airmash-refugees / game-ideas

A place to keep track of ideas for improvements to AIRMASH
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Nuke & Laser #22

Open usopp-airmash opened 4 years ago

usopp-airmash commented 4 years ago

To counter uncanny tactics I propose the following:

ghost commented 4 years ago

I like the idea of the laser beam, but it'd require quite a lot of work to support..

It doesn't fit existing "spawn/despawn mob" network message model because it's instantaneous, so I think it'd need to be some kind of new network message type

Would need to contain point of origin and point of impact in a single message

Client would need some kind of new particle with totally different rendering from the existing missiles. It's quite easy to add but it's a lot of code

ghost commented 4 years ago

Suggested rendering would be something like a bright purple glowing line lasting ~100ms that quickly fades away to a mostly-transparent silhouette of itself, that completely vanishes after ~1.5 seconds or so, kindof like burn-in you get when looking at a bright light

ghost commented 4 years ago

I also like the idea of tying it to points rather than a powerup -- give something for people who want to try it to work towards, rather than spamming chat :)

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hmm... what strength would this laser be?

Single hit shot destroys goli would suck, so I think it must be weaker. Say, 4 shots to kill goli? How can goli defend itself? Make it slow recharge time?