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The leading data integration platform for ETL / ELT data pipelines from APIs, databases & files to data warehouses, data lakes & data lakehouses. Both self-hosted and Cloud-hosted.
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oracle hyperion essbase #4971

Open charlesmiao opened 2 years ago

charlesmiao commented 2 years ago

Tell us about the new connector you’d like to have

Describe the context around this new connector

Describe the alternative you are considering or using

What are you considering doing if you don’t have this integration through Airbyte?

Are you willing to submit a PR?

Remove this with your answer :-)

karinakuz commented 2 years ago

Integration Vetting

Webhook-based? (no/partially/yes)
if partially, mention which endpoints are webhook-based 

Available authentication modes (API key/Oauth/other)
 You access Oracle Essbase REST resources over HTTPS, using HTTP Basic authentication. To use HTTP Basic authentication to validate users, you specify the user name and password for your Essbase account in the Authorization header.

Connecting to the data source
what kind of API is it? (SOAP/GraphQL/REST/other)

is there an SDK available? Can we connect with HTTP requests directly?

If this is a database/datalake/pubsub source, does it have a JDBC driver or Java SDK?Java SDK

Creating an account 
Select one of the below options
 self-service free account available? 30-days free trial

karinakuz commented 2 years ago

Blocker: For creation Free Trial Oracle Cloud account Payment verification is required. I used billing data from LastPass, but verification failed. Sent letter to support.

karinakuz commented 2 years ago

We still have an issue with the card and no answer from Oracle Customer Service

Error processing transaction We're unable to complete your sign up. Common sign up errors are due to: (a) Using prepaid cards. Oracle only accepts credit card and debit cards (b) Intentionally or unintentionally masking one's location or identity (c) Entering incomplete or inaccurate account details. Please try again if this applies to you. Otherwise, contact Oracle Customer Service.

@sherifnada could we use another card for the Payment verification?