airhadoken / wedidntstartthefire

The official source code for the @we_didnt_start Twitter bot
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Ideas for improving rhythm. #1

Open airhadoken opened 8 years ago

airhadoken commented 8 years ago

Instead of 2-, 3-, and 4- syllable words, try to compose two trochees (or a phrase made of two trochees) or one spondee or dactyl into one line, or combine "and" with an iamb to make an anapest in the second half-line.

Also this: (balancing number of stressed syllables per half-line).

airhadoken commented 8 years ago

Also, longum vs. brevis. cf: "Any syllable with a long vowel, any syllable with a dipthong, any syllable with a short vowel followed by more than one consonant, is a 'long syllable' - as in, it literally takes longer to pronounce."