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[connector-request] OpenGSA Perdiem #48087

Open ombhardwajj opened 4 hours ago

ombhardwajj commented 4 hours ago

This is a suggestion to create a connector for OpenGSA Perdiem using the UI Connector Builder. The website for the connector is

If you want to try, claim this issue and start working on it following the steps below.


  1. Comment in the issue and wait to be assigned to start working on it.
  2. Map the API endpoints (get approval to move to step 3).
  3. Describe steps to get credentials.
  4. Create the connector using the UI Builder.

Airbyte doesn't have sandbox credentials for this connector. You must have access/credentials to the service provider to create the connector.

This is a suggestion, and there may be cases where creating the connector using the Builder won't be possible. To minimize the risk of investing a lot of time directly in creating the connector, we strongly recommend following the steps above.

ombhardwajj commented 4 hours ago

PR raised !! @marcosmarxm