airflow-helm / charts

The User-Community Airflow Helm Chart is the standard way to deploy Apache Airflow on Kubernetes with Helm. Originally created in 2017, it has since helped thousands of companies create production-ready deployments of Airflow on Kubernetes.
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Can't change Helm configuration for db-migrations job #727

Closed aodj closed 10 months ago

aodj commented 1 year ago


Chart Version


Kubernetes Version

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"22", GitVersion:"v1.22.16", GitCommit:"b28e1f370a4a4c428ddbeababcaf0198f048fcac", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-11-09T13:30:52Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.15", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"24", GitVersion:"v1.24.10", GitCommit:"5c1d2d4295f9b4eb12bfbf6429fdf989f2ca8a02", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2023-01-27T22:54:20Z", GoVersion:"go1.19.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

Helm Version

version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.11.2", GitCommit:"912ebc1cd10d38d340f048efaf0abda047c3468e", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.20.2"}


It's not possible to change the annotations on for the db-migrations job as they are hardcoded in the template:

  annotations: post-install,post-upgrade "-100" before-hook-creation

In the environment I'm deploying Airflow to, deployments are handled by Argo which waits for the webserver and scheduler to become "healthy" when deploying, before continuing with the db-migrations job, as defined by the value.

As the job is set to run post-install, Argo doesn't run it until the other resources are ready (as explained in the Helm documentation under Hooks and the Release Lifecycle). This means in a new install, the check-for-db-migrations initContainer will never complete, because the db-migrations job can't run, as the webserver and scheduler never become ready.

I thought it would be a simple case of setting the annotations in the values.yaml but I see now that the chart has them hard coded, and any attempt to set these annotations results in invalid yaml:

  annotations: post-install,post-upgrade "-100" before-hook-creation pre-install,pre-upgrade hook-succeeded,before-hook-creation

This also applies to the other jobs, but they aren't critical for starting the deployments, so will eventually resolve themselves.

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aodj commented 1 year ago

I should point out that the only way to resolve this is to change the db-migration to not be a job, let it run the migrations, then you can revert it to being a job. This will work until you need to upgrade your Airflow version and it includes new db migrations, and then you need to do the whole thing again.

aodj commented 1 year ago

I did more searching and found #266 and #317 and it looks like there might be something I can set to fix this but I'm not sure I understand what needs to change. Can you advise @thesuperzapper ?

thesuperzapper commented 1 year ago

@aodj the default behavior of the chart is to use a Deployment to handle db-migrations because of this exact issue with ArgoCD (and similar systems).

Are you sure you are not setting the airflow.dbMigrations.runAsJob to true:

aodj commented 1 year ago

My apologies for not making it clearer, but yes I am running it as a job; I do this because I don't want a long lived Python process consuming 5~600 MB (I also run the other sync steps as Kubernetes jobs for this same reason).

This came up in another thread I wrote last year about the possibility of running these jobs as CronJobs rather than Jobs (#540) because they consume upwards of 2 GB per installation (of which I have several). The Airflow version and the variables/connections/etc get updated rarely so I saw very little benefit to having them constantly up and syncing the same data/db migrations.

As for the problem at hand, the annotations are only set on the Jobs (not the Deployments) so I'm basically looking for a way to customise the ordering of the Helm hooks because otherwise it's either 1) run the db migrations as a deployment forever, or 2) run it as a Job but end up in a chicken-and-egg loop where you can't instantiate the webserver/scheduler until the db migrations are run, which only runs after said webserver/scheduler are up and running.

aodj commented 1 year ago

I've got some code running locally that will merge user provided annotations with the default ones set by the chart, if you're interested in a PR:

{{- define "airflow.db_migrations.annotations" -}}
{{- $defaultAnnotations := (dict "" "post-install,post-upgrade" "" "-100" "" "before-hook-creation") -}}
{{- $annotations := mergeOverwrite $defaultAnnotations .Values.airflow.dbMigrations.annotations -}}
{{- toYaml $annotations -}}
{{- end -}}

If it's something that might be useful I could also generalise it for use across all the different jobs.

thesuperzapper commented 1 year ago

@aodj The issue remains that post-install helm hooks won't run until ALL the main Deployments (like the airflow Scheduler) are Ready when using the --wait flag, which will never happen.

So, as far as I know, there is currently no solution that works in all cases except doing the db-migrations with a Deployment. I have proposed a possible solution in upstream helm, see

Interestingly, I think that ArgoCD might already support something similar to my proposed behavior with its own Snyc hook. But there is currently no way to invoke via helm-hooks, so would require the inclusion of ArgoCD-specific annotation in the chart.

Also, if you are concerned about the resource usage of the Sync Deployments, I think there is a case to be made for consolidating them all into a single Deployment.

aodj commented 1 year ago

@aodj The issue remains that post-install helm hooks won't run until ALL the main Deployments (like the airflow Scheduler) are Ready when using the --wait flag, which will never happen.

In my installations I've found that the db-migration is the only one that needs to be run to allow the webserver and scheduler to be considered healthy; Airflow will start up without connections, pools, users, and so on apparently without problem.

So, as far as I know, there is currently no solution that works in all cases except doing the db-migrations with a Deployment. I have proposed a possible solution in upstream helm, see helm/helm#10555 (comment).

Interestingly, I think that ArgoCD might already support something similar to my proposed behavior with its own Snyc hook. But there is currently no way to invoke via helm-hooks, so would require the inclusion of ArgoCD-specific annotation in the chart.

Also, if you are concerned about the resource usage of the Sync Deployments, I think there is a case to be made for consolidating them all into a single Deployment.

Would you be interested in my suggestion above to allow users of this chart control over the helm hooks? I don't mind the default settings but I would like the ability to override them if I so choose.

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