and the config was controlled with parameters


which were pointing to MINIO service in our config.

Note since the v0.40 the STATE_* parameters are no longer used by the code (What are the State Storage Configuration used for? - airbytehq/airbyte#3 by sajarin)

When we reverted S3 configuration to default (MINIO) settings, i.e.,



the worker process started successfully.

Separately from the issue with the worker process, cron service fails to start on any of the 3 configurations we tried. It complains about unresolved placeholder ${DATABASE_PASSWORD} however we do set this env var in the secrets and other processes (e.g., server) successfully use it.

To sum up, we see the following issues when upgrading to the new version:

  1. Configuration suggested by the doc On Kubernetes (Beta) | Airbyte Documentation is outdated with the introduction of the variables WORKER_LOGS_STORAGE_TYPE and WORKER_STATE_STORAGE_TYPE=MINIO.

  2. Worker process fail to work with the custom (non-MINIO) S3 configuration

  3. Cron process fails to start due to unresolved config parameter.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2022-10-10 at 15:02:

Hello there! You are receiving this message because none of your fellow community members has stepped in to respond to your topic post. (If you are a community member and you are reading this response, feel free to jump in if you have the answer!) As a result, the Community Assistance Team has been made aware of this topic and will be investigating and responding as quickly as possible.
Some important considerations that will help your to get your issue solved faster:
* It is best to use our topic creation template; if you haven’t yet, we recommend posting a followup with the requested information. With that information the team will be able to more quickly search for similar issues with connectors and the platform and troubleshoot more quickly your specific question or problem.
* Make sure to upload the complete log file; a common investigation roadblock is that sometimes the error for the issue happens well before the problem is surfaced to the user, and so having the tail of the log is less useful than having the whole log to scan through.
* Be as descriptive and specific as possible; when investigating it is extremely valuable to know what steps were taken to encounter the issue, what version of connector / platform / Java / Python / docker / k8s was used, etc. The more context supplied, the quicker the investigation can start on your topic and the faster we can drive towards an answer.
* We in the Community Assistance Team are glad you’ve made yourself part of our community, and we’ll do our best to answer your questions and resolve the problems as quickly as possible. Expect to hear from a specific team member as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and attention.
The Community Assistance Team
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2022-10-12 at 14:40:


I’m getting the exact same error with a very similar deployment on AWS EKS, using custom S3 logging. This was working with our previous version of Airbyte, v0.38.3-alpha, and started failing after the upgrade to v0.40.14 A resolution here that does not involve reverting back to MINIO would be well appreciated.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Sunny on 2022-10-14 at 21:05:

Hey there, I previously created an issue requesting better documentation on these config options, please add a thumbs up and comment any other info you'd like to add:
Are you deploying with helm or kustomize?

I am seeing here that S3 should be an acceptable config option for WORKER_STATE_STORAGE_TYPE:

Created to track this issue
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Sunny on 2022-10-14 at 21:20:

Hello, I see that there has been some updates. 
Please check to make sure you have these envs filled out (example in Helm):
## Determines which state storage will be utilized. One of "MINIO", "S3" or "GCS"
type: "S3"
## logs.accessKey.password Logs Access Key
## logs.accessKey.existingSecret
## logs.accessKey.existingSecretKey
password: ""
existingSecret: ""
existingSecretKey: ""
## logs.secretKey.password Logs Secret Key
## logs.secretKey.existingSecret
## logs.secretKey.existingSecretKey
password: ""
existingSecret: ""
existingSecretKey: ""
## Determines which log storage  will be utilized.  One of "MINIO", "S3" or "GCS"
##                   Used in conjunction with logs.minio.*, logs.s3.* or logs.gcs.*
  type: "s3"
##  logs.minio.enabled Switch to enable or disable the Minio helm chart
  enabled: false
##  logs.externalMinio.enabled Switch to enable or disable an external Minio instance
## External Minio Host
##  logs.externalMinio.port External Minio Port
##  logs.externalMinio.endpoint Fully qualified hostname for s3-compatible storage
  enabled: false
  host: localhost
  port: 9000
##  logs.s3.enabled Switch to enable or disable custom S3 Log location
##  logs.s3.bucket Bucket name where logs should be stored
##  logs.s3.bucketRegion Region of the bucket (must be empty if using minio)
  enabled: false
  bucket: airbyte-dev-logs
  bucketRegion: ""
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2022-10-24 at 18:44:

Are you deploying with helm or kustomize?

We are deploying it with kustomize - I provided link above to the airbyte documentation which discusses the environment variables in context of the kustomize config files. Unfortunately, the example with Helm variables would not apply to us. Could you provide an example with kustomize configs here airbyte/kube/overlays/stable at master · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub. Thank you!

[Discourse post]

marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2022-11-05 at 19:19:

I’m in the same situation and would like to know how to get this working with kustomize.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2022-11-09 at 23:36:

Hey all!

I was having the same issue. I’m using helm and am not super familiar with kustomize, but hopefully this helps. I had to set a couple more values in my values.yaml file to get it to work.

  # ...
      password: <access_key_id>
      # Downstream charts don't use the secret created by the password above, so we need to pass in the secret info ourselves
      existingSecret: <helm_release_name>-airbyte-secrets
      existingSecretKey: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
      password: <secret_access_key>
      # Downstream charts don't use the secret created by the password above, so we need to pass in the secret info ourselves
      existingSecret: <helm_release_name>-airbyte-secrets
      existingSecretKey: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Dug in to the code and found out that basically the airbyte-worker and airbyte-server deployment.yaml files only set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables if the existingSecret and existingSecretKey are set, or if minio or externalMinio is enabled. There’s nothing there if I’m just passing in the password myself.

For your situation, I assume the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY aren’t being set properly on the worker/server for some reason. Hope that helps!

[Discourse post]
Nomad-IC commented 1 year ago

Yes, logging to S3 doesn't work in new Airbyte 0.40.xx versions up to now

marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2022-12-01 at 08:33:

We’re also attempting to upgrade to 0.40.22 with kustomize and run into the exact same problem with the worker as stated here. We’ve been using S3 for logging instead of Minio as well.

What should be the course of action here? Stay stuck to a version before the WORKER_* vars were introduced like 0.40.6?

[Discourse post]
elangovankrishna commented 1 year ago

I am trying to setup airbyte in PROD with latest version of helm version: 0.42.0 and with Kube both are failing for the above reason and neither the server nor the workers are spinning up. I have spend more than a week now to getting fixed with different options, its of no use.

marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2022-12-06 at 20:21:

Hello Oleg Gusak, it's been a while without an update from us. Are you still having problems or did you find a solution?
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2022-12-22 at 05:04:

I am also stuck on this same problem.
Is there any update on any solution?

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-01-06 at 17:21:

This is still an issue with using kustomization overlays for version 0.40.26. Oddly, the helm chart works correctly (for this, there are other things that are broken which is why I’m trying kustomization) so there’s probably a workaround.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-01-06 at 19:23:

I have confirmed a workaround to get this fixed in version 0.40.26. In order to configure S3 logs correctly using the kustomization overlays, you need to follow the instructions found here as well as set WORKER_LOGS_STORAGE_TYPE=S3. Note that WORKER_STATE_STORAGE_TYPE needs to remain unchanged.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-01-11 at 15:14:

We are using Kustomize and our airbyte version is 0.40.23. The issue we are seeing is that we failed to set custom s3 as a state storage bucket. The workaround right now is to turn on mino back just for state information.

I put a [fix]( before based on the limited knowledge I have.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-01-23 at 21:51:

Hi - I’m still having some trouble with this and wondered if you could confirm your set up

Env overlay

# Set this to empty.
# Set this to empty.
# leave as is, for me, defaults to MINIO

Secrets overlay


And that’s it? I’ve tried this on v0.40.28 and v0.40.26 but I’m still getting the same issue as the original post.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-02-01 at 01:06:

Thanks @rcheatham-q - your suggestion to set vars as


worked for us too.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-02-06 at 12:36:

anyone has figured out this for GCS logs?
I’m not convinced that I should put minio related values if I have only gcs logs activated

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-02-06 at 15:10:

Yes; we encountered a similar problem with GCS.

These configuration changes solved the issue for us (note that we are using the k8s manifests directly, not the helm chart):

  1. In .env, the env var GCS_LOG_BUCKET needs to be set to the log bucket and the additional variable called STATE_STORAGE_GCS_BUCKET_NAME needs to be set to the state storage bucket. As far as I can tell, STATE_STORAGE_GCS_BUCKET_NAME isn’t documented, but you can see that it is part of the GCS configuration block for the workers: airbyte/application.yml at 7676af5f5fb53542ebaff18a415f9c89db417055 · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub . The Minio/S3 variables for us are mostly nulled out, so the config variables for logs and storage largely look like so:
# S3/Minio Log Configuration

# GCS Log Configuration
GCS_LOG_BUCKET=<log bucket>

# State Storage Configuration

# Cloud Storage Configuration
  1. Secondly, the manifests for the workers need to be modified to actually pass the GCS state bucket variables as they currently do not. In the airbyte-worker deployment (airbyte/worker.yaml at master · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub), we added the following vars (note that GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS are reused here, but it is probably better to have a separate SA credentials for writing state):
      name: airbyte-env
      name: airbyte-secrets

Hope this helps.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-02-07 at 07:45:

      name: airbyte-env
      name: airbyte-secrets

thanks a lot ! it works !

[Discourse post]

marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-02-16 at 06:14:

Hey, you work with which version of Airbyte?
have you tested 0.40.30+ and had issues with GCS logging?
c.f. Cloud Storage Configs are null for GCS logs storage type - airbytehq/airbyte#2 by marcosmarxm

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-02-16 at 14:34:

Currently on 0.40.30, though the version is a bit irrelevant in my case - I use the manifests defined here: airbyte/kube at master · airbytehq/airbyte · GitHub, with the modification to worker.yaml from my post above. I never had an issue with GCS logging, but an issue with workers writing state to GCS - because the state bucket and creds are not getting passed in the worker deployment configs.

As far as I can tell, as of the latest commit on master, the manifests still have that issue and require the worker modification posted above for the deployment to function on GCP.

[Discourse post]
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-04-03 at 23:14:

Closed due to no response from requester.
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-04-03 at 23:15:

Closed due to no response from requester.
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-04-03 at 23:16:

Closed due to no response from requester.
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-04-03 at 23:20:

Closed due to no response from requester.
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-04-03 at 23:21:

Closed due to no response from requester.
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-04-03 at 23:21:

Closed due to no response from requester.
marcosmarxm commented 1 year ago

Comment made from Zendesk by Marcos Marx on 2023-04-03 at 23:23:

Closed due to no response from requester.
amankesharwani7 commented 1 year ago

I am facing issue when trying to deploy airbyte in EKS cluster using helm chart version airbyte-0.45.11 and AIRBYTE_VERSION: 0.44.0, In my setup I am using external minio and external postgres

When I deploy the helm chart I am able to bring up all the pods and services but when I try creating any source connection in Airbyte UI, I see below error in the worker and server pods and connection setup fails with bad response error

Collecting content into /tmp/toBePublished6209292906792156831.tmp before uploading. Cannot start publish with due to error: Cannot start publishing: Bad Request (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: 400 Bad Request; Request ID: null; S3 Extended Request ID: null; Proxy: null) Publishing to S3 (bucket=sample-bucket; key=job-logging/workspace/66cd15e7-0f0c-4a7c-89be-79863ba48b6b/0/logs.log/20230427075426_int-qa-airbyte-worker-59ff685c8f-s76xt_dcce21db15244bf8a191652ceb5710f5): java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot publish to S3: Bad Request (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: 400 Bad Request; Request ID: null; S3 Extended Request ID: null; Proxy: null)

Also I have tried using S3 bucket instead of external minio, in that case the worker and server pods are not coming up and could see below error in the logs

2023-05-06 14:23:00 ERROR i.m.r.Micronaut(handleStartupException):338 - Error starting Micronaut server: null java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null at ~[guava-31.1-jre.jar:?] at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.44.0.jar:?] at ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.44.0.jar:?] at<init>( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.44.0.jar:?] at io.airbyte.config.helpers.CloudLogs.createCloudLogClient( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.44.0.jar:?] at io.airbyte.config.helpers.LogClientSingleton.createCloudClientIfNull( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.44.0.jar:?] at io.airbyte.config.helpers.LogClientSingleton.setWorkspaceMdc( ~[io.airbyte.airbyte-config-config-models-0.44.0.jar:?] at io.airbyte.server.LoggingEventListener.onApplicationEvent( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-server-0.44.0.jar:?] at io.airbyte.server.LoggingEventListener.onApplicationEvent( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-server-0.44.0.jar:?] at io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory.notifyEventListeners( ~[micronaut-inject-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory.access$200( ~[micronaut-inject-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisherFactory$2.publishEvent( ~[micronaut-inject-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.lambda$fireStartupEvents$15( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at java.util.Optional.ifPresent( ~[?:?] at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.fireStartupEvents( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.start( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyHttpServer.start( ~[micronaut-http-server-netty-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut.lambda$start$2( ~[micronaut-context-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at java.util.Optional.ifPresent( ~[?:?] at io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut.start( ~[micronaut-context-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at ~[micronaut-context-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at ~[micronaut-context-3.8.8.jar:3.8.8] at io.airbyte.server.Application.main( ~[io.airbyte-airbyte-server-0.44.0.jar:?]

matveykortsev commented 1 year ago

@amankesharwani7 getting the same error pattern with s3 bucket is there any tips to launch it with s3 logging instead of external minio?

amankesharwani7 commented 1 year ago

Anyone has any suggestion, please comment here, this is a blocker for quite a long time and I could not find any solution to resolve the issue

gediminas-puksmys-nfq commented 6 months ago

hey, not sure if that is relevant, but I resolved very similar issue with defining such env variables manually:

        STATE_STORAGE_S3_BUCKET_NAME: "xxx-yyy"
        STATE_STORAGE_S3_REGION: "eu-central-1"

As we are using Helm installation type, this is how it looks in configuration:

      version: "0.50.18"
  # Default values
          bucket: xxx-yyy
          bucketRegion: "eu-central-1"
        STATE_STORAGE_S3_BUCKET_NAME: "xxx-yyy"
        STATE_STORAGE_S3_REGION: "eu-central-1"

I have found these variables in the code:

booleanbetrayal commented 6 months ago

Thanks for this @gediminas-puksmys-nfq . Just happened to try an upgrade today and immediately ran into this. AFAIK, the worker sub-chart is the only chart to need these redundant ENV vars (provided via worker.extraEnv), but they should be bucket-brigaded via gloval.logs.s3 values.

booleanbetrayal commented 6 months ago

Just to note that this appears to be the same solution to remediate airbytehq/airbyte#31988.

ravilk commented 2 months ago


I'm facing the same issue with chart version - 0.64.52 on AWS EKS. Is there any update on any solution?