airfranceklm / ng-lazy-image

Angular directive for loading responsive image when container (which is preventing reflow) is in viewport.
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Images already loaded #46

Closed igorissen closed 8 years ago

igorissen commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to lazy loading an horizontal list of images but all images already loaded without me having to scroll right.

This is my code.

<ul class="episodes" afkl-image-container>
    <li ng-repeat="episode in season.episodes" class="episode">
      <div class="ep-screenshot">
          <div afkl-lazy-image="{{episode.images.screenshot.thumb}}" afkl-lazy-image-options='{"offset": 1000, "className": "screenshot"}' style='background: url({{showvm.landscapePlaceholder}});' class="afkl-placeholder"></div>
      <div class="ep-metadata">
          <p class="ep-header truncate">
              <a target="_blank" ng-href="{{'episode.url}}">
                  <span class="ep-label">{{episode.label}}</span>
                  <span class="ep-title" ng-if="episode.show_title">{{episode.title}}</span>
          <p class="ep-date">{{episode.first_aired | date : 'EEEE, MMMM d, y h:mm a'}}</p>

And this is the resulted HTML code

<div afkl-lazy-image="" afkl-lazy-image-options="{'offset': 1000, 'className': 'screenshot'}" style="background: url(base64-image here);" class="afkl-placeholder" afkl-lazy-image-loaded="done">
    <img alt="" class="afkl-lazy-image screenshot" src="">

Any idea?


SquadraCorse commented 8 years ago

Sorry, in the code it's only about vertical scrolling. You will have to adapt the view calculation that it also takes notice off x-as. Since we have no usecase for it that was left out.

igorissen commented 8 years ago

The issue is also on vertical scrolling. I have a list of seasons and for each seasons I have a list of episodes with an image for each episodes.

<div id="content">
    <ul class="seasons">
        <li ng-repeat="season in showvm.seasons" class="season">
                <span class="season-name">
                    <a target="_blank"
                <span class="episodes-count">{{season.episode_count}} episodes</span>
            <div class="clearfix"></div>

            <ul class="episodes" afkl-image-container>
                <li ng-repeat="episode in season.episodes" class="episode">
                    <div class="ep-screenshot">
                        <div afkl-lazy-image="{{episode.images.screenshot.thumb}}"
                             afkl-lazy-image-options='{"offset": 1000, "className": "screenshot"}'
                             style='background: url({{showvm.landscapePlaceholder}});'

                    <div class="ep-metadata">
                        <p class="ep-header truncate">
                            <a target="_blank"
                                <span class="ep-label">{{episode.label}}</span>
                                <span class="ep-title" ng-if="episode.show_title">{{episode.title}}</span>

                        <p class="ep-date">{{episode.first_aired | date : 'EEEE, MMMM d, y h:mm a'}}</p>

The images are loaded before I'm scrolling.

SquadraCorse commented 8 years ago

So you url is a scrollable container? How do you use 'ep-screenshot', in other words how heigh is it without an image being loaded? It is easier to debug when sample can be triggered in the browser :)

igorissen commented 8 years ago

It is the list of episodes which is a scrollable container.

    width: 100%;
    height: 166px;
    border: 1px solid @bunker-color;
    position: relative;

I will try without the afkl-image-container directive.


Removing the directive afkl-image-container doesn't work. All images are loaded afkl-lazy-image-loaded="done".

SquadraCorse commented 8 years ago

Sorry, do you have it somewhere online?

igorissen commented 8 years ago

Yes, but I can't give you the URL here. It's actually private for testing purpose. Can you give me your email ?

SquadraCorse commented 8 years ago

See Maarten

igorissen commented 8 years ago

So... It work now after cleaning my code (HTML and CSS).

<!-- OLD -->
<div afkl-lazy-image="{{episode.images.screenshot.thumb}}"
        afkl-lazy-image-options='{"offset": 1000, "className": "screenshot"}'
        style='background: url({{showvm.landscapePlaceholder}});'

<!-- NEW -->
<div afkl-lazy-image="{{episode.images.screenshot.thumb}}"
        afkl-lazy-image-options='{"className": "screenshot"}'>

Sorry about the inconvenience. And thanks for your help.