airflow-helm / charts

The User-Community Airflow Helm Chart is the standard way to deploy Apache Airflow on Kubernetes with Helm. Originally created in 2017, it has since helped thousands of companies create production-ready deployments of Airflow on Kubernetes.
Apache License 2.0
649 stars 475 forks source link

ERROR: could not obtain lock on row in relation "slot_pool" #475

Closed raffOps closed 2 years ago

raffOps commented 2 years ago

What is the bug?

Yesterday I configured the web, worker and scheduler workloads to have 2 replicas, with podDisruptionBudget with minAvailable: "1". Since then I've had the following error log in the db:

db=hml,user=postgres ERROR: could not obtain lock on row in relation "slot_pool"

What version of the chart are you using?

I am using version 8.2.0 of this chart.

What version of Kubernetes are you using?

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"22", GitVersion:"v1.22.3", GitCommit:"c92036820499fedefec0f847e2054d824aea6cd1", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-10-27T18:41:28Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.9", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"20+", GitVersion:"v1.20.10-gke.1600", GitCommit:"ef8e9f64449d73f9824ff5838cea80e21ec6c127", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-09-06T09:24:20Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.15b5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

What version of Helm are you using?

version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.5.0", GitCommit:"32c22239423b3b4ba6706d450bd044baffdcf9e6", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.15.6"}

What are your custom helm values?

click to expand ```yaml ## enable this value if you pass `--wait` to your `helm install` ## helmWait: false ################################### # Airflow - Common Configs ################################### airflow: ## if we use legacy 1.10 airflow commands ## legacyCommands: false ## configs for the airflow container image ## image: repository: tag: {{ ENV }} ## values: Always or IfNotPresent pullPolicy: Always pullSecret: "" uid: 50000 gid: 50000 executor: CeleryExecutor ## environment variables for airflow configs ## ## NOTE: ## - config docs: ## - airflow configs env-vars are structured: "AIRFLOW__{config_section}__{config_name}" ## # EXAMPLE: # config: # ## dags # AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_EXAMPLES: "False" # AIRFLOW__SCHEDULER__DAG_DIR_LIST_INTERVAL: "30" # # ## email # # ## domain used in airflow emails ## AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__BASE_URL: "" ## ## ## ether environment variables ## HTTP_PROXY: "" ## config: AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__EXPOSE_CONFIG: "False" AIRFLOW__SCHEDULER__DAG_DIR_LIST_INTERVAL: "30" PYTHONPATH: $PYTHONPATH:/opt/airflow/dags:/opt/airflow/dags/repo AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__BASE_URL: "http://{{ IP_AIRFLOW }}/{{ ENV }}" AIRFLOW_CONN_GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT: 'google-cloud-platform://' AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_EXAMPLES: "False" ## remote log storage AIRFLOW__LOGGING__REMOTE_LOGGING: "True" AIRFLOW__LOGGING__REMOTE_BASE_LOG_FOLDER: "gs://xxxxxxxx-airflow-log/{{ ENV }}" AIRFLOW__LOGGING__REMOTE_LOG_CONN_ID: "google_cloud_default" #smtps AIRFLOW__EMAIL__EMAIL_BACKEND: "" AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_HOST: "" AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_STARTTLS: "True" AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_SSL: "False" AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_PORT: "587" ## a list of initial users to create ## users: - username: admin password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx role: Admin email: xxxxxxxx firstName: Dados lastName: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## if we update users or just create them the first time (lookup by `username`) ## ## NOTE: ## - if enabled, the chart will revert any changes made in the web-ui to users defined ## in `users` (including passwords) ## usersUpdate: True variables: - key: "env" value: {{ ENV }} - key: "localizacao_cluster" value: {{ LOCATION }} ## if we update variables or just create them the first time (lookup by `key`) ## ## NOTE: ## - if enabled, the chart will revert any changes made in the web-ui to variables ## defined in `variables` ## variablesUpdate: false ## extra environment variables for the web/scheduler/worker/flower Pods ## ## SPEC - EnvVar: ## ## extraEnv: - name: PYTHONPATH value: "/opt/airflow/dags:/opt/airflow/dags/repo" - name: AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__SECRET_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: airflow key: airflow-webserver-key - name: AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: airflow key: airflow-fernet-key - name: AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: airflow key: stmp-mailfrom - name: AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_MAIL_FROM valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: airflow key: stmp-mailfrom - name: AIRFLOW__SMTP__SMTP_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: airflow key: smtp-password - name: AIRFLOW__VAR_PROXY-TOKEN valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: airflow key: proxy-token ################################### # Airflow - Scheduler Configs ################################### scheduler: ## the number of scheduler Pods to run ## ## NOTE: ## - if you set this >1 we recommend defining a `scheduler.podDisruptionBudget` ## replicas: 2 ## resource requests/limits for the scheduler Pod ## ## SPEC - ResourceRequirements: ## ## resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 0.5G requests: cpu: 1 memory: 0.5G ## the nodeSelector configs for the scheduler Pods ## ## DOCS: ## ## nodeSelector: {} ## the affinity configs for the scheduler Pods ## ## SPEC - Affinity: ## ## affinity: {} ## the toleration configs for the scheduler Pods ## ## SPEC - Toleration: ## ## tolerations: [] ## the security context for the scheduler Pods ## ## SPEC - SecurityContext: ## ## securityContext: {} ## labels for the scheduler Deployment ## labels: {} ## Pod labels for the scheduler Deployment ## podLabels: {} ## annotations for the scheduler Deployment ## annotations: {} ## Pod annotations for the scheduler Deployment ## podAnnotations: {} ## if we add the annotation: "" = "true" ## safeToEvict: true ## configs for the PodDisruptionBudget of the scheduler ## podDisruptionBudget: ## if a PodDisruptionBudget resource is created for the scheduler ## enabled: true ## the maximum unavailable pods/percentage for the scheduler ## maxUnavailable: "" ## the minimum available pods/percentage for the scheduler ## minAvailable: "1" ## sets `airflow --num_runs` parameter used to run the airflow scheduler ## numRuns: -1 ## configs for the scheduler Pods' liveness probe ## ## NOTE: ## - `periodSeconds` x `failureThreshold` = max seconds a scheduler can be unhealthy ## livenessProbe: enabled: true initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 10 failureThreshold: 5 ## extra pip packages to install in the scheduler Pods ## ## EXAMPLE: ## extraPipPackages: ## - "SomeProject==1.0.0" ## extraPipPackages: [] ## extra VolumeMounts for the scheduler Pods ## ## SPEC - VolumeMount: ## ## extraVolumeMounts: [] ## extra Volumes for the scheduler Pods ## ## SPEC - Volume: ## ## extraVolumes: [] ## extra init containers to run in the scheduler Pods ## ## SPEC - Container: ## ## extraInitContainers: [] ################################### # Airflow - WebUI Configs ################################### web: ## configs to generate ## webserverConfig: ## the full text value to mount as the file ## ## NOTE: ## - if set, will override all values except `webserverConfig.existingSecret` ## ## EXAMPLE: ## stringOverride: |- ## from airflow import configuration as conf ## from import AUTH_DB ## ## # the SQLAlchemy connection string ## SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = conf.get('core', 'SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN') ## ## # use embedded DB for auth ## AUTH_TYPE = AUTH_DB ## stringOverride: "" ## the name of a pre-created secret containing a `` file as a key ## existingSecret: "" ## the number of web Pods to run ## ## NOTE: ## - if you set this >1 we recommend defining a `web.podDisruptionBudget` ## replicas: 2 ## resource requests/limits for the web Pod ## ## SPEC - ResourceRequirements: ## ## resources: limits: cpu: 0.3 memory: 2G requests: cpu: 0.3 memory: 2G ## the nodeSelector configs for the web Pods ## ## DOCS: ## ## nodeSelector: {} ## the affinity configs for the web Pods ## ## SPEC - Affinity: ## ## affinity: {} ## the toleration configs for the web Pods ## ## SPEC - Toleration: ## ## tolerations: [] ## the security context for the web Pods ## ## SPEC - SecurityContext: ## ## securityContext: {} ## labels for the web Deployment ## labels: {} ## Pod labels for the web Deployment ## podLabels: {} ## annotations for the web Deployment ## annotations: {} ## Pod annotations for the web Deployment ## podAnnotations: {} ## if we add the annotation: "" = "true" ## safeToEvict: true ## configs for the PodDisruptionBudget of the web Deployment ## podDisruptionBudget: ## if a PodDisruptionBudget resource is created for the web Deployment ## enabled: true ## the maximum unavailable pods/percentage for the web Deployment ## maxUnavailable: "" ## the minimum available pods/percentage for the web Deployment ## minAvailable: "1" ## configs for the Service of the web Pods ## service: annotations: "Internal" sessionAffinity: "None" sessionAffinityConfig: {} type: LoadBalancer externalPort: 8080 loadBalancerIP: {{ IP_AIRFLOW }} loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] nodePort: http: 32080 ## configs for the web Pods' readiness probe ## readinessProbe: enabled: true initialDelaySeconds: periodSeconds: 60 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 6 ## configs for the web Pods' liveness probe ## livenessProbe: enabled: true initialDelaySeconds: 60 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 6 ## extra pip packages to install in the web Pods ## ## EXAMPLE: ## extraPipPackages: ## - "SomeProject==1.0.0" ## extraPipPackages: [] ## extra VolumeMounts for the web Pods ## ## SPEC - VolumeMount: ## ## extraVolumeMounts: [] ## extra Volumes for the web Pods ## ## SPEC - Volume: ## ## extraVolumes: [] ################################### # Airflow - Celery Worker Configs ################################### workers: ## if the airflow workers StatefulSet should be deployed ## enabled: true ## the number of worker Pods to run ## ## NOTE: ## - if you set this >1 we recommend defining a `workers.podDisruptionBudget` ## - this is the minimum when `workers.autoscaling.enabled` is true ## replicas: 2 ## resource requests/limits for the worker Pod ## ## SPEC - ResourceRequirements: ## ## resources: limits: cpu: 0.3 memory: 1.5G requests: cpu: 0.3 memory: 1.5G ## the nodeSelector configs for the worker Pods ## ## DOCS: ## ## nodeSelector: {} ## the affinity configs for the worker Pods ## ## SPEC - Affinity: ## ## affinity: {} ## the toleration configs for the worker Pods ## ## SPEC - Toleration: ## ## tolerations: [] ## the security context for the worker Pods ## ## SPEC - SecurityContext: ## ## securityContext: {} ## labels for the worker StatefulSet ## labels: {} ## Pod labels for the worker StatefulSet ## podLabels: {} ## annotations for the worker StatefulSet ## annotations: {} ## Pod annotations for the worker StatefulSet ## podAnnotations: {} ## if we add the annotation: "" = "true" ## safeToEvict: true ## configs for the PodDisruptionBudget of the worker StatefulSet ## podDisruptionBudget: ## if a PodDisruptionBudget resource is created for the worker StatefulSet ## enabled: true ## the maximum unavailable pods/percentage for the worker StatefulSet ## maxUnavailable: "" ## the minimum available pods/percentage for the worker StatefulSet ## minAvailable: "1" ## configs for the HorizontalPodAutoscaler of the worker Pods ## ## NOTE: ## - if using git-sync, ensure `dags.gitSync.resources` is set ## ## EXAMPLE: ## autoscaling: ## enabled: true ## maxReplicas: 16 ## metrics: ## - type: Resource ## resource: ## name: memory ## target: ## type: Utilization ## averageUtilization: 80 ## autoscaling: enabled: true maxReplicas: 4 metrics: - type: Resource resource: name: memory target: type: Utilization averageUtilization: 80 ## configs for the celery worker Pods ## celery: ## if celery worker Pods are gracefully terminated ## ## graceful termination process: ## 1. prevent worker accepting new tasks ## 2. wait AT MOST `workers.celery.gracefullTerminationPeriod` for tasks to finish ## 3. send SIGTERM to worker ## 4. wait AT MOST `workers.terminationPeriod` for kill to finish ## 5. send SIGKILL to worker ## ## NOTE: ## - consider defining a `workers.podDisruptionBudget` to prevent there not being ## enough available workers during graceful termination waiting periods ## gracefullTermination: false ## how many seconds to wait for tasks to finish before SIGTERM of the celery worker ## gracefullTerminationPeriod: 600 ## how many seconds to wait after SIGTERM before SIGKILL of the celery worker ## ## WARNING: ## - tasks that are still running during SIGKILL will be orphaned, this is important ## to understand with KubernetesPodOperator(), as Pods may continue running ## terminationPeriod: 60 ## extra pip packages to install in the worker Pod ## ## EXAMPLE: ## extraPipPackages: ## - "SomeProject==1.0.0" ## extraPipPackages: [] ## extra VolumeMounts for the worker Pods ## ## SPEC - VolumeMount: ## ## extraVolumeMounts: [] ## extra Volumes for the worker Pods ## ## SPEC - Volume: ## ## extraVolumes: [] ################################### # Airflow - Flower Configs ################################### flower: ## if the airflow flower UI should be deployed ## enabled: false ## the number of flower Pods to run ## ## NOTE: ## - if you set this >1 we recommend defining a `flower.podDisruptionBudget` ## replicas: 1 ## resource requests/limits for the flower Pod ## ## SPEC - ResourceRequirements: ## ## resources: {} ## the nodeSelector configs for the flower Pods ## ## DOCS: ## ## nodeSelector: {} ## the affinity configs for the flower Pods ## ## SPEC - Affinity: ## ## affinity: {} ## the toleration configs for the flower Pods ## ## SPEC - Toleration: ## ## tolerations: [] ## the security context for the flower Pods ## ## SPEC - SecurityContext: ## ## securityContext: {} ## labels for the flower Deployment ## labels: {} ## Pod labels for the flower Deployment ## podLabels: {} ## annotations for the flower Deployment ## annotations: {} ## Pod annotations for the flower Deployment ## podAnnotations: {} ## if we add the annotation: "" = "true" ## safeToEvict: true ## configs for the PodDisruptionBudget of the flower Deployment ## podDisruptionBudget: ## if a PodDisruptionBudget resource is created for the flower Deployment ## enabled: false ## the maximum unavailable pods/percentage for the flower Deployment ## maxUnavailable: "" ## the minimum available pods/percentage for the flower Deployment ## minAvailable: "" ## the value of the flower `--auth` argument ## ## NOTE: ## - see flower docs: ## oauthDomains: "" ## the name of a pre-created secret containing the basic authentication value for flower ## ## NOTE: ## - this will override any value of `config.AIRFLOW__CELERY__FLOWER_BASIC_AUTH` ## basicAuthSecret: "" ## the key within `flower.basicAuthSecret` containing the basic authentication string ## basicAuthSecretKey: "" ## configs for the Service of the flower Pods ## service: annotations: {} type: ClusterIP externalPort: 5555 loadBalancerIP: "" loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] nodePort: http: ## configs for the flower Pods' readinessProbe probe ## readinessProbe: enabled: true initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 6 ## configs for the flower Pods' liveness probe ## livenessProbe: enabled: true initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 6 ## extra pip packages to install in the flower Pod ## ## EXAMPLE: ## extraPipPackages: ## - "SomeProject==1.0.0" ## extraPipPackages: [] ## extra VolumeMounts for the flower Pods ## ## SPEC - VolumeMount: ## ## extraVolumeMounts: [] ## extra Volumes for the flower Pods ## ## SPEC - Volume: ## ## extraVolumes: [] ################################### # Airflow - Logs Configs ################################### logs: ## the airflow logs folder ## path: /opt/airflow/logs ## configs for the logs PVC ## persistence: ## if a persistent volume is mounted at `logs.path` ## enabled: false ## the name of an existing PVC to use ## existingClaim: "" ## sub-path under `logs.persistence.existingClaim` to use ## subPath: "" ## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC ## ## NOTE: ## - if set to "", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is omitted ## - if set to "-", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is set to "" ## storageClass: "" ## the access mode of the PVC ## ## WARNING: ## - must be "ReadWriteMany" or airflow pods will fail to start ## - different StorageClass types support different access modes: ## ## accessMode: ReadWriteMany ## the size of PVC to request ## size: 1Gi ################################### # Airflow - DAGs Configs ################################### dags: ## the airflow dags folder ## path: /opt/airflow/dags ## configs for the dags PVC ## persistence: ## if a persistent volume is mounted at `dags.path` ## enabled: false ## the name of an existing PVC to use ## existingClaim: "" ## sub-path under `dags.persistence.existingClaim` to use ## subPath: "" ## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC ## ## NOTE: ## - if set to "", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is omitted ## - if set to "-", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is set to "" ## storageClass: "" ## the access mode of the PVC ## ## NOTE: ## - must be "ReadOnlyMany" or "ReadWriteMany" or airflow pods will fail to start ## - different StorageClass types support different access modes: ## ## accessMode: ReadOnlyMany ## the size of PVC to request ## size: 1Gi ## configs for the git-sync sidecar ( ## gitSync: ## if the git-sync sidecar container is enabled ## enabled: true ## the git-sync container image ## image: repository: tag: v3.2.2 ## values: Always or IfNotPresent pullPolicy: IfNotPresent uid: 65533 gid: 65533 ## resource requests/limits for the git-sync container resources: limits: cpu: 1 memory: 2000Mi requests: cpu: 512m memory: 1000Mi ## the url of the git repo ## ## EXAMPLE - HTTPS: ## repo: "" ## ## EXAMPLE - SSH: ## repo: "" ## repo: "" ## the sub-path (within your repo) where dags are located ## ## NOTE: ## - only dags under this path (within your repo) will be seen by airflow, ## but the full repo will be cloned ## repoSubPath: "dags" ## the git branch to check out ## branch: {{ ENV }} ## the git revision (tag or hash) to check out ## revision: HEAD ## shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits ## depth: 1 ## the number of seconds between syncs ## syncWait: 15 ## the max number of seconds allowed for a complete sync ## syncTimeout: 120 ## the name of a pre-created Secret with git http credentials ## httpSecret: "" ## the key in `dags.gitSync.httpSecret` with your git username ## httpSecretUsernameKey: "" ## the key in `dags.gitSync.httpSecret` with your git password/token ## httpSecretPasswordKey: "" ## the name of a pre-created Secret with git ssh credentials ## sshSecret: "airflow-git-sync" ## the key in `dags.gitSync.sshSecret` with your ssh-key file ## sshSecretKey: id_rsa ## the string value of a "known_hosts" file (for SSH only) ## ## WARNING: ## - known_hosts verification will be disabled if left empty, making you more ## vulnerable to repo spoofing attacks ## ## EXAMPLE: ## sshKnownHosts: |- ## ssh-rsa ## sshKnownHosts: "" ################################### # Kubernetes - Ingress Configs ################################### ingress: ## if we should deploy Ingress resources ## enabled: true ## configs for the Ingress of the web Service ## web: ## annotations for the web Ingress ## annotations: {} ## additional labels for the web Ingress ## labels: {} ## the path for the web Ingress ## ## WARNING: ## - do NOT include the trailing slash (for root, set an empty string) ## ## EXAMPLE: (if set to "/airflow") ## - UI: ## - API: ## - HEALTH: ## path: "/{{ ENV }}" ## the hostname for the web Ingress ## host: "" ## configs for web Ingress TLS ## tls: ## enable TLS termination for the web Ingress ## enabled: false ## the name of a pre-created Secret containing a TLS private key and certificate ## secretName: "" ## http paths to add to the web Ingress before the default path ## ## EXAMPLE: ## precedingPaths: ## - path: "/*" ## serviceName: "my-service" ## servicePort: "port-name" ## precedingPaths: [] ## http paths to add to the web Ingress after the default path ## ## EXAMPLE: ## succeedingPaths: ## - path: "/extra-service" ## serviceName: "my-service" ## servicePort: "port-name" ## succeedingPaths: [] ## configs for the Ingress of the flower Service ## flower: ## annotations for the flower Ingress ## annotations: {} ## additional labels for the flower Ingress ## labels: {} ## the path for the flower Ingress ## ## WARNING: ## - do NOT include the trailing slash (for root, set an empty string) ## ## EXAMPLE: (if set to "/airflow/flower") ## - UI: ## path: "" ## the hostname for the flower Ingress ## host: "" ## configs for flower Ingress TLS ## tls: ## enable TLS termination for the flower Ingress ## enabled: false ## the name of a pre-created Secret containing a TLS private key and certificate ## secretName: "" ## http paths to add to the flower Ingress before the default path ## ## EXAMPLE: ## precedingPaths: ## - path: "/*" ## serviceName: "my-service" ## servicePort: "port-name" ## precedingPaths: [] ## http paths to add to the flower Ingress after the default path ## ## EXAMPLE: ## succeedingPaths: ## - path: "/extra-service" ## serviceName: "my-service" ## servicePort: "port-name" ## succeedingPaths: [] ################################### # Kubernetes - RBAC ################################### rbac: ## if Kubernetes RBAC resources are created ## ## NOTE: ## - these allow the service account to create/delete Pods in the airflow namespace, ## which is required for the KubernetesPodOperator() to function ## create: true ## if the created RBAC Role has GET/LIST on Event resources ## ## NOTE: ## - this is needed for KubernetesPodOperator() to use `log_events_on_failure=True` ## events: true ################################### # Kubernetes - Service Account ################################### serviceAccount: ## if a Kubernetes ServiceAccount is created ## ## NOTE: ## - if false, you must create the service account outside of this chart, ## with the name: `` ## create: false ## the name of the ServiceAccount ## ## NOTE: ## - by default the name is generated using the `airflow.serviceAccountName` template in `_helpers/common.tpl` ## name: "airflow" ## annotations for the ServiceAccount ## ## EXAMPLE: (to use WorkloadIdentity in Google Cloud) ## annotations: ## <>@<> ## annotations: "" ################################### # Database - PostgreSQL Chart # - ################################### postgresql: ## if the `stable/postgresql` chart is used ## ## WARNING: ## - this is NOT SUITABLE for production deployments of Airflow, ## you should seriously consider using an external database service, ## which can be configured with values under: `externalDatabase` ## ## NOTE: ## - set to `false` if using an external database ## enabled: false ################################### # Database - External Database # - these configs are only used when `postgresql.enabled` is false ################################### externalDatabase: ## the type of external database: {mysql,postgres} ## type: postgres ## the host of the external database ## host: ## the port of the external database ## port: 5432 ## the database/scheme to use within the the external database ## database: {{ ENV }} ## the user of the external database ## user: postgres ## the name of a pre-created secret containing the external database password ## passwordSecret: "airflow" ## the key within `externalDatabase.passwordSecret` containing the password string ## passwordSecretKey: "postgresql-password" ## the connection properties for external database, e.g. "?sslmode=require" properties: "" ################################### # Database - Redis Chart # - ################################### redis: ## if the `stable/redis` chart is used ## ## NOTE: ## - set to `false` if using an external redis database ## - set to `false` if `airflow.executor` is `KubernetesExecutor` ## enabled: true ## the redis password ## ## WARNING: ## - you should NOT use this, instead specify `redis.existingSecret` ## password: ## the name of a pre-created secret containing the redis password ## existingSecret: "airflow" ## the key within `redis.existingSecret` containing the password string ## existingSecretPasswordKey: "redis-password" ## configs for redis cluster mode ## cluster: ## if redis runs in cluster mode ## enabled: false ## the number of redis slaves ## slaveCount: 1 ## configs for the redis master ## master: ## resource requests/limits for the master Pod ## resources: requests: cpu: 512m memory: 512Mi ## annotations for the master Pod ## podAnnotations: "true" ## configs for the PVC of the redis master ## persistence: ## use a PVC to persist data ## enabled: false ## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC ## storageClass: "" ## the access mode of the PVC ## accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce ## the size of PVC to request ## size: 8Gi ## configs for the redis slaves ## slave: ## resource requests/limits for the slave Pods resources: requests: cpu: 512m memory: 512Mi ## annotations for the slave Pods ## podAnnotations: "true" ## configs for the PVC of the redis slaves ## persistence: ## use a PVC to persist data ## enabled: false ## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC ## storageClass: "" ## the access mode of the PVC ## accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce ## the size of PVC to request ## size: 8Gi ################################### # Database - External Database # - these configs are only used when `redis.enabled` is false ################################### externalRedis: ## the host of the external redis ## host: localhost ## the port of the external redis ## port: 6379 ## the database number to use within the the external redis ## databaseNumber: 1 ## the name of a pre-created secret containing the external redis password ## passwordSecret: "" ## the key within `externalRedis.passwordSecret` containing the password string ## passwordSecretKey: "redis-password" ## the connection properties for external redis, e.g. "?ssl_cert_reqs=CERT_OPTIONAL" ## properties: "" ################################### # Prometheus Operator - ServiceMonitor ################################### serviceMonitor: ## if ServiceMonitor resources should be deployed for airflow webserver ## ## WARNING: ## - you will need an exporter in your airflow docker container, for example: ## ## ## NOTE: ## - you can install pip packages with `airflow.extraPipPackages` ## - ServiceMonitor is a resource from: ## enabled: false ## labels for ServiceMonitor, so that Prometheus can select it ## selector: prometheus: kube-prometheus ## the ServiceMonitor web endpoint path ## path: /admin/metrics ## the ServiceMonitor web endpoint interval ## interval: "30s" ################################### # Prometheus Operator - PrometheusRule ################################### prometheusRule: ## if PrometheusRule resources should be deployed for airflow webserver ## ## WARNING: ## - you will need an exporter in your airflow docker container, for example: ## ## ## NOTE: ## - you can install pip packages with `airflow.extraPipPackages` ## - PrometheusRule is a resource from: ## enabled: false ## labels for PrometheusRule, so that Prometheus can select it ## additionalLabels: {} ## alerting rules for Prometheus ## ## NOTE: ## - documentation: ## groups: [] ```
thesuperzapper commented 2 years ago

@rjribeiro what version of airflow itself are you using?

NOTE: Multiple schedulers is only supported in airflow 2.0+.

raffOps commented 2 years ago

@rjribeiro what version of airflow itself are you using?

NOTE: Multiple schedulers is only supported in airflow 2.0+.


thesuperzapper commented 2 years ago

@rjribeiro Is something specifically not working?

I believe "could not obtain lock" is NOT actually an error, but part of the system deciding which scheduler is currently "active" for some tasks which cannot be shared.

The PR has removed this error to help users not get confused (its not in any released versions of airflow yet, however).

Also see a similar user's question in:

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

danielhoherd commented 1 year ago

PSA: this is fixed in airflow 2.3