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Wonky missiles algorithm #12

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

I think I need some help in nailing this, if anyone is interested.

The hack posted to Reddit is fun but we could do way better, I'm just not sure how.

Some restrictions:




I wouldn't mind nailing it in frontend first, so that if it's necessary to patch it into Starmash that only needs to happen once, and it only needs copied into server once

for usopp:

client fires,

server 'spawns a mob', that message includes a bunch of variables, but most importantly (speed.x, speed.y), where e.g.


(x, y) are set based on angle of plane when it fired

For every frame, and for whatever reason for fractions of a frame, some calculation runs that can modify the speed and absolute position (which usually updates from speed)

It calculates a number 0..1 ("fracFrame") depending on how much of a full frame's worth of change should apply, so you can write

speed.x = fracFrame * (x change)
speed.y = fracFrame * (y change)

And things work out.

In my messing around, I summed 'fracFrame' up over each call into a variable 't', so it turns into the number of frames the missile has been alive for. Then I divided that number down and passed it into Math.sin() and added that to speed.

There is also 'spriteRot' which is the angle it's being fired at. I think the correct application is something like

speed.x = fracFrame * Math.sin(spriteRot) * Math.sin(t/7)
speed.y = fracFrame * Math.cos(spriteRot) * Math.sin(t/7)

But this caused an insane stop-start missile that made no sense at all.

We can also modify position directly, rather than via speed. But speed seems to be the correct variable to change

ghost commented 4 years ago

Non-random 'semi self correcting wobble', could be done by overlaying a sine wave on the missile's bearing. The period of the wave would determine the max error when missile reaches target. But how to add randomness to this?

ghost commented 4 years ago

What about some kind of scheme where random bits were used to pick a selection of periods, but somehow ensure that when all the periods were summed up, the target was about the same at the max missile distance?

usopp-airmash commented 4 years ago
> speed.x = fracFrame * Math.sin(spriteRot) * Math.sin(t/7)
> speed.y = fracFrame * Math.cos(spriteRot) * Math.sin(t/7)

sin(t/7) would cause the problem as t varies with respect to frames. You can try to change it to exp(-t/7) which produces decaying velocity. Or change to speed.y ~ math.cos(t/7). I was thinking about using cubic spline to create fancy trajectories. If we assume that the missile flies at a constant speed, then to know the completion time we need to calculate the travel distance (curve length) which is not easy (there exists implementation on google). So this idea doesn't seem practical at all.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Missiles have a 'maximum range' value.. what about something like assuming they will travel half of that and make two splines, one for each leg. Someone else suggested using splines too

usopp-airmash commented 4 years ago

How about this? The total length is approximate max_range/cos(15deg). Could be more wonky but the simple estimate strays away. wonky_trajectory

ghost commented 4 years ago

I'll hopefully have another shot at it this weekend

usopp-airmash commented 4 years ago

I think we should stick with less wonky curves which are easier to implement from both sides like parabola or elliptic. For the parabola, we only need to implement the calculation of the inverse Vandermonde matrix (3x3). I will work on it later (tomorrow :D).

By the way, do you know if javascript/typescript has a linear algebra library which could perform vector multiplication and matrix inverse? If yes then I only need to explain the idea.

usopp-airmash commented 4 years ago

Simple ellipse curves. I assume that missiles can travel longer than max_range. However the line of sight distance between the start and destination is still bounded by max_range.

Assume that the starting point (plane current location) and the destination are given. The destination could be calculated for example at the max_range from the plane current location in the direction pointed by the plane (or with some other deviation). We use an ellipse to fit a curve between these two points.


First we calculate the center of the ellipse taking into account the desired orientation of the curve (upward or downward).

def ellipseParameters(two_points,upward):
    # We find parameters a and b of the ellipse equation (x-c_x)^2/a^2+(y-c_y)^2/b^2=1
    # We take a = max_range for simplicity.
    A = two_points[0]
    B = two_points[1]
    #assume that A and B are 'max_range' apart
    max_range = sqrt((A[0]-B[0])**2 + (A[1]-B[1])**2)
    # center of ellipse
    # the calculation is quite nasty
    # if A[0] == B[0] or A[1] == B[1], shoot straight

    if upward:
        if A[0]<B[0] and A[1]>B[1]:
            C = [A[0]+max_range,A[1]]
            b = sqrt((B[1]-C[1])**2/(1-(B[0]-C[0])**2/max_range**2))
        if A[0]<B[0] and A[1]<B[1]:
            C = [B[0]-max_range,B[1]]
            b = sqrt((A[1]-C[1])**2/(1-(A[0]-C[0])**2/max_range**2))
        if A[0]>B[0] and A[1]>B[1]:
            C = [A[0]-max_range,A[1]]
            b = sqrt((B[1]-C[1])**2/(1-(B[0]-C[0])**2/max_range**2))
        if A[0]>B[0] and A[1]<B[1]:
            C = [B[0]+max_range,B[1]]
            b = sqrt((A[1]-C[1])**2/(1-(A[0]-C[0])**2/max_range**2))

        if A[0]<B[0] and A[1]>B[1]:
            C = [B[0]-max_range,B[1]]
            b = sqrt((A[1]-C[1])**2/(1-(A[0]-C[0])**2/max_range**2))    
        if A[0]<B[0] and A[1]<B[1]:
            C = [A[0]+max_range,A[1]]
            b = sqrt((B[1]-C[1])**2/(1-(B[0]-C[0])**2/max_range**2))
        if A[0]>B[0] and A[1]>B[1]:
            C = [B[0]+max_range,B[1]]
            b = sqrt((A[1]-C[1])**2/(1-(A[0]-C[0])**2/max_range**2))
        if A[0]>B[0] and A[1]<B[1]:
            C = [A[0]-max_range,A[1]]
            b = sqrt((B[1]-C[1])**2/(1-(B[0]-C[0])**2/max_range**2))

    return [max_range,b], C

Then we calculate the trajectory and the missile velocity direction based on the ellipse equation. numpy is used here as np.

def ellipseCurve(two_points,upward):
    # create a x vector
    x = np.linspace(two_points[0][0],two_points[1][0],100)
    # calculate ellipse's coefficients and center
    coefficients, center = ellipseParameters(two_points,upward)
    # y  coordinate and velocity direction calculations
    if not upward:
        # downward curve
        y = [center[1]+coefficients[1]/coefficients[0]*sqrt(coefficients[0]**2-(i-center[0])**2) for i in x]
        y_derivative = [-coefficients[1]/coefficients[0]*(i-center[0])/sqrt(coefficients[0]**2-(i-center[0])**2) for i in x]
        # upward curve
        y = [center[1]-coefficients[1]/coefficients[0]*sqrt(coefficients[0]**2-(i-center[0])**2) for i in x]
        y_derivative = [coefficients[1]/coefficients[0]*(i-center[0])/sqrt(coefficients[0]**2-(i-center[0])**2) for i in x]

    normalize_vel_x = [1/sqrt(i**2+1) for i in y_derivative]
    normalize_vel_y = [i/sqrt(i**2+1) for i in y_derivative]
    return [x,y],[normalize_vel_x,normalize_vel_y]

Testing the codes

## Tests
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()
A = [1,4]
B = [8,5]
mid = [(A[0]+B[0])/2,(A[1]+B[1])/2]
two_points_first = [A,mid]
two_points_second= [mid,B]

plt.plot(A[0],A[1],marker='o',color = "red")
plt.plot(B[0],B[1],marker='o',color = "red")
plt.plot(mid[0],mid[1],marker='o',color = "red")
[x1,y1],_ = ellipseCurve(two_points_first,False)
[x2,y2],_  = ellipseCurve(two_points_second,True)
[x3,y3],[v3x,v3y] = ellipseCurve([A,B],False)

## Plotting velocity 

reduce_x3 = x3[::15]
reduce_y3 = y3[::15]
reduce_v3x = v3x[::15]
reduce_v3y= v3y[::15]
for i in range(len(reduce_v3x)):
    ax.arrow(reduce_x3[i], reduce_y3[i], reduce_v3x[i], reduce_v3y[i], head_width=0.02, head_length=0.02, fc='lightblue', ec='black')

Results ellipseCurve Perhaps the orientation of the velocity needs to be changed when we swap Start with Destiation.

ghost commented 4 years ago

This is code I can copy, thanks so much for this :) But looking at it, does this mean the wonky missile will always follow same path? Can we introduce some random seed into it somehow?

usopp-airmash commented 4 years ago

There are several options to modify the trajectory by adding randomness.

vel_y = velocity_scale*normalize_vel_y

- Assume that the plane is oriented at the angle `alpha` w.r.t the horizontal axis. In the above calculation the destination is at the distance `max_range` such that `Start-Destination` has the angle `alpha` w.r.t the x-axis. We can change the destination such that the angle between `Start-Destination` and the x-axis is `alpha+beta` where `beta` is randomly chosen between `-5°` and `5°`. Also the distance could be a randomly scaled version of `max_range`.

- You can also select the curve as follows. Throw a random number between `0` and `4`. If the outcome is `0` then no fancy curve is produced. If it is `1` then we output a simple curve with `upward=True`. If `2` then we output `upward=False`. If `3` then we output a composition curve (see the above Figure) with `upward_1 = True` and `upward_2 = False`. And if `4`, then  a composition curve with `upward_1= False` and `upward_2 = True` is produced.
usopp-airmash commented 4 years ago

wonky curves using spline


Detailed implementation

# Generic natural cubic spline algorithm
# Taken from wikipedia  
def cubicSpline(datapoints):
    #the sought  after curves have the form
    # s_i(x) = a_i + b_i(x-x_i) + c_i(x-x_i)^2 + d_i(x-x_i)^3
    n = len(datapoints)
    a = [datapoints[i][1] for i in range(n)]
    b = [0]*(n-1)
    d = [0]*(n-1)
    h = [datapoints[i+1][0]-datapoints[i][0] for i in range(n-1)]
    alpha = [3/h[i]*(a[i+1]-a[i]) - 3/h[i-1]*(a[i]-a[i-1]) for i in range(1,n-1)]
    mu = [0]*n
    z = [0]*n
    l = [0]*n
    for i in range(1,n-1):
        l[i] = 2*(datapoints[i+1][0]-datapoints[i-1][0])-h[i-1]*mu[i-1]
        mu[i] = h[i]/l[i]
        z[i] = (alpha[i]-h[i-1]*z[i-1])/l[i]
    c = [0]*n
    for i in range(n-2,-1,-1):
        c[i] = z[i]-mu[i]*c[i+1]
        b[i] = (a[i+1]-a[i])/h[i] - h[i]*(c[i+1]+2*c[i])/3
        d[i] = (c[i+1]-c[i])/(3*h[i])
    return a,b,c,d

Then we interpolate middle values

def naturalSplineCurve(datapoints):
    a,b,c,d = cubicSpline(datapoints)
    x = []
    y = []
    normalized_vel_x = []
    normalized_vel_y = []
    for i in range(len(datapoints)-1):
        # a better implemtation would assign for each interval [x[i],x[i+1]] a proportional
        # number of points, rather than a fixed number of points in this implementation.
        xi = np.linspace(datapoints[i][0],datapoints[i+1][0],30)
        yi = [a[i]+b[i]*(t-datapoints[i][0]) + c[i]*(t-datapoints[i][0])**2 + d[i]*(t-datapoints[i][0])**3 for t in xi]
        yi_derivative = [b[i] + 2*c[i]*(t-datapoints[i][0]) + 3*d[i]*(t-datapoints[i][0])**2 for t in xi]
        vel_xi = [1/sqrt(t**2+1) for t in yi_derivative]
        vel_yi = [t/sqrt(t**2+1) for t in yi_derivative]

    return x,y,normalized_vel_x,normalized_vel_y

Random midpoint selection

def fancySplineCurve(twopoints):
    A = twopoints[0]
    B = twopoints[1]
    # Assume that A[0]<B[0]
    # convex combination coefficient for a third point
    alpha = random.uniform(0,1)

    #upward or downward direction
    upward = random.uniform(0,1)>0.5
    beta = random.uniform(0,0.75)
    if upward:
        C = [A[0]*alpha + B[0]*(1-alpha),A[1]*alpha + B[1]*(1-alpha)+beta]
        C = [A[0]*alpha + B[0]*(1-alpha),A[1]*alpha + B[1]*(1-alpha)-beta]

    return naturalSplineCurve([A,C,B])