aircrack-ng / rtl8188eus

RealTek RTL8188eus WiFi driver with monitor mode & frame injection support
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Unknown symbol "net_log" (err 0) #257

Closed AzeAstro closed 11 months ago

AzeAstro commented 11 months ago

I tried to compile rtl8188eus driver and while compiling I got 1 warning. Here is the full output(output was big):

Even if I got this warning, I still got 8188eu.ko and when I tried to load it to my Android, I got this error: Unknown symbol "net_log" (err 0)

Here you can find my kernel source:

Strange thing is that net_log function is defined both in header file (‎include/linux/netlog.h‎) and defined as function(net/core/net_ipc_log.c)

I thought that it might be missing somewhere and ran grep -rnw . -e "netlog.h" in the driver source directory and here is the output: It is defined almost in every file.

I know it is more likely issue with kernel instead of driver but still. Why this error is happening and how can I fix this?

gglluukk commented 11 months ago

Unknown symbol "function..." in kernel log usually means for that function is missing or not exported (alike private inside the kernel).

Also you might missing #include linux/netlog.h

I'd try to add include or comment out any calls for net_log inside driver's source and see what's going on next

AzeAstro commented 11 months ago

Unknown symbol "function..." in kernel log usually means for that function is missing or not exported (alike private inside the kernel).

Also you might missing #include linux/netlog.h

I'd try to add include or comment out any calls for net_log inside driver's source and see what's going on next

Strange thing is that there is no call for net_log function in driver source. None. Completely zero And the netlog.h only mentioned in *.cmd files. Any possible ideas about where exactly it might happen?

AzeAstro commented 11 months ago

Alright, I found out that I can analyze module file using objdump. I disassembled the module file. You can find it at attachments. net_log only gets called in netdev_br_init and it is defined in os_dep/linux/os_initfs.c objdump.txt

gglluukk commented 11 months ago

in that case i'd rename calls to netdev_br_init() in driver's sources to my_netdev_br_init() and add my_netdev_br_init() function to driver's sources as in: :

void my_netdev_br_init(struct net_device *netdev)
        struct adapter *adapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(netdev);


        if (rcu_dereference(adapter->pnetdev->rx_handler_data)) {
                struct net_device *br_netdev;
                struct net *devnet = NULL;

                devnet = dev_net(netdev);
                br_netdev = dev_get_by_name(devnet, CONFIG_BR_EXT_BRNAME);
                if (br_netdev) {
                        memcpy(adapter->br_mac, br_netdev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN);
                } else {
                        pr_info("%s()-%d: dev_get_by_name(%s) failed!",
                                __func__, __LINE__, CONFIG_BR_EXT_BRNAME);
        adapter->ethBrExtInfo.addPPPoETag = 1;


but you should use sources for netdev_br_init() function from samsung's kernel with version your device running but without that broken(?) net_log() call

gglluukk commented 11 months ago

or define your own version of net_log() in driver's source <-- that's most easiest way for trying to fix it

AzeAstro commented 11 months ago

Alright. Thanks for responding. I am not at home right now but I will try it and send results when I arrive.

AzeAstro commented 11 months ago

in that case i'd rename calls to netdev_br_init() in driver's sources to my_netdev_br_init() and add my_netdev_br_init() function to driver's sources as in: :

void my_netdev_br_init(struct net_device *netdev)
        struct adapter *adapter = (struct adapter *)rtw_netdev_priv(netdev);


        if (rcu_dereference(adapter->pnetdev->rx_handler_data)) {
                struct net_device *br_netdev;
                struct net *devnet = NULL;

                devnet = dev_net(netdev);
                br_netdev = dev_get_by_name(devnet, CONFIG_BR_EXT_BRNAME);
                if (br_netdev) {
                        memcpy(adapter->br_mac, br_netdev->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN);
                } else {
                        pr_info("%s()-%d: dev_get_by_name(%s) failed!",
                                __func__, __LINE__, CONFIG_BR_EXT_BRNAME);
        adapter->ethBrExtInfo.addPPPoETag = 1;


but you should use sources for netdev_br_init() function from samsung's kernel with version your device running but without that broken(?) net_log() call

Thank you for your suggestion about making own netdev_br_init() function or just renaming it. Yesterday I asked this same question on stack overflow and comment from user named "Tsyvarev" worked. I took a look at file where net_log function got defined but not exported as symbol. Exporting that function as GPL symbol worked. Here you can find the post: