airmessage / airmessage-server

AirMessage's native message relay server for Mac
Apache License 2.0
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Add support for iMessage replies #16

Open Hoodgail opened 2 years ago

Hoodgail commented 2 years ago

Do you see how imessage shows what message is being replied to? image Will there be such features for airmessage? doesnt need to have the same interface as imessage image (5) It could even look something simple like discord's

And later on add to support to reply from airmessage. maybe a context menu on right click with the reply button.

tagavari commented 2 years ago

Currently, AirMessage Server will ignore message replies. The server can be updated to include message reply information and allow clients to display when a message is a reply. However, similar to tapbacks, AirMessage cannot allow the user to initiate replies without privilege escalation.

As this functionality would have to first be supported by AirMessage Server, this issue is also being moved there.

sabogalc commented 2 years ago

Here is some information from @tneotia on supporting replies. Original link

@iandwelker in case you want to implement this:

  1. To render replies, you'd want to pull the thread_originator_guid column from chat.db. You can kinda see in here (the line renderer), here (the message bubble itself that decides whether the line should get rendered), and here (code that does some of the processing of whether the message is a reply, whether it should show the reply line, how that reply line is gonna look, etc)
  2. To send replies, refer to the following objc code:
// get the chat
    IMChat *chat = [BlueBubblesHelper getChat: data[@"chatGuid"]];
// get the message text
    NSMutableAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: data[@"message"]];
// get the subject line, if any
    NSMutableAttributedString *subjectAttributedString = nil;
    if ([data objectForKey:(@"subject")] != [NSNull null]) {
        subjectAttributedString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: data[@"subject"]];
// get the effect ID, if any
    NSString *effectId = nil;
    if ([data objectForKey:(@"effectId")] != [NSNull null]) {
        effectId = data[@"effectId"];

// helper function to create a message
    void (^createMessage)(NSAttributedString*, NSAttributedString*, NSString*, NSString*) = ^(NSAttributedString *message, NSAttributedString *subject, NSString *effectId, NSString *threadIdentifier) {
// init an IMMessage with the text, subject, and effect ID
        IMMessage *messageToSend = [[IMMessage alloc] init];
        messageToSend = [messageToSend initWithSender:(nil) time:(nil) text:(message) messageSubject:(subject) fileTransferGUIDs:(nil) flags:(100005) error:(nil) guid:(nil) subject:(nil) balloonBundleID:(nil) payloadData:(nil) expressiveSendStyleID:(effectId)];
// add the thread ID for the reply
        messageToSend.threadIdentifier = threadIdentifier;
// send it
        [chat sendMessage:(messageToSend)];

    if ([data objectForKey:(@"selectedMessageGuid")] != [NSNull null]) {
// get the message being replied to
        [BlueBubblesHelper getMessageItem:(chat) :(data[@"selectedMessageGuid"]) completionBlock:^(IMMessage *message) {
// get the specific IMMessagePartChatItem out of the message
            IMMessageItem *messageItem = (IMMessageItem *)message._imMessageItem;
            NSObject *items = messageItem._newChatItems;
            IMMessagePartChatItem *item;
            // sometimes items is an array so we need to account for that
            if ([items isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
                for(IMMessagePartChatItem* imci in (NSArray *)items) {
                    if([imci._item.guid isEqualToString:(data[@"selectedMessageGuid"])]) {
                        DLog(@"BLUEBUBBLESHELPER: %@", data[@"selectedMessageGuid"]);
                        item = imci;
            } else {
                item = (IMMessagePartChatItem *)items;
            NSString *identifier = @"";
// either reply to an existing thread or create a new thread
            if (message.threadIdentifier != nil) {
                identifier = message.threadIdentifier;
            } else {
                identifier = IMCreateThreadIdentifierForMessagePartChatItem(item);
            createMessage(attributedString, subjectAttributedString, effectId, identifier);

If you got more questions lmk!