Open alexjuniodev opened 6 years ago
WP version: 4.9.8 ACF version: 5.7.2
Could someone, please, help me? I've tried for days update custom fields but I'm getting the following error:
Console Log:
jquery.js:9600 POST http://vendedor-confiavel.local/wp-json/acf/v3/vendedor/128 500 (Internal Server Error) send @ jquery.js:9600 ajax @ jquery.js:9206 updateProfile @ LoginScreenForm.js:51 dispatch @ jquery.js:5183 elemData.handle @ jquery.js:4991
beforeSend: (xhr) => { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-WP-Nonce', vcData.nonce); },
To auth
If I replace the url with http://vendedor-confiavel.local/wp-json/wp/v2/vendedor/128 only the title is updated, not the field "whatsapp".
http://vendedor-confiavel.local/wp-json/wp/v2/vendedor/128 LoginScreenForm.js:61 {id: 128, date: "2018-08-24T01:28:09", date_gmt: "2018-08-24T01:28:09", guid: {…}, modified: "2018-08-28T15:32:15", …}acf: facebook: nullwhatsapp: nullproto: Objectcontent: {raw: "", rendered: "", protected: false}date: "2018-08-24T01:28:09"date_gmt: "2018-08-24T01:28:09"guid: {rendered: "http://vendedor-confiavel.local/vendedor/128/", raw: "http://vendedor-confiavel.local/vendedor/128/"}id: 128link: "http://vendedor-confiavel.local/vendedor/128/"modified: "2018-08-28T15:32:15"modified_gmt: "2018-08-28T15:32:15"password: ""slug: "128"status: "publish"template: ""title: {raw: "Alex Silva", rendered: "Alex Silva"}type: "vendedor"_links: {self: Array(1), collection: Array(1), about: Array(1), wp:attachment: Array(1), wp:action-publish: Array(1), …}proto: Object LoginScreenForm.js:62 Updated
import $ from 'jquery'; class LoginScreenForm{ constructor(){; } events(){ $(".save-button").on("click", this.updateProfile); } //test saveButton(){ console.log('Im clicked'); } updateProfile(e){ var thisProfile = $(; var data = { "title" : "Alex Silva 2", "acf" : { "facebook" : "@test", "whatsapp" : "12988998591" } }; //vcData.root_url + '/wp-json/wp/v2/vendedor/' +'id') //vcData.root_url + '/wp-json/acf/v3/post/' +'id') var myURL = vcData.root_url + '/wp-json/acf/v2/vendedor/' +'id'); //var url = WP_API_Settings.root + 'wp/v2/vendedor/' +'id'); console.log(myURL); $.ajax( { url: myURL, method: 'PUT', beforeSend: function( xhr ) { // xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', WP_API_Settings.nonce ); }, data: data, dataType: 'json' } ) .done( function ( data ) { alert( 'worked' ); } ) .fail( function( data ) { alert( data.responseJSON.message ); } );; } } export default LoginScreenForm;
functions.php // Enable the option show in rest
add_filter( 'acf/rest_api/field_settings/show_in_rest', '__return_true' ); // Enable the option edit in rest add_filter( 'acf/rest_api/field_settings/edit_in_rest', '__return_true' ); add_filter( 'acf/rest_api/item_permissions/get', function( $permission ) { return current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ); } ); add_filter( 'acf/location/rule_match/options_page', function(){ return true; } ); add_filter( 'acf/rest_api/option/prepare_item', function( $item ){ if ( isset( $item['id'] ) ) { $item['id'] = 'options'; } return $item; });
WP version: 4.9.8 ACF version: 5.7.2
Could someone, please, help me? I've tried for days update custom fields but I'm getting the following error:
Console Log:
jquery.js:9600 POST http://vendedor-confiavel.local/wp-json/acf/v3/vendedor/128 500 (Internal Server Error) send @ jquery.js:9600 ajax @ jquery.js:9206 updateProfile @ LoginScreenForm.js:51 dispatch @ jquery.js:5183 elemData.handle @ jquery.js:4991
To auth
If I replace the url with http://vendedor-confiavel.local/wp-json/wp/v2/vendedor/128 only the title is updated, not the field "whatsapp".
Console Log:
http://vendedor-confiavel.local/wp-json/wp/v2/vendedor/128 LoginScreenForm.js:61 {id: 128, date: "2018-08-24T01:28:09", date_gmt: "2018-08-24T01:28:09", guid: {…}, modified: "2018-08-28T15:32:15", …}acf: facebook: nullwhatsapp: nullproto: Objectcontent: {raw: "", rendered: "", protected: false}date: "2018-08-24T01:28:09"date_gmt: "2018-08-24T01:28:09"guid: {rendered: "http://vendedor-confiavel.local/vendedor/128/", raw: "http://vendedor-confiavel.local/vendedor/128/"}id: 128link: "http://vendedor-confiavel.local/vendedor/128/"modified: "2018-08-28T15:32:15"modified_gmt: "2018-08-28T15:32:15"password: ""slug: "128"status: "publish"template: ""title: {raw: "Alex Silva", rendered: "Alex Silva"}type: "vendedor"_links: {self: Array(1), collection: Array(1), about: Array(1), wp:attachment: Array(1), wp:action-publish: Array(1), …}proto: Object LoginScreenForm.js:62 Updated
functions.php // Enable the option show in rest