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Display went dark and LED at low brightness #141

Open MallocArray opened 1 month ago

MallocArray commented 1 month ago

After flashing the latest 3.1.1 firmware, I had the display and LED working at normal levels, and now the display has gone completely off, and the LEDs are at a low brightness level


I assume this is some kind of night mode kicking in, but I haven't configured a night/sleep mode in the Dashboard, nor can I even find where that may be an option to enable or configure.

In my time zone it is only 8:00 pm and not when I would want the unit to be in a sleep mode, but the end user should

  1. Opt-in for sleep mode
  2. Be able to configure the sleep time window in the Dashboard

This is all assuming this isn't just a bug.

airgradienthq commented 1 month ago

Yes it's the night mode. The default off is confusing and we will need to change. you can adjust the settings already in the dashboard.

More information here: