airlift / aircompressor

A port of Snappy, LZO, LZ4, and Zstandard to Java
Apache License 2.0
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Implement other ZSTD compression levels #162 #172

Open ZongoForSpeed opened 12 months ago

ZongoForSpeed commented 12 months ago

Implement of issue #162 (

dain commented 12 months ago

IIRC the other compression techniques are not implemented, so this would not work.... basically, I think the constants are there but the implementations don't work or are missing.

abs0 commented 11 months ago

So it would involve implementing the alternate io.airlift.compress.zstd.CompressionParameters.Strategy classes in addition to DoubleFastBlockCompressor for DFAST?

I can see that some of those would be... very much non trivial (backs away from BTOPT), but could this be done in stages? - so implementing GREEDY could unlock compression Level 4, FAST could unlock 1 & 2 etc?


martint commented 11 months ago

Indeed, it would require implementing the other BlockCompressor strategies. They could certainly be added incrementally, as you suggested.