Hi! I have updated Wp, ACF to REST and ACF to latest versions. I noticed this weird output of the API:
When I set V2 in the dashboard, some post types custom fields ACF returns from the REST API as false, but
if I change the setting in the dashboard to "V3", the v2 endpoints begins to work correctly returning the acf fields data in the json response...
the /v3/ URLs do not respond at all. is this expected, am I missing something?
Hi! I have updated Wp, ACF to REST and ACF to latest versions. I noticed this weird output of the API:
When I set V2 in the dashboard, some post types custom fields ACF returns from the REST API as false, but if I change the setting in the dashboard to "V3", the v2 endpoints begins to work correctly returning the acf fields data in the json response...
the /v3/ URLs do not respond at all. is this expected, am I missing something?
thanks for so much!! cheers